Clue #71 - DJDan 7/10 & Rachel Blake Italy Post 05
Rachel Blake: Rachel has updated her blog with another post! It looks like she got hacked, but doesn't know by who yet. She names a few of our faithful family as friends on the front page! Head over and check it out now!
Thanks to Ange, Lyrka, dazzedelf, Julie & John for emailing us first.
I guess I cry foul play,...
On behalf of Hanso, or the players.
Thought you all might want a new place to play since the last thread was becoming burdensome to load....
I've said it before at R's blog and I'll say it again...DJ Dan has a podcast tomorrow, I expect he'll give un some info on her then:)
Ange - I agree...but this does seem very odd, although in Act 1 we went all week with only one or two hacks from P, I guess we all became spoiled wiht a new clue every day...
LOL - Clue is on, plus one, two plus there is one bullet left...
Love that movie...
Carry on...
Thanks, Thrasher.
It was a bit difficult if you haddn't logged in for awhile to figure where you'd ended up last.
well its the weekend - one thing i have noticed that takes away from the "realness" of the game is the lack of activity on the weekends - SAG probably requires time and a half for weekends or something, so - ouila (sic?) ! no rachel posts till monday
We do get to hunt for a DJ Dan podcast on Monday though...well, have a good Sunday, talk with you all on Monday...
Peace & Namaste
Thrasher, I hope it's okay if I repost this...I had just put it at the end of the other enormous thread when this new one went up. If it's bad manners to do that, please delete, thanks.
Good morning everyone! I've been spending some time this a.m. on Maven's awesome timeline. A couple of things occurred to me as I perused...
1. The Spider Memo - we've had a lot of discussion on whether it's referring to the "lost" island. BUT, as I reread it, it refers to "census figures" and "customs inquiries". To me, that implies they are looking for a place with people, not a deserted island.
2. This GWC Partnership - The press release says "...Partner in
World Health, a status granted only to those organizations at the
forefront of the battle to curb the spread of infectious disease." Thomas Werner Mittelwerk (don't you just love the way Rachel almost always uses his full name) just got major medical work done - full blood replacement, all the vaccines and some special proprietary drugs as well.
3. DJ Dan's nanotechnology podcast on June 14 - "lot's of useful applications: medicine, could capture them in an electromagnetic field". Could they spread disease? Or does this have to do with mind control? Or both? Could TWM be inoculated against the effects of nanotechnology?
4. The mysterious antenna - broadcasting mind control? Directing the nano-bots?
5. The Helgus Antonius - loaded with Hanso crates, going who knows where. Is that the ship Mr. Paik was building? They met on June 22 and TWM asked for it to be ready in two weeks. July 6, RB's picture post was 2 weeks.
My tinfoil hat theory of the day....TWM et al are looking for an island where people live that meet certain population demographics, that they can get their ship in to, and has the necessary geography to unleash a new disease. They will then stroll in with their "cure" which is nanobots. Then control everyone's mind through electromagnetism using their antenna. The rest of the world will line up for the vaccine and ultimately THF controls the world. It's a better tomorrow! You read it here first.
Now, I do realize the my conclusion is awfully whacky and yes I threw it out for fun (unless it turns out to be correct! I mean, really, what does a megalomaniac want but WORLD DOMINATION)...
but do the first three observations spark any thinking? I think it's interesting to try and brainstorm some links between some of the evidence we've been given.
Doubt anything will happen today!
I had just posted this on the last thread, when this new one started:
ange: No, that's the only monitor site I know of and check from time to time. Do you know another one? Anyone?
fasten...: Thanks for the kudos on the Timeline. I wish I had something to add lately! I welcome everyone to check it out and make corrections or addition suggestions in the comments. It's YOUR Timeline, not MINE! (
Your theories and speculations, fasten..., will make for some fun discussion today (being so slow lately, we have a lot of time to flesh things out and try to make connections to all we've been given). I think in regards to your comments on the SPIDER memo, that the point made on census, and customs inquiries probably would just mean that they're looking for a more isolated place to do their dirty work...something uninhabited and away from prying eyes. So that ruled out alpha, beta and gamma and they would have to go back to the old island where they know they would have no interference.
I see you had the same thought I had about reposting!
Fastenyourseatbelts said...3. DJ Dan's nanotechnology podcast on June 14 - "lot's of useful applications: medicine, could capture them in an electromagnetic field".
I think you may be on to something with the nanotech (and maybe even nanobot)thing. I know it was mentioned with video of nano-cloaking (?) somewhere in the 700+ comments below (can't remember who posted it...originally I think folks were writing this off as TPTB are having a laugh at all of our ramblings and theories about the monster (from the show). As well as that it came from DJ Dan, who for all intensive purpose, the jury is still out on. But...I am now coming around, after reading other's posts, to the nanotechnology piece being of importance.
Maven, I do take your point on the isolation, especially since THF likes to work in obscure African nations, but I still think they need some amount of people for this "grand plan". Maybe the isolation is needed to control the experiment. But if they're reviewing a census, they're looking for people. And if they're inquiring into customs, then they must expect to encounter customs and they're looking for perhaps lax rules. And if TWM is getting all inoculated, he's got to be expecting to encounter something. Hmmmmm...
And that timeline...did I mention awesome? Giving this vast chaotic info a sense of order is going to be very helpful in tying the info together. IMHO, I think we should be trying to understand the links between the info RB/P has shown us. I think (hope?) the information shared was intended for more than just telling us how awful THF is...they're all hints as to what the ultimate goal is. We just need to connect the dots...notice how RB almost always gives us a recap list of the clues in her videos?
If you guys are interested in reading some interested stuff on nanotechnology, there's a link from littletigerone on the Research Blog. It's under Active Projects after the IGA and LEP sections. Link to the Research Blog on the Main page.
I do think that all these things that have been given us has to tie-in together: nanotechnology leadng to extending life expectancy along with organ harvesting.
Thanks for that Maven...I could not remember who had posted that nanotech. stuff!
Thrasher-I hear ya about the lag in clues. In Act 1, we really did go for days...Act 2 MUCH more in the clue department, but it seems it is feast or famine. I really think that's where the whole ROT thing came from, and why it was so useless. They gave us a clue a day for literally 6 or 7 days, something to do, kept us from complaining and all that, and gave Rachel a break. BUT look how that turned out...a big waste of time, due to the link and the memo being posted for us! I guess beggars can't be choosers and all of that, but I do find it overwhelming that we get a bunch of clues all at once, sometimes several all in one day, and then a huge lull to get us all freaking out. Oh well....I am going outside and taking a break from worrying about Rachel Blake until tomorrow:)
Nano's, hmm, maybe that's why Rose and Locke are healed. The Nano's did it. There is reserch being done in medicine where nano's "repair" the body. Could this be part of the "life extension" department. If your body was always being fixed it would someone be able to die?
fastenyourseatbelts: Thanks again for the nice words on the Timeline. I feel so frustrated not be able to add anything over the last few days!
Yes, it is interesting how R recaps everything. In fact, it sometimes is aggravating...we work so hard to find that video or put together that Protocol Memo, and then she quotes it verbatim on the Blog! What was the point of finding it in the first place?
Well, I'm sticking to my thoughts that the Mittelwerk gang wants isolation away from prying eyes to set up whatever is in those cargo crates. Time will tell.
Dang, forgot about the organ harvesting and life extension. I wonder how that could in to my WORLD DOMINATION theory. (I think world domination should always be in all caps and said with a boomy echoy deep voice).
Maybe they're using the organs to fine tune the nanobots and need to keep replenishing the supply.
Still don't know how Valenzetti fits in to all this either.
Rachel is on her way. She is "On the Highway to Hell" (or Hades)
(remember, "Hell" is not profanity, if it is Capitalized :)
You know, I keep thinking about that video as well. We never even had time to even attempt to find it before RB just laid it in front of us. I'm reaching here, but is it at all possible that the video the ROT was setting us up for was NOT the RB video? I'll have to go back and check, but they really talked it up like it was going to be something amazing. Was RB's video equal to the ROT hype? Could there be another video out there? Please?
Re: the Valenzetti Equations fitting in:
Either THF is trying to find out when the apocalypse will happen and are preparing a place (the island) for it by setting up a shield (see the Research Blog - EM/R Shield) to protect themselves. The nano stuff and life extension would be so they would be able to outlive the end of the world and could restart a Brave New World.
Or...they're trying to stop the apocalypse somehow by trying to set up a giant EMP with all the antennas and using an island that meets their specifications.
Or...they're trying to figure out the VE through the use of the autistic savants (leaving behnd no evidence in a computor), and blackmail the world with their knowledge.
Still not sure whether fake or real but
check this out:
has changed - numbers now, comments still there...
takes us to (The Sidekick)
and Iandak Vercetti = Ian Dakson
Picture of (allegedly) DJ Dan studio, more stuff in Guildford (allegedly at Widmore)
Anyone good with those numbers/codes?
I'm a SAG member. People do tend to be paid more on weekends, however the actress that portrays Rachel will film her scenes during the week and the editor/web designer will put them up. Whenever Rachel posts the actress that plays ehr does not actually post the new entry; rather the editor in charge of that website posts. That person doesn't neccesarily need to be in SAG in order to post the new files. The actress rachel blake must be in a Union however (whether she's a part of SAG or AFTRA or some other union... I don't know which). But just because something is posted on the weekend, it does not mean it was filmed on the day it is posted.
Apparently my word verification wants to know where she is too:
(Rachel Blake, cutie, is in?)
oodles: I agree. I don't know whether that's in-game or not. It is on Lostpedia Clues, though.
Very strange goings on there. At least it's something to talk about!
zerodark, I think rachel decided to board the ship... and she can't post because she has no internet... just wait till we find out the ship landed in san diego and that she'll meet up with some of us next week at comic con....
Hey Maven...would it make sense to include when the ROT clues showed up in the timeline? I'm not sure if that's in the scope of what the timeline is trying to accomplish or even if it would help. Just a thought that popped in to my head.
All these videos where probably filmed weeks ago all at once. Her "posts" are probably put up by some intern. Tapdawg is right. We're led to believe this is happening as it's happening...but, most likely, these were done a while ago when this ARG was being put together. This lull is due to the fact that we're so good at this and they underestimated what we as a community can do, so they could be regrouping and trying to make things a little more involved (they're in re-write).
Unless Rachel took another ship to follow the Helgus Antonius or she was kidnapped and brought along, she did not "hop" on that ship. She took photos of it pulling away from port and then went back to her hotel room to post the pics for us. She seemed very confused about where it was going and she had a lot of questions for us. She wanted to hear from GidgeGirl.
I think they are still using the actress who plays rachel blake... if you remember the casting call for her said she would be used for several weeks/months. They probably film an entire weeks worth of information in a day, but only film it a week or two ahead of schedule.
Thus the delay right now is because of the 4th of July weekend.
Fastenyourseatbelts: Re posting when clues went up on the Timeline -- I made an "executive decision" that I wouldn't post when clues went up there (there are other places like Lostpedia that lists the timeline of clues). I thought the Timeline should reflect the actual world they are trying to create as to when and where things vital to the game too place. Anything or document that had an actual date to it, when and where the people in the game were or are, dates of interviews, podcasts, videos, blog posts that give info as to what is happening when and where.
Hopefully, that explains my thoughts on maintaining the Timeline.
Thanks for the clarification Maven. That makes perfect sense.
the casting call said she would make public appearances.
too add to my comment... damon lindelof and carlton cuse have stated they will be making a statement against the hanso foundation during comic con... sort of a mini press conference. maybe they will bring rachel on stage with them?
but where would she make the appearance? would she be going on tour or something?
side note: pirates made $132 MILLION at the box office this weekend. THATS THE BIGGEST OPENING WEEKEND IN THE HISTORY OF MOVIES!!
getting back to TLE, i doubt rachel would make a deliberate public appearance because
a. a non-gamer might screw it up somehow.
b. she would have to go to every state, and to every country that is participating. she will spend the rest of the game on this one appearance. so it probably wont happen. but theres bound to be something from her tomorrow. if theres not, then its time to panic.
Tapdawg did remind us that the casting call for Amy Jenkins (ala Rachel) is say must be available for public appearances through September. Something is being planned, but I'm sure it will be very controlled and scripted. And probably videod so those of us not there where it occurs can see it.
i was just popping in for a second. i have to go again,
a public rachel appearance on a talk show would be interesting. maybe they'll put her on nightline.
I know I sound like a broken record, but I know of something to search for!!
While revisiting the video research blog I realized something on mandrakewig's myspace blog where he mentions flickr. He capitalized the word VIDEO. I think there COULD be a video somewhere.
If ANYONE is really bored and wants a challenge, that would be a great way to kill time. TRY AND FIND A VIDEO!!
There is a link to mandrake on the video research blog.
Happy hunting!
Team lena
Hey, Lena. Thanks for the info. Where've you been?
hey maven, got your email, just havent written emails back yet.
Still stuck on dial up... :(
Thats another reason for needing video research help! Trying to navigate in cyber world these days WITHOUT DSL is NOT pretty. LOL
I did tell my browser to not load pics and that is helping a little.
Tomorrow is DJDan podcast folks! Thats another area for research! I once again sound like broken record...but i think there is WAY more to the DJDan thing then meets the eye. Well the sound bite RB gave us kinda proves that now. LOL
How long will you be in the dark ages?
Looking forward to tomorrow - DJ Dan,and hopefully will hear something re Rachel.
I wish I knew maven LOL.
Joe is TRYING to finish up some projects to get the money in paypal, but we have no idea how long :(
What to make of the VIDEO reference on mandrakewig...HAS to be SOMETHING.
Well, I never signed up for myspace. And I don't want to! So I can't access any video page he might have. Of course, that would be way too simple.
I hope we get something new soon...
Back to the nano's. Could Middlewerk have maybe cured his cancer with them then had to "flush" them out of his body with the new blood in order to get off the island. If I have the characters wrong/ mixed up it is b/c I am at work and all of my lost research stuff is on my home computer. I sometimes get people confused.
Zerodark: I think you a little confused. I'm talking about a possible Mandrake video. Team Lena pointed out that the word VIDEO was in caps on Mandrake's June 29th post. And she tought there might be a video somewhere. That's on myspace.
How do you get to the main page of the Journal?
Andrew: the cancer cure was done on Peter Thompson. Mittelwerk does have a history of some strange blood ailment in his family (I think his mother died of something). Maybe the transfusion he got is related to that. But could the "proprietary formulation" mentioned by Nurse Sophia might be the vaccine that we've seen on the island that has to be taken every 9 days?
I don't think I've seen this mentioned before... forgive me if it has. Has anyone else stumbled across this website?
There are 13 articles. In two of the articles there is one letter highlighted in red. In the article "Touring Hanso Facilities" under the heading "Who Should Tour" the letter "X" in "excite" is red. In the "Current Sponsors: Q&A" article, third questionm the letter "O" in "over" is red. I haven't found any letters highlighted in red on the sites in languages other than English... yet.
Also at the bottom of the page there is a link in "Copyright by (____)-2006 - All rights reserved." which takes you to another Dharma type logo.
Not sure if it's "in game" or means anything at all.
Ok yea I had a feeling I had mixed up some people in my head. Which person had the blood/ oil change again?
No problem.
andrew: It was Thomas Mittelwerk that had the blood transfusions and injections/vaccinations.
christine: I think everyone is saying the is OOG from what I've gathered. The red letters are interesting though!
Thanks for responding Zerodark.
Sorry for the repeat folks. I fall behind during the week and I guess I'm bound to miss something when catching up on 1000+ comments. :)
Thanks to Maven as well. :)
Thanks. I appriciate the help.
Hey, Christine, you're not too far from me. I'm in Northridge (San Fernando Valley).
It's a beautiful day in Southern California and we're both sitting at our computers waiting for clues. :)
WTF??!! Whats with that bulletin from Speaker anyways???????/
I am now LOST within the new sites like this
and the livejournal site....
Everyone is so bored, Lena. Any tidbit given, people are latching onto it. I couldn't access Javi's webpage. I think it's down now or overloaded.
Where did you find the speaerwiggin thing? Bizarre!
It was a link at bottom of comments of july 8th!! I have been all over that site too. Go check out the friends links at the top too! Oh and the pics!
Speaker put it in his bulletin on is it an OFFICIAL clue spot or what?
I don't know. Too weird. Maybe he put it there because it has the word "speaker" in it?
No, it is Javi. I was refering to the site, he posted that with the title: Dont believe the lies.
I would email him but for one, he is most likely SLAMMED with email, two, he wont give out much on it if its in game anyways.
Oh what the heck, I will email him and ask anyways. He has always been good about answering my email.
Sorry for the confusion. I couldn't access Javi's webpage. Overloaded I guess.
I created a MySpace account. Mandrakewig has not uploaded any VIDEOs. I took a look at his 6/29 blog entry and there are actually three words capitalized...
We did get videos on 6/29... one from the Troup Interview series and the Zander video. Maybe it was a hint. He posted at 11:22AM on 6/29 and Rachel posted the video links at 7:56PM.
When I checked the 6/29 posting times I noticed something at the end of Rachel's post...
01.53 P.S. ROT
Sorry if this has been discussed already... think it means anything?
Christine: Thanks for checking that out. The 6/29 0l.53 P.S. ROT was just keeping us directed to working through the ROT site on those ridiculous word clues and hint hunt game.
It's 103 degrees here already!
Ok, just sent speaker an email.
I pleaded with him to just tell us if this is anything or not, cuz me and joe are stuck on dial up and its hard to explore.
Hope I get to hear from him.
That was a good thought christine! Maybe that is what he meant.
Thanks Lena. I did miss one capitalized word but still seems consistent with what came after his post. There are 4 words capitalized... WELCOME YOUR NEXT VIDEO. I do wonder why he hasn't posted anything in awhile. He's logged in every day.
Maven... it's cooler by the beaches. A marine layer came through and we're now down to 72. Stay cool. :)
Christine: I can never get over the fact of the 30 degree difference between the coast and the valleys. I'm envious of you!
I'm sure everyone has noticed that Rachel Blake has a MySpace page as well. What's up with her age... 64?!
Maven... I know! It's amazing isn't it? Quite often we leave the beach to go inland and find some SUN!
Wanna know whats more odd...
mandrakewig USED to talk to me ALL THE TIME before the blog. Thats why he gave me a shoutout that day.
After, however, when that JWH person befriended me on flickr, I asked mandrake about it, and he said he knew NOTHING about it and now wont respond to me AT ALL!!
He still has me as his second friend on his space, but will not respond to countless attempts to communicate with him.
Its BEYOND weird.
Dante3K said...
Just going over Mandrakes Myspace there are a few odd notes.
He says (on the profile) " I am a friendly and outgoing person who loves people."
But the flickr states (under his picture) "I am a calm and happy person that enjoys spending time alone."
There's also a ton of other strange notes.
WOW! GOOD CATCH! I thought there was something odd about that picture comment of flickr, but never really thought to go back to the other pic on the space!
You should point that out on the video research blog, like in a comment of something!!
Ok, seaker wrote me back:
"It's just Javi having some fun.
At one point he says he will not be giving any clues and holds up a sign that says "SPEAKE IS DAMON" which is a total lie.
LOL thats funny! Well, think that answers that question LOL
Zerodark... You don't that I'm aware of. I wasn't able to view Mandrake's photos or videos (actually lack of videos) without signing up for an account though.
Yeah, I can view profiles, and blog posts, but not pics and videos. I did see Mandrake's pics through the flickr link from a long time ago.
Well, if you ever wanted to be able to see all of the myspace stuff you could do what matt the pale did and just start a simple account there to be able to navigate in myspace. You dont HAVE to do anything with it.
He even went as far as to say that on his space! LOL
That's what I did Lena. I did answer a few of the profile questions but I don't plan on using the account for anything. I prefer Blogger. I'm sure most people do this... I have a special AOL address I use whenever I have to "register" somewhere. They can send all the spam they want, I never check the mailbox. LOL
Hey there all. I've been so TLE-withdrawn this weekend I put together The Ultimate DJDan Podcast
Btw, here's a thought. Lost exists in the game world, we know because Hugh mentioned it being fiction but using real life references. Obviously the producers know something and we all immediately thought about the Lost island when they mentioned the Spider Protocol. So why hasn't Rachel or DJDan even referenced the show?
Oh yeah I figured out why Rachel hasn't left Italy yet. She's enjoying the atmosphere of them winning the world cup. I had £13 on them winning too so woot!
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Speaker just posted a new thread putting a disclaimer on that number/math sequence thingy.
fenris: Awesome job! Enjoyed that.
Support Rachel!
Tell her how much you enjoy her work!
Thanks Maven. Was actually very hard getting the material to fit in there and I have loads left over (a few podcasts I didn't use) so may do another if we get another slow weekend. Those podcasts are gold. :)
A lot of MySpacers (myself included) have our profiles set on "private" so that only people that I designate as friends can see my profile.
Of course, if the account is IN-GAME, then I'm certain it will be available to everyone.
Songbird61 <--She's been kidnapped! I think she's on the Helgus Antonius (Holy Flower/San Remo, take your pick).
Rachel come back!
Tell Jamis Silberhatz, the actress who plays Rachel Blake how much you enjoy her work!
Soccer is lame.
Outplayed the whole game, then win on penalty kicks.
I'm done with that sport.
Has anyone noticed the change to the "Podcast Archives" section of the DJ Dan site? Some of the images at the bottom (you know, the pyramid, the tower, those ones) have become clickable links to sublymonal. They are the map-looking thing, the explosion, the "beast", the ufo and the astronauts. Also, when you move your mouse over the bottom row of pics, little red lines connect them together. So I figured the file names+the lines="det_beast_ufo01_moon".This doesn't seem to work anywhere though. I put it in the submit box and after "" in the address bar, but no luck. Thoughts?
for those of you who don't want to create a myspace account, but want to view more than just the "surface" of the profiles, go here:
it will give you some logins you can use for myspace. hope this helps.
Could it be that there are nanites in the vaccinations against the "disease"? So the people whose brains will be used for the calculations are tricked into injecting nanites into their bloodstream, so they can go to their brains and set up the mental link?
Hmmm. Perhaps most people on the island got injected somehow, maybe in their sleep or something, or on the plane before they landed? Hence them surviving? The nanites repaired their ills and linked them telepathically which is why they hear the whispers. The Monster itself could be a swarm of nanites. Their could be nanites in the suplies too. Perhaps all the time in their heads the Losties are working on the V-Equation and don't know it.
The answer is of course, 42. But what is the question? Douglas Adams legacy lives on.
Anyone think this Garthazoid on Rachels blog is genuine and In Game?
no problem, zerodark... is awesome! i use it all the time - especially for newspaper websites. i used it for myspace and then finally submitted and created an
Damn! Well I suppose the nanoswarm was probably a bit too obvious for those guys. I guess once you get on a nano train of thought suddenly everything can be nanites. But the injections do seem to make the most sense of the lot.
The pre-crash injection theory is also a good technical explenation for the whispers and seeing people not there. (and if that is true it does also suggest that both Dave and Jacks dad are on the island with nanites and part of the system).
Lol, apparently someone on Speakers blog sent my DJDan track to Javi. Hope he likes it. :)
Rachel come back!
Tell Jamis Silberhatz, the actress who plays Rachel Blake how much you enjoy her work!
LOVED the DJDan podcast. I will remember you for a LONG time for this. PLEASE do more if it is not too much bother.
Thanks, thanks and thanks again.
Thanks Wiz! Depending on what else is happening I may well put another together next weekend. :)
I hope "Jamie's Got A Gun"
I shamefully have to admit to having sought out Sprite to drink. I wonder if it contains Nanites?
Zerodark, where did he post it on myspace? I had a look at the Speaker815 account but it doesn't seem to be there (although there is a cool acappella polka thing). I really need to get used to MySpace more, and like set up my own music account so I can upload stuff. At the moment I just have a standard account and I've hardly done anything with it. It's slack I know!
Ah yeah! I'm such a newbie to MySpace it's sad. Okay I had to find where you see the bulletins. I need to log in more often I didn't realise he sends them out regularly like.
teh is just fast type speak for the, it get's typed so much by accident people started doing it deliberetly a fair while ago. I don't know about "win" though. But I like it!
I'm so chuffed now I'm probably not going to be able to sleep, and then miss the day at work and loose my job. But hey, who cares. Definetly going to have to do more of these.
hey all.
Just been checking aout a few things and came across this which was referenced on the lost ninjas blog.
It is basically saying that officially the Lost series will probably go for 4 or even 5 seasons and they want to do a film to top it all off. Nice. (sorry if you all knew this).
I wonder what this will mean for the ARG. Will there be an ARG to go between all of the series? Anyone have any ideas?
While I will be really sad to see it all end, I would be sadder to see it go on for longer then makes sense. All good stories need an end (even the never ending story did, I gather that sparked a few law suits). My favorite all time comic book series The Sandman is a great example of a series knowing when it is time. I was gutted when it ended but I knew it was right. But yes, sadly 4-5 seasons and film will be about right for Lost, and more then that it could end up another X-Files.
The good news is that we're not even half way through it yet, so that is cool. They seem pretty open minded on this expanded media theory so I would expect to see more books and ARGs expanding on the background story, maybe even a game (but not set on the island or anything) and potentially one or more related mini-series. I could see a Hanso Foundation spin off working as long as they understand it'd be a B-Show from the start and not axe it as soon as it doesn't get Lost ratings levels (and ABC would have to understand from the start the likelyhood of any kind of cross over would be minimal).
On a sidenote, I'm about halfway through Bad Twin now and although it seems to have little in the way of direct references to either ARG or the series, I am really enjoying it. I don't know who the ghost writter is but they have really got the Chandler style down quite well. I was doubtful when I read it was meant to be in that style (I love the Marlowe stories), but it's worked out quite well. It even made me put down "The Big Nowhere" to get through it (I was a few chapters in when Bad Twin turned up).
Hi, Wizardry! A LOST movie sounds great! They would have to integrate the ARG with LOST by then -- it would definitely flesh out the full story between the two and make for a complete movie. They keep telling us that the ARG is only for the summer. Maybe after they see all the people involved in this thing, they will keep it going.
Ferris... that WAS awesome! I really enjoyed it. Great job! I wish I was that creative. :)
Hey, Fenris: Basking in all your glory!
word verification: fishy!
Anyway, I'm off to bed, finally. Got a long hot day tommorow so have to try and sleep. Fingers crossed we get news from Rach tommorow.
There's now a Penny Widmore blog! "She" just posted on Rachel's Blog. Will it never end...... is a fake. has benn saying "it's far from over" in the page source for a long time.
hey everyone. just got back from seeing superman a 2nd time.
still assuming theres no clue?
Assumption correct, sean!
I don't see what you guys are talking about on the DJ Dan site. Everything seems "normal" to me. The antenna used to be the conspiraspies clue and the wave picture on the end linked to sublymonal and the BigD p/w for a podcast. What else is different?
thanks lostinlost. ill check it out in a minute.
its probably how you find the next podcast.
lostinlost: Thanks for link and info. However, I have already checked that out and there's nothing new for me. It's as I described in my previous post (9:31). There's even the same banner up (to type in anything that becomes "pyramid" that was used in the last podcast).
I suspect foul play, as much as I hate to admit it. Although, ange and thrasher have a fair point - maybe we have been spoiled with hacks every day lately.
That said, Rachel was definitely making a point of updating her blog every day... And where has 'GidgetGirl' gone? I must admit, I've been suspicious of them from the start...
hi megs.
i saw it with a few friends. it actually was better the second time. you should see it again while you're away.
well, i guess theres really not much to see. ive been on and off all day. mostly lurking. (jeez, i was "LURKING." it sounds like im doing something evil.)
i dont know if ill get the chance to see pirates again. id like to. i enjoyed it the first time. but i always like seeing movies twice. but i doubt it. it will be a busy week, and as i told you, this friday, i am also leaving for a week.
well megs, my flight is friday morning. so i also have to cut into extra work. oh well.
maybe we should go on aim.
I'm not sure where I sit on whether the game's script is set in stone or whether they are being flexible with it, whether this hiatus was planned or they've just decided to pull it on us now. Either way it could just be a way of shaking things up for us so we don't get too comfortable with the rhythm of the busy week and slow weekend. I just can't wait till the ball starts rolling again and we can make a bit more sense of it... hopefully.
I suspect Rachel's clue recaps are a way to help the casual players along.
I had a thought last night that if SPIDER is an acronym the end could be "Dharma Electromagnetic Research". I also got silly and thought the SP could be "Secret Project"... hmm, just thought the "E" could be for "Equation"?
Penny Widmore is a SPOILER for Australia and the UK
Lena, that's interesting about Manny ditching you after JWH... could just be the ROT peeps having fun... could mean something. Hopefully I'll get a chance to go video hunting later. Hope you're off dialup real soon too :-)
Sorry about the SPOILER, Lavenda. Wasn't thinking.
aarrggh, I knew we wouldn't get any clues this weekend, but it still sucks. What sucks even more is that I will be in a deposition all day tomorrow. I will bring my laptop thought and hope they have a wiFi, so I can keep up with the DJ Dan podcasts and any new clues tomorrow, but I will be relying on you guys (as usual) to get the transcripts up
gotta get ready for work "see" ya'll later
maven, it's ok... I'm thoroughly spoiled (downloaded all the eps)... just someone asked who she was and I suspect they didn't know because they're in the UK or Aus. It's hard to constantly remember what could be a spoiler
Thanks, Lavenda. I felt terrible about that (although you're the first to mention it). This was all on Rachel's blog today. OMG, it's been so slow and boring, wanabes are coming out of the woodwork and creating blogs. Did you see the Landak one? The "Hanso is Watching You" Blog.
Well, it's been a looooong, slooooow day! I'm gonna get out of here and dream of many clues to come! See you all tomorrow!
yep, long slow day... I've spent most of it doing housework...
Soo... it's now Monday 7:30 am here in Toronto. Anyone find any clues for the DJ Dan podcast? :D
I'm going to see if I can find anything on the ROT message board..
Where else should/could we look?
Pff, it's allready 14.30 PM here and there is still no podcast... I hope the DJ Dan podcast will air soon....
And allmost even more than that, let there be some activity on Rachels Blog (by either Rachel or Gidgetgirl)!! It's getting really frustrating now...
could be, but then what can we do about it?
i think they're two people......sort of.
I still think they are "dipping" into the genetic elixirs a bit over at hanso.
I think ONE of the two (Rachel or Persephone) is a "bad twin".
well, it's ONE of my theories, anyway.
but aside from this, THROW US A BONE ALREADY!!!!
I have a question.
Isn't there only ONE type of platypus?
If so, then why is it necessary for people to always say, "duck-billed platypus"??? I mean, is there an eagle-billed platypus out there somewhere??
kinda' unnecessary if you ask me. it's sorta' understood that they have duck's bill, so-to-speak.
Ya know how TPTB are slightly less concerned with continuity than we are? Wouldn't it be hilarious if we get a new video today....
Rachel Blake
Post 2 San Remo
The screen opens on a tall thin woman with short spiky blond hair...
"um yeah. Hi. Rachel here. Still in San Remo. Still missing my mom..."
Maybe he's referring to the old saying...if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it's gotta be a duck.
Except she's a platypus.
Morning Losties!!
Ah, I see we still have absolutley nothing!!!
Rach: HA!! exactly!! So, I'm NOT the only one! hahahaha.
yeah, who ISN'T BORED?
Monday morning and this has gotten re-freaking-diculous!
If this sry spell doesn't end soon I am going to have to get and actual life. How sad would that be?
the "duckbilled" part of the platypus comes from when it was first discovered and thought to be a hoax... they thought someone had sewn together bits of various animals, a ducks bill being one. But it's like a lot of things, they have a few names and often they're misleading... koala's are NOT bears... echidna's are also called "spiney anteaters"... "kangaroo" even has an amusing history to it...
word verificiation: uqugk
What is the link to the site that updates as lost sites update?
Did that question make any sense?
but it doesn't update accurately somedays.
still no clues? im sure there will be clues later, but theres usually clues by now. and it will suck for me if the clues come in later because i will be completely tied up.
man, nyc is in chaos. there was an explosion and a building collapse not too far from where i am.
Thanks big deal I have been called far worse on purpose before!!
This stinks!!! We need a clue or something to do today....
That sucks for NYC...
i can understand no clues on the weekend. i can even slightly understand no clues on friday. but if there are no clues today...i dont know what to think.
thanks thrash.
I am reading up on it, it appears to be an accident, a fire that overtook a that accurate Sean?
im not sure. from what i hear, it was a gas leak.
Just got up hoping there would be some news for TLE...unfortunately saw the NY building story. Sorry to see that. They're saying it's not terrorism, though. How close are you, sean?
about 5 or 6 blocks.
Not a lot has been reported on the NYC Building Collapse check out this link for the best I could find on it...
is crossfade up yet?
ugh. i have to go again. busy busy. ill see everyone later. hopefully by then, we'll have a new clue.
Compass site we go????
clue 53 fitz, yep they blinked
Yep, it has been there for a little while now...
username owelles update @ compass...DJ Dan podcast 7/10
crossfade: just emailed my post stuff to the TLER gmail account. Do you have access to that?
Not seeing the update? Is it in the source?
i'll have to wait for a transcript of dj dan. no speakers at work! grr!!
Direct link to DJ Dan:
You mean DJ Dan or a different clue?
Why is it dated as being last modified on June 10th? More errors!!
Worst Russian accent EVAH!
"Where's Alvar?" ended with an ad from Jeep. Do we need to look for the next clue there? The only sighting of Alvar Dan thought valid was on an unpopulated road ...
Songbird61 <--letting my compass guide me over to
Just listened to the podcast. Somewhat disappointing after this long lull. Big question on the podcast Where's Alvar? Takes caller's "sightings". We'll have to see if there's a pattern there. Santa Rosa Hospital is mentioned (took a call from someone in San Fernando Valley -- that's where I am! Do I get to go to Santa Rosa Hospital and check it out? Yeah!)
front page updated...just FYI
Thrasher - The last updated folders are never right. I think it's intentional.
christy-Direct link /\ above to DJ Dan podcast...sorry I wasn't specific:)
that's ok ange - i just wanted to make sure i wasn't missing something.
Yeah - i figured there was a reason for referencing his poor memory. it seems odd.
David - You beat me to it!!
Here is DJ Dan Podcast in the comments for those too lazt to go to Main Page
I need the transscript, no speakers at work, other than ABC's Speaker of course!
The ROT gang has been very silent these past few days...hmmmm...
"Sit on a Monkey" site has added new pictures. Not certain if any of them means anything, but since we're clutching at straws ....
Songbird61 <--tired of monkeying around. ;)
just here for a minute
when is the next djdan podcast? will there be a next djdan podcast?
At the end of the podcast it says, "Tune in 2 weeks from now...."
o yeah. thanks ange.
That was pretty much a letdown. A lot of references to the show. Didn't Rose go to that faith healer at Ayers Rock in Australia? Didn't Desmond run into Jack at that stadium running up and down the stairs? Of course there's the Ocean Air VIP Lounge. Hurley (and Libby) were at Santa Rosa Hospital Hurley worked at Mr. Clucks.
it doesnt seem tptb are putting much effort into this anymore.
leaving again.
pharm-good point...I though about that too. Does he usually sign off saying until next week?
You know how after Rachel's last post we/other people started posting in her comments, and asking all of these questions that she's left hanging, or loopholes in the story? Maybe the lull in her posts is due to the Lost Experience writers/coordinators running around trying to come up with something?
Or she's been kidnapped.. or we're just really impatient. But funny how GidgetGirl hasn't been around either!
What does everyone think of that Penny Widmore blog? In game?
The DJ Dan podcast was interesting because of all of the references to things we've seen on Lost but I've never felt like we get much information from them. I'm still wondering about the dates on these podcasts as well.
At this point I think I will be pissed off if Rachel ISN'T kidnapped.
C'mon clues ... big money ... no whammies ...
"but luckily this post is full of irrelevant banter" ... Man! that hurts. LOL
christine-Not sure what to think of that blog. There was some discussion last night on it. Since season two hasn't wrapped up in many places yet, I would think it's a little early to have a blog from a character that hasn't been introduced to the series for some.
Anyone have DJ Dan Transcribed yet?
Working on it..
I was thinking the same thing Ange. It could be considered a spoiler of sorts for those who haven't seen the finale. Oh well, I'll check it again around 1PM my time anyway, she does indicate she'll update today around 4PM ET. When does season two wrap up outside of the U.S.?
Even DJ Dan said himself this was pretty fruitless! Not another podcast for TWO WEEKS? And he did end it with: Tune in again for another edition of "Where's WALT?"
Marcusallancooper; I think they're referring to a new blog that popped up on Rachel's blog. It would be a spoiler for the UK and AU people to talk about without SPOILER WARNING. I believe it is a fake one...they're coming out of the woodwork now...
sitting in deposition so can't listen to podcasts - have to rely on ya'll to transcribe it.
Haven't had time to think this through but couldn't Dan be saying that the people we've seen in those places are Alvar Hanso? Or at least have Hanso's DNA? Need to think about this some more.
Marcus -- Maven is correct. I'm referring to a new blog that was mentioned / started yesterday. It probably is a fake.
Settern - yeah it's long - I'm about half way through. Up to Lindsey from NYC. Trying to transcribe and work at the same time.
DJ Dan just says that Rachel is hitting a lot of dead ends, circulating around the fact that she can't locate the man with all the answers, Alvar Hanso.
He says that he's got a huge cardboard cut out of Hanso behind him from the Narvik photo..
A caller says he swore he saw him at a diner yesterday in Des Moines, unpopulated area.
Every other caller was shutdown hehe.
Very uneventful!
DJDan shutdown everybody but one - the guy (Dan or Des?) from Desmoines who said the thought he'd seen AH at a diner "near here". DJDan asks "populated or unpopulated road?", the guy answers "unpopulated road" and DJDan asks Tania to take down that info.
Any significance?
Oops, Settern's already got everything transcribed!
Okay... so the Hanso blog is definitely not in-game right??
This one:
Fruitless indeed!!!
Settern got pt 2 _ I've got the 1st part then -
Dan: Get your dialing fingers ready Conspiraspies. It’s time for the first installment of our brand new spanking series – Where’s Alvar?! Now if you’ve been following our dream girl whistle-blowing investigative whippersnapper Rachel Blake, who may or may not be the hacker Persephone, who in true conspiraspy fashion literally shut down the Hanso foundation website, then you know she’s having a little bit of a problem. See she’s hitting a lot of dead ends, most of them circulating around the fact that she can’t seem to locate the man with all the answeres, the ring leader himself Alva Hanso. Tonya, ah, where do you think Alvar Hanso is?
Tonya: Ah, standing behind you?
Dan What?! Whoa?! (laughs) Right almost gave me a heartattack Tonya, because, I got one of those actual size cardboard cutout of Hanso standing right back there in the corner. Printed it from that Narvack(?) photo, and Tonya knows I have a bad memory. Anyway, back to topic. I wanted to help Rachel find Hanso. SO I thought to myself, self, you’ve got a world wide network of eager conspiaspies and most of them have two very curious eyes. So I’ve decide to put those eyeballs to use conspiraspies. Have you seen Alvar Hanso? Have you had a run in with the man himself? Then give us a call. First caller, Brad from Mitcheyana(sp).
Brad: Ah, Mischanna.
Dan: Yeah, whatever. Where the hell is Mischianna?
Brad: Southwest Michigan, Northwest Indiana, we’re sparsly populated –
Dan: I can see why. Bradly, where’s Alvar?
Brad: Well, I’m pretty sure I saw him at a Mr. Cluck’s and he was eating a family bucket all by himself.
Dan: Breasts or legs and thighs?
Brad: Ah, I think it was legs and thighs.
Dan: SHUTDOWN! Millionaries do not eat legs and thighs. It’s a fact look it up. Andrew from the San Fernando Valley/ Like totally Andrew, where’s Alvar?
Andrew: Dan I was visiting a friend in the Santa Rosa hospital for the mentally ill and I could swear I saw a guy that looked just like Hanso talking with the doctors.
Dan: Intriguing, we know these guys are into the mentally ill. When was this Andrew?
Andrew: Two months ago.
Dan: Two months, SHUTDOWN! Useful information only people, come on, come on. Lindsey from NYC. Your on baby
Lindsey: Hey Dan, I was doing a photo shoot at a soccer stadium in LA and I swear Hanso was running a tour di stair(?).
Dan: And what in the holy-heck is the tour di stair(?) Lindsey?
Lindsey: When you run up and down on the stairs of the stadium.
Dan: SHUTDOWN! Recent estimates put Hanso somewhere near a 112 years old. I don’t care what kinda life extension drug they’re pumping into the old boy, Hey I couldn’t run a tour di stair when I was 20, okay.
ambersumiko: With this long lull between clues, everyone wants a piece of the spotlight. These blogs are coming out of the woodwork everywhere.
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