Mandrake Wig sent out a message to some friends giving a heads up that there would be some new chatter over at
Retrievers of Truth today and sure enough there is. Head on over and log in with the usual "
polar bear" and you'll see the newest conversation directing us to find a video on
Broadband Stories. It isn't at all hard to find and it gives us
more of Mittlewerk. This guy's popping up everywhere!
Transcript of the video provided in the comments by Maven for those of you who can't access it!
EDIT: Apparently, "
polar bear" no longer works as a password for the Newsletter box on the
Retrievers of Truth page. For now, "
E72CDBF5-94FA-465C-BE5D-0138AE32E38BANDNOITDONTMEANNOTHIN" is a working password. Before you type in the password, go ahead and enter your email to receive Wally's latest ramblings via email (which may contain other clues).
Thanks to Ange, Omniscient and Sweetscrapper for being the first to email!
i second that!
crap, i wasn't second
Do you think there's anything to the title of the ROT thread: How'd you like a greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray? - 07/14/06
mittelwerk= tommy lee jones / brett michaels hybrid!
ange: i think the rot guys were just essentially telling beatnik to kiss off.
no sammiches, just a pie
A Cuban sandwich is made of pork and the ashtray could be a cigar ashtray.......just a thought
OMG-greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray is a quote from Weird Science...I knew I'd heard that before:)
Mittelwerk looking younger or just better makeup?
Mittelwerk in a white lab coat: Business lives and dies on communication and when your business is extending life and improving health, advancing technology to mend an injured planet, communication can literally mean the differemce between life and death.
As President and Chief Technologsit of The Hanso Foundation, it is my job to make sure that the beneficial work of this multi-lingual, multi-national, multi-discipline organization reaches every one of the good people we are trying to help. THF isn't just about the cutting edge of science, it's about bringing people together, from prize-winning scientists to villagers in the developing world under the banner of "better living through innovation."
Without broadband we would be completely in the dark. Our ability to communicate relies on real-time video conferencing, uploading and downloading vast quantities of information and the lightening fast transmission of email around the world and back. A lot of people think the medical, education, scientific advancements made by THF are a godsend. And they are right, but, if you ask me, it is the godsend of broadband that truly allows us to reach out for a better tomorrow and do what we must.
ange: nice! will chet be the brains behind this whole operation?
I couldn't be in the top ten because I was working on the transcript. NO FAIR!
Quick ange rent the move and look for clues
11:01am What in the world will happen now? Think he gave out the password and codes to the ROT?
11:05am No way. He wouldn't...
11:10am I have a bad feeling about this.
^^^^ This makes me VERY excited!!
LOL andrew! Here is a link to the quote form the movie:
Weird Science...isn't that what's going on at Hanso!
ange thats too funny
Now what do we do?? We have all weekend...
does anyone else think "it is the godsend of broadband that truly allows us to reach out for a better tomorrow and do what we must" sounds like he realizes thf is not looked upon favorably but is moving forward for the good of humanity (in his twisted, rat-tailed head).
but bigger Kudos for doing the transcript Maven - being in the top ten is just luck of timing.
Okay, I am mad!!! My PC is going bonkers and I am done work and won't be able to check back until later tonight!!! Anyway, cool video, only had video, no speakers!!! Talk to you all soon!!!
Peace & Namaste!
I thought so too MTP
I love how the sidebar of the BB story tell us to visit the hanso foundation, yet the site is still down. Way to be on the cutting edge of communication.
Yep, Lostluvr. Just did it for TLE, never had any inclination to get on myspace before. Now also use AIM again and have not used that in years - just for TLE
LOL potter!
anyone else think christopher walken would have made a great mittelwerk? come on abc, spend the bucks!
Thanks, noblelawyer. I even remembered some shorthand skills from way in my past!
THF is still done. Maybe that Verizon link will work shortly?
There's also a video from DJ Dan on Broadband stories.....Didn't see anyone else mention this?
Another line from Mittlewerks video "uploading and downloading vast quantities of information". I feel another "hmmm" comming on.
Wow, I kept refeshing and still had 50 posts here before I even got to look at the comments. This place is fast and hectic these days!
lostluvr29 and noblelawyer: LOL. I've never done any of this stuff before. I've never had a blogger account. I got flickr because I can see some future use for that. I'm relying on all of you re the myspace stuff and AIM, though. I refuse to get into that.
Scout - that's been there a while. But odd to have it there still while Mittlewerk is there.
I bought a new state of the art laptop to play TLE!
Oh, sorry. Didn't see any mention of it.
Wherever Mittelwerk goes death and destruction follows. I'm cutting a wide path around him!
amlocke, to be more optimistic.
DJ Dan - actively searching for Alvar Hanso, hence the 2 week wait according to the podcast
GG/Darla - Hiding out. Maybe she was set up, like Rachel but her and Hugh got wise and turn the tables on their would be assasins. Having not seen the news article (strange news that appears only on Rachels laptop, hmmmm) we don't know how the bodies were identified.
Hugh - See above
Rachel Blake - Perhaps it was Hugh at her door, to save her from beeing knocked off.
ROT - Well, they are a paranoid lot. Maybe they are just continuing that trend.
Never give up persephone....
nite all- going out for a drink!
Ok, I have played all of them and it's not there. Did they take it down already or am I missing something?
My guess? It's Peter Thompson at the door. He's been balking at Mittelwerk's plans and when he saw that Hugh had been killed, he couldn't be on the Hanso side anymore. Never underestimate the power of SURVIVOR GUILT.
Another thought...there's still a hacker getting stuff out of THF-who gave us the Spider memo?
trevdiddy: Plus he's President. He's definitely in charge now.
My gut reaction is that the guy at the door sounded threatening to me. Probably Mr. Fixit out to seek his revenge on the Iron Lady!
amlocke - Argumentative is fine (as long as we don't start calling each other names and throwing dung at each other). I was only making a counter-point post to yours to achieve a kinda balance. I'm not convinced by my own argument it's just a possibility. I actually do that to myself sometimes on these forums. Just try and consider the different sides.
But where I do definetly aggree is that a big twist was needed to make things really interesting.
Thanks, noiq. Didn't remember that. However, everything we've seen recently definitely sends off the vibes that this guy is in charge and a force to be reckoned with. By being more the public face of THF, he is asserting his power now.
Kinetic - another chat room? I'm already in two (#lostexp and #lostclueteam) and I can see tumbleweed rolling in both (and one has like 33 people in). If there are actually people talking there, I'm up for it though. :)
To counter myself - if it was Hugh at the door, who was ringing the phone? I suppose it could have been Gidget. Nothing worse then someone knocking at your door while the phone is ringing and someone is shooting at you. I mean, I'd be shouting at the phone "Hang on! I'm being shot at damn it!". Synchronicity, gotta love it (or is it Murphys law in this case).
linklane, that is a good damn call! Nice one. At the least perhaps Beatnik has joined DJDan on his quest to find Hanso. Perhaps the next podcast will be from Europe.
Linklane - yeah I know. It's what I plan to do if they come after me though ;)
Okay, so if your idea is right then the HansoGoons are being clever for once. That is shocking, but it does make it all suddenly a lot more sinister. I can entertain that though, an execution. Maybe her last act was to email that link.
Very sinister. A video from a dead girl.
Hey all! Darn it! STUPID DIAL UP...
Gotta play catch up now...
I see some chatter about DJDan in here so far. Remember if ANYONE wants to take part in the DJDan research, just email me, and I will put you in! :)
Was Beatnik ever on aim?
Look for the ROTsters on AIM...
I don;t have that at work...
WV = yezzs
BTW...I got a VERY WEIRD myspace message today from
It said:
SHADE is coming. Whose side are you on?
Does anyone know ANYTHING about this myspacer? He doesnt allow new friend request without knowing security questions. He has Speaker, Mandrakewig, and Ninja in his friends BUT NOT ON THE TOP 8.
Just plum weird!
Lena: SHADE is a campaign that the numbers forum is working on to bombard ABC with email and maybe demonstrations at affiliates re the ARG. You can read about it over there.
shout out to lena
Lena- SHADE is an effort that one of the other blog sites is staging- they are going to protest Hanso at ComicCon. Or something like that.
Aw, she ain't dead. Too many unanswered who the heck were Mom and Dad? And why was she on the quest? She may go underground for a while (maybe this is where Casablanca ties in...the French Resistance Underground) but this whole thing will end with a final video of her waving to the camera, sipping a pina colada, happy at last.
lena shoot to the chat room
Thank you maven and everyone!! I was in the dark about that STUPID DIAL UP! LOL I am now and forever going to blame EVERYTHING on STUPID DIAL UP.
Ok, Andrew, be there is just a sec!
Oh, I like that theory Idaho Girl. Kind of like Terminator 2, when Ah-nuld comes out of the elevator and scares the crap out of Sarah..."Come with me if you want to live"
Or, princechuck's theory is pretty good too.
where is the "hole of humanity"?
noiq- maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but RB's travel log/Paris entry was there at least an hour before the hidden video surfaced.
Idaho girl- I agree with you re: Mandrake Wig posting that something big would happen on ROT would he know unless he were on the Hanso side or unless this is just something we are supposed to overlook.
omg people, is Rachel ok? I mean, how could she post her video on the internet if she was dead?
Pillow Pants!
Wow, I must admit, because of this blog, I decided to join blogspot. I've been following this blog ever since clue #13!!! Great job guys... you amaze me everytime!
so melodrama is the one who posted the video... Rachel I thought that was Mittleweks voice at you door!!! oh no :(
Thanks noiq- I figured I missed something and misunderstood. I wasn't clear on the whole Mel0drama tie in and timing.
Perhaps it was Bole at the door...."Open this door! I brought you a pie!"
so guys, are we at a dead end now? No new clues in the videos we got, Rachel is "gone" who is going to help us now? Where do we go from here?
I suspect Rachel is alive. Someone was at her door though, it was either a rescuer (in which case I would expect another post) or someone trying to capture her (they didn't seem to want to kill her, perhaps the shooting was to stop her trying to escape through the window). I can't see rachel getting out of there (least not believably), so someone rescued her or someone captured her. Either way I think we will see her again. But if she is captured maybe not for a while.
Mind you according to Matt the Pale we are at the halfway point (or just past it anyway), perfect time to change protagonists.
I don't get it.
Why/how was Rachel able to send the video, instructions (un/pw) and blog login details to mel0drama AFTER the shooting incident, but could not send it to the blog herself?
If someone else had obtained the video from Rachel, how could they have known her login details for the blog? And what would be the point as it all points the finger at THF anyway.
The timeline does not match either:
4:08 PM Mel0Drama said...
Rachel? Are you there? I was sent a video of you from an email account I don't recognize. The video is disturbing. I'm afraid for you. Did you send it to me?
5:56 PM Mel0Drama said...
Rachel, I'm taking your silence as a call for help. I know you wanted to make sure these videos are secure, but I think people need to see this video. I'm putting it where a lot of people can find it. I only hope you're not... no, I have to stop with the bad thoughts!
listen, look and watch
6:06 PM Mel0Drama said...
Okay. I've calmed down... one last try. I've set up the username/pass as the email directed me to. If it was really you who sent it, Rachel, post them to your blog. If I don't hear from you in one hour, I'll have to take matters into my own hands. I hope I'm not playing into their hands.
Gosh. Worried again.
@ 6:01 PM Rachel or someone with access to her blog
posted the milkcartonman & pic from video with bullet hole (?) in it (in a digital image???)
5:13 PM Paris, France update on Holiday front page
Something stinks.
If Gidgetgirl = Darla = dead
Killed before she could deliver 'the package'; in car with McIntyre so perhaps McIntyre = package (as someone said earlier); that'd be a way for Rachel to recognise her.
Killed on the way to the meeting? If that is so, how did the killers know about meet location and approach road? Could they have monitored the communications?
If Gidgetgirl NOT = Darla, and Rachel was lured into trap, where were McIntyre and Darla going? If they were on the way to the meet location, then they must have equally been fooled by the GG imposter.
I assume the (non-)meeting and the accident happened on Thursday afternoonish. The video was produced in Rachel's lodgings during daytime hours. Must have been some hours after the accident as the police/media normally have an embargo on such info until next of kin have been informed. Still Thursday or did she make the video today?
I find the theory that it wasn't her who was shot at but the guy outside the door quite plausible. Had someone followed her from the meet location then they surely took their time to attack (video production time). The knock on the door comes within a second of the shots being fired, as does the ringing (phone? alarm? don't know what French phones sound like). So who is at the door? Even though it does not make much sense: I think he sounds like Mittelwerk.
we still havent seen the email gg sent her...
maybe rachel sent Melodrama the email while she was hiding under the bed...
Hm, now does Mittlewerk seem less evilto you now? He does to me, thislast video especially seems to make him more human. He's not the creepy evil eastern european scientist I thought he was. There seems to be compassion in him now that seems genuine.
This kinda happened to me too when I was watching the Lost Finale and Fenry says he is the good guys. You get the feeling he believes it. Anyhow, I'm feeling like maybe Mittlewerk wants to help Rachel. He seems to be be saying that they want to reach the people who need help. And Rachel sure needs some help right now. It could have been him at the motel door. Maybe Rachey and Mittlewerk are related.
I'm all over the place, but these are my reactions. :)
We learn four things today: Darla is dead(and she was realy gidgetgirl), Persephone aka RBlake get caught by someone (dead? don't know) and Broadbandbeatinik is on the otherside.
Where this will lead us?
Maven, andrew, lavenda, and kentic...are you all there?
I am so LOST!!!!
sory four: Mittlewerk is the President of The Hanso Foundation, and is making a massive campaing.
howard, I've been wondering about the intonation myself from the start. It could be "Gidgetgirl, Darla was a good person" (addressed at GG) or "Gidgetgirl - Darla - was a good person" (now that she's dead Rachel can tell us who she was). I tend to lean to the latter interpretation. However, the same happens at the start: Darla, Im sorry .... (clearly addressed at Darla postmortem). If it was a trap, meeting Gidgetgirl here in Paris, I wanted it on camera. Did she switch addressees between those two sentences? The camera angle did change alright.
Good Night to everybody!
Was in chat with them and got a call and got booted...STUPID DIAL UP...
SO, I logged in and the chat window is messed up...cant get it to work.
Lena: Let me help you find your way...
Lena, you KNOW I'm not a technical person. Sorry!
well either way, we have no new leads, so now we have to WAIT to hear more. Let's hope its not as long as a stretch as the one that just ended.
so Do you think Mittlewerk filmed those videos before he got on that ship or what?
Christine#2: I think we do have a lot to talk about until the next clue. I know, Mittelwerk all of a sudden seems to be everywhere! He's on TV in the U.S., on the internet advertising BB, and possibly in Paris, and he's supposed to be on the ship. He's like a Spider, weaving his web everywhere! (Oops, Spider Protocol!)
Maybe he found that island, and thats why he looks so much youger.. its not just the makeup, lol
where did everyone go? did they all leave to chat with team Lena? oh well. Its just me and.....
It's all in the interpretation!
I don't see anyone in the chat, either.
it must be dinner time or something. I know it is here in Cali
Just checked the video: forget the cigarette burn/bullet hole thing. Whatever it is, it's on the video too.
well maybe Rachel will get to meet Alvar Hanso.
blak lab is right. the pic had those "spots" when they were in the video
whats more interesting- speaker has yet to update. With the posibility that rachel is dead floating around, i figured he'd post about it
I checked out that website Rachel was on, but I culdnt find it. It seems Fake, or maybe someone else can find the article about the crash..
well it seems all have left. so I will leave the info about the article to tptb for now, see you all later.
Just got back and have only skimmed the last 30 or so comments...But I have to say that when I first watched the video, that I thought that RB was addressing GG and Darla as two different people, until I got here and realized that everyone else had interpreted what she said to mean that GG=Darla. So I'm not making any definitive statement, but I see Howard's point in all this and now see that I was not the only one who heard the video blog from a different perspective.
What is up with this WV- kpcktvyg? tricky tricky
hey Kinetic, are you here? Do you have an account on that t-shirt thing so I can say who refered me?
fitz66 - i like your thinking. i would not be surprised at all if everyone we think is good is actually bad and vice versa.
The link on the lost experience clues page takes you to His video is not on that page.
Go instead to (no www. before it) and it will take you to a similar looking site that has the video. I was finally able to find it by going through and noticed the difference in the urls.
Hope this helps some of you who are wondering why you can't see it!
So.. on a Friday night, I went out for a fun night with friends, drinking, see a band play.. and all I could think of was the Lost Experience, this place and you guys! Am I really really sad?
Pharmacopeia's idea about Mel0drama = Beatnik (?) is very interesting. Great find on ROT ("Good editing, Beatnik, very suspenseful"). The timeline re the release of the video and thh Verizon guys noticing his disappearance fits as well.
Going back to the Rachel timeline again:
4:08 PM GMT Mel0Drama said...
Rachel? Are you there? I was sent a video of you from an email account I don't recognize. The video is disturbing. I'm afraid for you. Did you send it to me?
5:13 PM GMT Paris, France update on Holiday front page by ???
5:56 PM GMT Mel0Drama said...
Rachel, I'm taking your silence as a call for help. I know you wanted to make sure these videos are secure, but I think people need to see this video. I'm putting it where a lot of people can find it. I only hope you're not... no, I have to stop with the bad thoughts!
listen, look and watch
5:57 PM GMT Video uploaded to according to site monitor
6:01 PM GMT Rachel or someone with access to her blog
posted the milkcartonman & pic from video on Rachel's blog
6:06 PM GMT Mel0Drama said...
Okay. I've calmed down... one last try. I've set up the username/pass as the email directed me to. If it was really you who sent it, Rachel, post them to your blog. If I don't hear from you in one hour, I'll have to take matters into my own hands. I hope I'm not playing into their hands. Gosh. Worried again.
So MelOdramas 6:06 PM post "I'll have to take matters into my own hands" does not refer to the posting of the video. That he had already just done!
According to the site monitor there was another change on Rachel's site at 8:34 GMT. I wonder what that was? I don't see anything. Must take a closer look.
00:28 AM GMT ROT forum posts appear noticing Beatnik's absence.
Pharmacopeia, you could well be right about Mel0drama = Beatnik
I Realy don't se a connection, because beatinik is accused to be on hanso's side.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Ok, If mcintire is dead why the hanso foundation said nothing? I don't understand!!!
Guys I don't know if this is relevant but DJ is also in broadband Stories. Please Check it out!!!
Hi at least one person is alive I was feeling very lonely here. Thanks pharmacopaeia.
I find the Casablanca reference intriguing. The whole film centers around the "letters of transit" allowing the bearer to travel at will around Nazi-controlled Europe, including to neutral Lisbon, Portugal, and from there to the United States. (from wikipedia) (side note: the letters were obtained by killing two German couriers...).
Remember how Gidgetgirl said: But they’re leaving you alone for some reason, why Rachel? Perhaps Rachel unknowingly has something or is something that allows her "free transit in Hanso-controlled Europe".
Still have no idea what the matter is that Mel0drama was to take into his/her own hands. Still convinced it's got something to do with the 8:34 GMT change to Rachel's blog at Where are the techies?
re Casablana ref: just occurred to me that the movie is quite mel0dramatic, don't you think?
In Rachel's blog you can when the image and un/pw were posted, presumably by Mel. 6.01 PM (GMT).
I remember it coming up on the site monitor yesterday. But the site monitor
shows the latest update of at 07-14-2006 12:34 which is 8 hours behind GMT, so 08:34 PM GMT.
There's something there, but we can't see it (yet).
Here's a point - Shouldn't Hughs job go up on the Hanso Careers site?
Good point, fenris. Worth keeping an eye on.
Gotta go.
Moring everyone! Just jumped on to see what is going on! Great Spirited Debate gang!!
I will be in and out today. More out than in I am affraid.
i think that BBB could in fact be DJ Dan. I also think that whomever was at RB's door was there to save her. Someone from the inside is trying to save her. Could it be Petey? Perhaps. The only reason I think BBB is not DJ Dan is if DJ Dan is the one trying to save RB. Then it does not make sense. BBB could also be Mel0drama. It is like a super triangle. Any of them could be the other. Does that make any sense?
BBB = DJ Dan
BBB = Mel0drama
DJ Dan = Peter Thompson
Mel0drama = DJ Dan
Mel0drama = Peter Thompson
It is obvious to me that TPTB are chekcing in on our comments. And when Hugh, RIP, was on Jimmy Kimmel he talked about the show Lost. So it would not be a stretch for someone there to do a search of Lost on google, when you do all of these TLE sites come up as well as others with RB and what not. So THF could have caught on to RB from us or she is her own undoing by communicating with us.
Ok, gotta run!! I will check in later today at some point. Talk to oyu all soon. Keep up the good work!!
"But they’re leaving you alone for some reason, why Rachel?"
I think they're leaving Rachel alone because she's not a threat, and Hanso's public face is also not a threat either. There's another party we have either already met or are about to meet who's pitting one with the other. I'm beginning to think Mittelwerk's not the bad guy. He's someone's unwitting pawn. Why is a college dropout in charge? Cuz someone who thinks he's smarter than Mittelwerk is pulling the strings.
...I mean think about it. They gave Mittelwerk a limp and a ponytail and they dressed him in black when Rachel ran into him. They want us to think he's the bad guy. I'm surprised they didn't give him a handlebar moustache and an eyepatch and a pegleg.
good morning all, I see no word from RB yet..
Good morning, all Another hot, sultry day in So. Cal! A lot of good discussion going on here and speculation, too. Who is who makes for great debate.
Re: Gidgetgirl = Darla ?
Can I just throw something out there? We always assume that because GG has an affair with a married man that she is Darla. But lots of people have affairs. Who says GG's lover is (was) McIntyre?
There is another inconsistency: In the latest video Rachel says: Darla, was a good person. We had a trust. Only 48 hrs earlier she said: ...I don’t have a choice and I’m sorry but I can’t tell you any more. [...] And how will I know you? What’s your name? Please, you know my name. And again, in the video: I knew from the beginning that she [Darla] was Hugh’s mistress and she knew that I was Perseph… If Rachel knew from the beginning that she was Hugh's mistress and had the photos for ages, why would she ask her her name ???
oodles: A lot of good points for the GG is NOT Darla side. My first reaction was the same. Anybody can read the transcripts and listen to video and come away with a million interpretations of the tone of voice and stresses. Your point of Rachel knowing all along Darla was Hugh's mistress is a very valid one...would she have actually spoken to Darla and heard her voice before? They (Darla and Rachel) seemed to have known each other (Rachel: "...she knew that I was Persephone...") Why would she ask her name if she might have known her voice? Some sort of verification? She keeps throwing around tenses and either talking directly to GG as Darla or referring to Darla as a different person. The whole speech can be interpreted many different way and keeps a lively debate going. However, all that said and done, I truly believe that TPTB want us to assume GG=Darla, just like they keep shoving it down our throats the Rachel=Persephone...we just might have to go with the flow (AGAIN)!
morning all- good debate here!
Just because Rachel knew that Darla=GG, doesn't meant that was Darla on the phone luring Rachel to Paris. It could have been anyone, as Rachel plainly stated.
Here's a thought...remember how when GG called RB, RB kept begging her to give her her name. So at that point, RB didn't know GG was Darla. Yet, she know GG was having an affair with Hugh. So she didn't find out Darla was GG until she saw the picture on line? Somebody help me if I've got this messed up.
Has anyone seen Kinetic today? If you do, tell him to get on AIM for me, OK?
überfemme - if they weren't shooting at Rachel, then Rachel did not need rescuing but the guy outside the door. What makes you think GG was in love with Peter?
BTW I put a Euro on Rachel being back in Iceland. (ssshhh, just something Speaker said)
I think it would be awesome if Rachel was kidnapped, then brainwashed and the next Hanso Foundation commercial we see is Rachel Blake extolling the virtues of a better tomorrow.
Why doesnt DJDan site have a pending date for new podcast? Whats up with that?
Hey, Lena. Kinetic was in the chat room about an hour ago.
The only thing we have on DJ Dan is his last podcast saying the next installment of Where's Alvar? is in 2 weeks. Odd that it isn't listed.
belly or thrasher around? This thread is getting TOO hard to load!
Thanks maven, hope I can find him. Got to talk with him.
Something smells fishy in DJDan world to me.
I guess for now, I am gonna TRY and download the videos....would LOVE to be able to keep up with everything!
Why is Rachel so ambiguous in her video when she talks about GG and Darla. The video seems to be addressed to Darla, not us. But then why would she show the news article and say "Remember this face?". (Interesting that the article only had a photo of Darla Taft and NOT Hugh McIntyre. I guess the GWC is bigger news than THF?) If Darla knew Rachel was Persephone, wouldn't Rachel know Darla's voice? That alone leads me to think that GG is someone else. A lot of people have affairs, so GG could have been talking about anyone when she said she couldn't help falling for a married man. Later in the video, Rachel addresses GG, saying "Darla was a good person". Now, some can interpret that with a comma between GG and Darla or not. If there's a comma, Darla is not GG. If not and she might be saying GidgeGirl/Darla. As usual, there's is so much room for interpretation in this, which, of course, leads to good discussion. I'm beginning to think GG is not Darla, but perhaps Liddy Wales?
Now, TPTB seem to want us to think the GG=Darla, as well as Rachel=Persephone. I guess we're learning that sometimes we just have to accept things and go with the flow...
Maybe all the missing people will show up at ComicCon next weekend. lol
the last thing I see are images of the carpet in the room. Is that what you're talking about?
I think we figured that there is just no way they are going to let us into that site just yet. We haven't been given any real clues; folks have everything but "kitchen sink". There was some activity a few days ago but the curtain hasn't lifted yet.
@ the uber femme: The pics were of Hugh McIntyre and Darla Taft.
Actually, on the pics issue:
What's with the two different sets of pics:
- those from the Persephone hack
-those that were on Rachels website; the ones that GG asked her to take down; linked from
Surely, that's not the same lady? Did Hugh have 2 mistresses (consecutively or simultaneously)? GG and Darla?
Oodles: I always thought those two didn't quite look the same.
guys, I was just going to throw this out there. if you guys are saying that GG is NOT Darla, perhaps THF did not cause the car crash, Maybe GG new that Hugh was going to collect Rachel, and GG was the one that caused it. After the crash, THF cronies went after Rachel thinking she was the one that caused it (which would explain why they left her alone till now), and that whoever was at the door, was GG and a friend, trying to save Rachel.
I guess so..
I am not sure simps, but apparently it has the same IP addy as THF and RB's site. so it is decidedly in-game. Its use is not yet known.
Heyo. I'm back. What's the talk? Other than the Mittelwerk video.
um no sorry I think you have to ask someone more tech savy. They did post how in another post, but Im not sure when or which thread it was.
My guess about this Darla-GidgetGirl thing:
In Rachel-GidgetGirl conversation over the phone, Rachel says that GidgetGirl was involved with a married man. So, she knew that GidgetGirl was Hugh's mistress, BUT she didn't know her real name. After the accident, Rachel realized that GidgetGirl's name was Darla.
That's probably the real truth about it... But who knows anymore.
Apart from the different accent issue, I think it's pretty clear that Darla=GidgetGirl.
hansoexposed was apparently found by inputting one of the other in-game sites (eg thehansofoundation) into Domain Tools, which will give you thisresult page, which I screencapped for those who aren't members. I can't remember when it was found, but I think it was a few weeks ago.
@Marcus_Isn't_Lost ;-)
sorry, can't follow your post.
There are
- those from the Persephone hack
-those that were on Rachels website; the ones that GG asked her to take down; linked from
One is a brunette woman with straight hair wearing shades, the other woman (red dress) seems to have lighter coloured hair and a different haircut.
Oodles: I think that's a mistake... Like the different accents stuff... Maybe by the time they did the pics for the Persephone's hack they hadn't cast the actress who would play Darla.
[casting call]
@idaho girl
She was wearing a wig and glasses when she bumped into Mittelwerk...
casting call
I'd be interested to know what the software was. So that means Darla does/did like to put on crazy accents?
Thanks adedmat, I will check it out. I've been looking for something like that for a while.
simps, that is not persephone - it's just a photo that persephone put into the hacked website
Actually, what lordnune said was: I used voiceprint program to analyze the voices on the recording. Turns out that there is a 91% probability that GG has the same voice as Hanso's PA.
I asked the question yesterday but no one answered :( Who is Hanso's PA?
the 5 pics you mention are consistent alright. But compare them to
IMHO that's a different lady.
In Greek Mythology, Persephone's (Rachel) father may have been Zeus. Zeus and Hades (Hanso) were brothers. Thus Persephone (Rachel)was kidnapped by her UNCLE (Alvar Hanso) while she picked flowers. Persephone was taken to a bloody snow globe (Hades or the Hollow Earth) or possibly the Lost Island by her uncle.
Common season 3 , hurry up and get here.....
Any admins around? I just tried to send an e-mail to but my ISP won't let me. "...domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts. Any alternate mail addys?
Guys, take a look at
Do you see what I see? Is it old news or new news?
I captured the image on screen and was going to send it to the board but having tech difficulties.
anyone else notice the typo in the blurb next to the mittlewerk video? also, apparently he doesnt go by the title "Doctor" anymore
ok, everybody is away by the looks of it.
I've put the image on the blog I never wanted...
Look familiar?
marcus, thanks for having another look at the pics. I certainly don't want the last word if it's the wrong one :)
Yep, it's hard to catch up on everything. Had not come across the hidden pic before and can't see it on the lostpedia either. Thanks for letting me know. I was so proud of myself being able to press the print screen button at just the right millisecond.... :(
BTW Marcus,
could you point me to the discussion on that image, s'il vous plait? I can't find it at TLE. Thanks.
I still don't buy the random accent change. Even if it did turn out to be the same voice actress I doubt the phone call was from the Darla on Hughs answerphone. It's a bit random otherwise.
Which brings another question, why is Rachel assuming this is Darla? If Hughs had multiple affairs that seems quite a leap, unless they had talked to each other at some point which would raise other questions. Hmmf.
or worse - Four Toes!
(yes on his hand!)
good morn ever1 nothin new?
Nothing that I can find...
Hello guys just to say that here in portugal...
..was aired the Three Minuts Episode and after that the hanso foundation add was broadcasted. I was hoping for mittlewerk but what can I do. The game isn't sincronized around the world!
Morning, all: Not much on the weekened except for good analysis and discussion!
familia: So, in Portugal they showed the original Hanso Foundation ad giving the phone number to call or website? Boy, that would surely frustrate a lot of people around Europe!
Re Mittelwerk's Broadband ad: It is odd that he doesn't take his right hand out of his pocket and doesn't do the Namaste thing. He does use his left arm/hand to be really expressive and make points -- why not both? Maybe it's nothing and we're just reading too much into this out of desperation, but along with his limp and that trip for a blood transfusion, etc., it's very strange.
maven: Here in Portugal, they keep showing us the original Hanso Foundation ad (before and after each episode), but without the phone number. It would be nice to see a Mittelwerk appearance on portuguese television ;-)
Já agora, aconselho à família alves santos, se ainda não conhecer obviamente, o blog português do Lost, em Nós estamos a tentar fazer uma cobertura bastante completa da Lost XP, mas focando sempre na relação entre as pistas e a mitologia da série. A vossa contribuição é importante!
Re: Mittelwerk not using both of his arms- good theory.
I was intrigued, so I double-checked the video (sumblymonal 48 folder) where Mittelwerk acquired the maps and Rachel ran into him. He definitely used both arms in this vid. But the limp is very pronounced.
Oh yeah, and he gestured and "namasted" with both hands on the spirited debate commercial.
torri ann: And we also saw him use both arms and hands in the recent TV ad -- especially when he did the Namaste thing. So I tend to think this is really nothing other than a mannerism (using one arm and hand for emphasis). There's no way of knowing when these spots were filmed (the tv commercial and the broadband ad). We can only go by the dates they were presented to us.
fenris, zerodark, maven: well observed about the hand! Missed that completely.
Remember: Everything happens for a reason...
When you look at the two last TWM videos it is very striking indeed, including the lack of the usual Namaste.
Perhaps he is sending a signal to Rachel? - "I'm no longer behind the foundation. You can trust me."
And what's up with that title "The President's precedent". Sligthly odd.
According to OED one of the meanings of 'precedent' is " A sign, token, earnest, indication."
Add to that the Dr./Mr. salutation and the dead link to THF (companies usually monitor referal sites, so it could well be TWM only wants this to be found by conspiraspies). All things considered I think there is more to this video than meets the eye.
oodles: YOU'RE the very observant one! Good points!
My feeling about this bombardment of TWM lately is a campaign to taunt us...basically saying we know you guys are suspicious of us and we know what you're saying (we monitor those blogs!), but there's nothing you can do to stop us! Talk all you want, but our plans are proceeding. We have a good cover in THF's "good" projects, and we are putting on a good face for the general public. But we're unstoppable in our ultimate goals (whatever they are).
Another point: TWM is also letting us know that he is totally in charge of THF now. He was always listed as President and CTO and was the "heir apparent". By him now being the spokesman all over the place, he's letting us know that he is in control and doing what he wants.
Good catch, aui!
Thanks Marcus, I had searched "persephone" but it did not come up. found it meantime.
Thanks for the other links.
please come join us in TLEC chat room! We don't bite....hard. lol
Why Mittelwerk Limps
Where's the chat room?
so when is comiccon thing happenening, I cant wait that long..
Maven: Lost answered your question. No phone number to us, but the give us in the first time that the ad appears, but was the only time, I remember because I was so astonished when I first saw the ad. But I was look to my baby son and I didn't have time to take notes or even to full understand what was that.
Lost: Ok obrigado pensei que o jogo estava a passar ao lado aqui. No Brasil há muitos blogs mas Brasileiro tem alguma dificuldade com o Inglês e fica complicado discutir as coisas sem as traduzir e isso dá bué de trabalhos.
I was just watching the mittlewerk ad on bb stories again and i noticed that when he turns his head slightly to the side you catch a glimps of the famous ponytail!
that is some hell scary mullet he's got there!
I dont understand this whole obsession with the hand thing. It was just in his pocket, for gods sake... use your imagination!
ok ok this room has taken a definate turn.... they have other sites for this GUYS
Hey guys, check out this creepy video, something to pass time....
Ok, I've watched all the videos again, and I'm going on record...mystery man at the door during the The Fixer. July 16 at 10:21 pm. Of course if it turns out to be DJ Dan, I disavow this post. HOWEVER, we only have three on camera personalites and I really don't think it's Thomas Werner Mittlewerk. Process of elimination puts me in the camp of the Fixer. Rebuttals?
Christine#2, that is messed up. Thanks for sharing though. When I wake up screaming at 3am, I'll think of you.
Where's horse?
on his way
do you think that video is too much?, ill delete it if you want
the Fixer? do you mean the guy who Rachel hit on the head with an iron?
well it seems everyone left again...
Hey all, Christine I miss your Mittlewerk zombie pic!! Nothing much has happened this weekend huh, besides the talk of the mohawk I mean. I've always thought it was 'business in the front, party in the back', but I suppose pleasure works too. :p
This is a bit off-topic, so please forgive me. I haven't been around in a month or so and things have changed. Where do you go to submit new clues. I came across something that I haven't seen mentioned. It is one of our sites, but I have no idea what it is for.
If you go to there now appears to be a new flash animation that looks like an upside down female. It seems to be saying something, just not sure what. I had to turn it off because it was really freaking me out.
Anyone else see this or know its relevance?
Once again, my apologies for the off-topic post.
Link is actually HERE if you want to go directly to the flash.
I will not be able to post here anymore till new thread....4 hundred and something post are TOO HARD to do with STUPID DIAL UP!
Ok, Morning all,
If the Lost Show exists in the ARG, did This Board/blog exist too? Or this is reality?
familia: No nosso blog nós traduzimos tudo, damos transcrições das conversas mais importantes, etc ;-). In fact, I think it would be a good idea for TLEC to make a post with links to international websites covering the experience. A lot of people can't follow this ARG because all the info is in english.
Now about your question: I think the TPTB have been trying to mix reality and fiction in this ARG since day one, so maybe we will come to a point where this board will be part of the game's alternate reality.
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