Clue #79 - Fragment Codes "ohge" & "748L"
Code "748L" was posted on Monday, July 24th, 11:42 AM on Rachel's Blog. The video fragment is more Mittlewerk saying, "You know it by heart. Don't waver."
Thanks to Kenneth, Ali, JennK_68, Christiana, gin*grl, Gavin, MidnightAce, Donn, & Matt for being the first to email us about these new codes!
*See a summary of all the found fragment codes at...
Matt the Pale's HansoExposed Video Fragment Code List
*Having Troubles with Twinkle put together a great Handbook
Thanks for the new code
Finally, new post... this is crazy... good morning everyone!
Gotta do some work and then I will join in the hunting
not 7481.
just to clarify.
robc: no matter what you type after, we will always get the statistics.xml
So according to the count at HE there are 9 codes out there so far. Outside of the normal sites, were are we supposed to look. I mean jeez - it's like a needle in a haystack without any hints....
(okay I'll stop whining now and continue the hunt.)
Test, Test
Blogg troubles here...
robc: The words are usernames :-D
I wonder if all the fragments will be spoon-fed to us like the previous ones. In that case, better just sit down and wait...
Top 20, for once. Thanks for the new codes!
No need to go crazy looking through the web.
I agree with LOST. Just sit back and relax. ENJOY...
we cant rule out that there might be fragment codes in the actual fragments.
im have having serious blog problems also. my verification doesnt work half the time. the page doesnt refresh properly either.
I am SO glad that I took yesterday OFF. Whew.
You kids having fun?
finally new comments setion but still taking forever to load/re-load. blogger problems.
A pointer about the XML file:
The fragments section of the XML says that while 9 fragments have been released, only 5 have been published. The numbers are Unix timestamps, which is a way of recording a date. The highest "published" number (hence the most recently released) is 1153734286, which corresponds 24 July 2006 @ 09:44:46 GMT. I'm not sure what time zone Rachel's blog is on but I'd be pretty confident that that's the same time.
So what does this mean? If only 5 fragments have "published" dates, does that mean that only 5 have been found, or that only 5 *can* be found?
For you information, the other dates are (leaving out published date if it's the same as the released):
Sat, 22 Jul 2006 17:24:22 GMT published 18:27:13 GMT
Sat, 22 Jul 2006 17:24:54 GMT published 18:28:38 GMT
Sat, 22 Jul 2006 17:25:24 GMT published 23:33:15 GMT
Sat, 22 Jul 2006 17:26:24 GMT published Mon, 24 Jul 2006 05:08:37 GMT
Sat, 22 Jul 2006 17:26:57 GMT
Sat, 22 Jul 2006 17:27:27 GMT
Sat, 22 Jul 2006 17:28:12 GMT
Mon, 24 Jul 2006 09:42:03 GMT published 09:44:46 GMT
Mon, 24 Jul 2006 09:43:30 GMT
Hope this fuels some debate :)
Shakey - great minds and all that ;)
i think thats the time someone first used the code and it became a published code.
As for comic con. I have picture proof that Byran Burk had a wrist band on as well... so we have at least his wristband to look for... which would make me assume that carlton cuse would also have one on.... So we need to figure out Daniel Dae Kim's Bracelet, Carlton Cuse's Bracelet, and Byran Burk's Bracelet.
has anyone else found dthat sometimes the fragment do not remain on the timeline? I had them in a certain order, saved them. logged out and then logged back in and three of the fragments are in the storage bin rather than the timeline. Does that mean that the two that reamined on the timeline are in the proper order and the others are not?
jimbo... the best image we could come up with of his wrist is this:
Hi all. Nothing like a little spoon feeding, huh?
When I first entered 748L, I got just a red square in the box. It read: Undefined. Then when I entered it again, I got the fragment. Don't know what that means. Probably nothing.
Blogger is very slow today.
finally the comments are back.
JustWillow has put together a nice clear graphic of the glyphs As seen on Ninja's blog
Ninja also links to tapdawg's blog :-D
maven -
the same thing happened to me... I got a red square in the timeline, and then the clip disappeared altogether
Couldn't get on the computer all weekend.... looks like I missed a lot! I spent all day yesterday working on the Hatch jigsaw puzzle instead - almost done! I think I had dreams about Desmond last night... not that that's a bad thing.... ;)
Lawenda: Thanks for that ninja link. I bookmarked it!
(Added you to YIM) :)
nw Maven :-D
you added me? Funny, I didn't get a friend request. email me your username
Dizzy: I'm with you. She tells us the fragments are on the web, and then she (they) dribble them out to us. We don't have to FIND anything.
Hopefully, this will change and this spoonfeeding is just to get us started.
Personally, I don't understand why Rachel gave this glyphs to the producers and actors of a TV show that keep saying nothing is real. After lambasting them at ComicCon, the producers and cast are "helping" her get the word out about an organization (THF) they don't acknowledge. Unless they just thought those fashionable wristbands were kinda cool and they wanted to start a new trend...
i feel so honored to be linked to on other peoples websites.... amazing!
good morning all, just got home from work. i see all my searching was in vain over the past day or so! Oh well. But now there are 9 fragments released.
new link for Ninja's latest blog :-D
wv: pshndlmm
The hansoexposed site indicates that nine fragments have been released so far. We seem to only have five codes. Where are the other four?
Okay, guys. I can buy the premise that things aren't always what they seem. But on the surface, it was strange to me that after publicly confronting the LOST panel and being "put down" and escorted out, within minutes, they are helping her. And, obviously, this was all preplanned.
So, maybe, this is their way to secretly help her and still put on the public face of support for THF.
jamaster: You created a monster!
d, 3 of the other 4 are still on bracelets we havent deciphered.... and the last one is somewhere on the web. my best guess... maybe dj dan's site will update today and have it on there somewhere... maybe on the bottom with the other little icons.
maven, since jorge garcia had the wristband on before rachel yelled at him i must come to one of two conclusion:
1. She had spoke with them before hand, and the scene that occured at comic con was staged to make it look like the producers think she's crazy when in actuality they believe her.
2. It was preplanned to occur and hurley wearing the bracelet during the panel was a mistake... and a big one at that. (seeing as noone else had the bracelet on at the time.)
tapdawg: It's probably both 1 and 2.
LOL--Look what I just found in one of TapDawg's blog pics:
Too bad we didn't meet up!
hahaha very true maven.... very true
wow this site is really laggin today
caboose so you were there! hahaha
Anybody with me in saying Mr. Beardy in the fragments is a young Alvar Hanso?
Remember when Mittelwerk, Peter Thompson and unidentified woman had that conversation on the beach in Sanremo. Thompson wanted to know where Alvar was. TWM said: Watch Alvar on the Orientation Film He talks with Valenzetti. I have the DVD.
This video is the first Orientation film (dated 1975) and it's of Alvar Hanso discussing the equation with Valenzetti.
Anybody else having blogger problems?
costa check out the last clue section, i already discussed that and stated that i bet another clue will have a combination of these:
16 = P
23 = W
42 = 42/HB
maven yes super slow blogger
tapdawg - I love in your photos that Daniel Dae Kim is pretty much doing everything but grabbing your camera and taking a picture of his own wristband. :)
I would have thought that TPTB would have clued everyone in a little more on those wristbands - just think of the heroes welcome that you would have gotten if you had come back with all four glyphs! Not that we don't appreciate everything that you did this weekend!
Wow, tapdawg and caboose! You guys were so close to eachother...too bad you didn't know it!
those newest images are from wireimage and are not mine... thas the biggest quality they have online.
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i think it is more likely to be Valezetti than Hanso
matt the pale - was gone all weekend, trying to play catch up. Just visited your site and just wanted to say thanks and well done.
Hey all...I know TapDawgs blog and Matt The Pale's site are great resources, but there are also two threads in the message board that are keeping track of the glyphs (with pictures) and the codes. Easy access, here is the link:
what costa?
arent we due for another podcast. he said 2 weeks.
i see a picture but what are you talking about?
here's my problem with that being alvar. The video found in the swan hatch has alvar in it. The video is also from 1980.... He could not change his appearance that much in 5 years. So either
1. that is not alvar.
2. the dates on one of those videos is wrong.... and its on purpose.
this is probably the orientation video that mtw and thompson were talking about in the audio file on the beach. so it would be alvar hanso.
alvar hanso should be around 115-120... if he's still alive. Hence we assume the life extension program has been used on him.
alrighty i gotta go to work see you gusy in the afternoon.
alvar hanso should be around 115-120... if he's still alive. Hence we assume the life extension program has been used on him.
alrighty i gotta go to work see you gusy in the afternoon.
Is anyone working on a possible sequence yet, or just trying to collect fragments at this point?
(I'm in Colorado Springs right now, so i'm only able to peek in and out. I haven't read any of the comments so not sure if this was discussed. If so, i'll just ban myself. wait, what?)
Errg, I can't see if there's another blog post after this one because the site won't load and the RSS always upates late.
Anyways, I really don't like being a "cheater", but on that xml page it says:
< fragments >
< fragment released="1153589062" published="1153592833"/ >
< fragment released="1153589094" published="1153592918"/ >
< fragment released="1153589124" published="1153611195"/ >
< fragment released="1153589184" published="1153717717"/ >
< fragment released="1153589217"/ >
< fragment released="1153589247"/ >
< fragment released="1153589292"/ >
< fragment released="1153734123" published="1153734286"/ >
< fragment released="1153734210"/ >
< fragment released="1153761962"/ >
< /fragments >
Don't you see that only 5 are published? That means the other five aren't really out there to get, there's only five that have been seen and used. I'm really wondering what this leader board is...maybe people who put them in the right slots?
Sorry if someone already mentioned this.
srsizzy: I take the 'published' to mean they have been found and entered by someone on the hansoexposed site... but I could be wrong
Theory about Alvar being 115 – 120 years old:
Did TPTB/C. Cruse or D. Lindelof mention that 60 days “island” time might be 2 years in “real” time? My theory then, is that Alvar IS on the island. The difficulties that they have in leaving the island may account for his not being seen since 2002 (right?) or longer.
My theory on the numbers/glyph names:
That whomever postulated that the numbers an letters all come together to form “THE NUMBERS” is correct. That there will be series of numbers, all in the right direction with the first number being first, all in the right direction of the first letter (number) being first, etc, going on till we have the ‘right’ number of series.
It’s a theory. Or two, really...
Can I update my theory? Alvar has been on and off of the island. I think that's how he's extending his life.
Sidebar: Have you guys seen the 4400 TV show? All of those people were abducted and returned the same age they were when they left, yet time on earth went on. Wonder if it has any connection....
Where IS everyone?
I had the same thought. Hansoexposed's interface isn't designed as well as it could be. The Lostpedia article about it mentiones some of the problems that have been found. I hope they update it, praticularly about losing clips into the ether if you don't drop them in the right place and the funky thing it does if you accidentally drop one on top of another.
Boy my spelling was bad ont that last one. Sorry. Any word on blogger adding a spell check to the interface?
olerica -
That's a really interesting idea! Not so much that Alvar has a way to extend his actual lifespan, he has just found a way to "skip" enough time that he doesn't appear to age. Hmmmm.....
I would be willing to keep up with one of the sites... anyone planning on taking on the task of organizing the effort? Perhaps Matt the Pale, as he has already taken the initiative of organizing the list.
In the meantime, I feel certain that the other four codes are out there... we just haven't found them. Just because we got the jump on them for a few of the clues doesn't mean they can't learn from their mistakes... I'd be dissapointed if they didn't.
Afternoon everyone! I just got my systems workign again here at work so I can catch up and play along!
I have tons of email to look over as well. Be back in a few!
The Seeker said...
How do you all feel about assigning teams to keep up on individual sites? Team one could watch, team two and so on?
You can use the ARG monitor to watch for any site updated...the only sites that it does not monitor automatically are Rachel's blog, and ROT...but it covers all the rest.
Link to ARG Monitor
I think three of the remaining codes were on the wristbands.
ange: The ARG moniter seems to be updating RoT and Rachel's blog, they are right up there with the rest.
- Mr. Tom
Ange: Hi there! quick question... how reliable do you think that ARG monitor is? I noticed the problem with noticing Rachel's blog, and took it to mean it is faulty... sounds like you are saying it doesn't work for only those two sites?
Just checking...
srsizzy/pedalin-if you read the note from the creator of the monitor (at the top of the Lowkeysoft page)...he has to update ROT and Rachel's blog manually, so they do not always update on the monitor when they do in actual time. For example Rachel's blog updated 7/24, but it has yet to be added to the recently changed list. All others update in real time automatically. It is VERY accurate for all sites other than ROT and Rachel's Blog.:)
Just got back and like the discussion on whether or not Mr. Beardy is Alvar or Valenzetti.
Don't believe is Enzo -- definitely no Italian hint in his speech.
I came out yesterday saying it was Alvar Hanso (much younger). That grainy photo dated 2003 on THF and showing up in a 1980 Orientation film might just be red herring. Maybe when the 1980 Orientation films were made they just used a generic photo of a "distinguished elder head of a Foundation" and continued the lie on THF website since Alve Hanso was out and Mittelwerk was in, and they needed some photo of him. Taking a shot from the 1975 DVD wouldn't help them because it was showing a young, vibrant man. The Alvar in the 1975 DVD looks about 50ish to me which would make about in his 80's now. Very believeable.
howard: sorry, that's been there for a while (july 18th?)... the first links to THF website, the 2nd and 3rd link to a commercial about the life extention and one about the math forecasting initiative
ange: ack, sorry, spoke too soon, I'm dumb. Just noticed it said he updates them manually.
costa: it looks like that could be somthing, a pattern of "+4", but if they go in that order than the video doesn't make sense. And it doesn't work for "RRGYXS" which has a lot of high numbers.
ange: thanks! Just saw the note you referred to... I guess I should read the fine print! Didn't realize that changed.
thanks again!
If so then how would they signify #1? Somebody already tried all the single characters. I'm kind of hoping that we just have to figure out the order by content but maybe that's because I like doing that kind of stuff.
if you put the video's in order per the number i.e. 4ho, 748L, ohge, 7hkbh, rroyxs... this almost seems to fit the way they should play...
now to find more clips and see if the theory holds out..
I don't know if figuring out the clues without finding them will help all that much if they have not "released" that clue yet. If you enter the wrong code it says "as of MM/DD/TT this code does not work" or whatever... which means even if we have the correct codes we will not know it until they release that code, right?
yeah I agree with you costa - I was just responding to what someone else up there had said about using them to figure out the missing codes.
the orientation fragments have to be related to the alvar video mittelwerk and thompson were talking about on the beach. which would lead me to believe beardy is alvar.
On Hanso exposed it says 10 fragments released and u only put up 5 were is the othere five?? Does that mean theres ten realeased and we have to find the other faive codes???
If im missing any codes please post them
nightmaremommie: Cool. What's the link to your blog. I clicked your name and didn't see it.
there are glyphs in Sri Lanka - according to Google - haven't done much research yet, but one of the Glyph languages is called Tamil. There is more info here too:
Cam794 said...
If im missing any codes please post them
Cam-check the main TLEC mainpage...all the codes are up to date there.
more info here too - does not look like our glyphs...
Hey everybody! Back from a weekend at a cottage and all caught up! Ya miss me?
Great pics and reporting, nightmaremommie! Looks like you had a great "experience". That pic of Rachel was great. No wonder she's using it!
lordnune: Good work on trying to translate the actual glyphs. They have to have some importance to this. Maybe help with the sequencing or tell us another clue...who knows. Keep trying.
lostinfrogurt: Of course we all missed you!
Maven, yay! I think the last clip we find is going to be the longest, and maybe, make all the others make sense, ie. the beard guy. It'll probably also be the hardest to find.
HI FROGURT-couldn't live without your dancing whatever-it-is!
completely is doing that for is messed up today, for lack of a better word. ROT does that sometimes too....might mean an update soon, but from time to time over the last couple of weeks it has been going right to the thread page.
Have any myspacers gotten a new mail from Manny? I heard tell of one, but haven't see it anywhere.
Just saying hello. Still waiting for next glyph. Readind all comments, keep it up...
Ange, it's a yeti! My is working fine.
i dont know if anyone thought of this, but has anyone tried anagraming the glyph codes?
remember timeless together?
yeah Maven, it should be something to consider anyway. I have found no glyphs online anywhere yet that resemble these, so they could just be made up, but we should be on the lookout for them.
the jamie silberhartz on myspace is not the real one. Both ADMIN and Speaker have confirmed this.
ryandrumz: Did you post any pics or video?
someone over at ite had a similar idea about the anagrams. maybe we have to convert the #s to letters, and get a password for something else. i dont know what for yet.
Has anyone tried checking the shutdown hanso site for glyph flashes? Or maybe they've updated the psychology test to include a flash of glyph. Just trying to be helpful...
wv: Kivoi, a kiwi withan accent.
it would make sence for rb to put glyphs on the persephone page at thf.
Can't beat the original...
has anyone check gidgetgirls blog or that other persons blog... mayeb they have info on there?
I've tried finding gidgetgirls blog on rachels blog... to no avail.
I have the whole thing on DVD now. Just need to convert the DVD(VOB) to a MPEG or AVI.
Still working on it. I'm learning all this as I go. Plus I ran out of time yesterday to do this. It's hard to work this game into real life. Oh well...
I did not take any pictures. I was holding the video camera for 1hour and 30 minutes. My arms were killing me at the end...LOL
Love the Damon is Speaker comment on your blog, Nightmare. Has someone taken a picture of Damon "Speaker-ed" it - all dark and white glasses, and sent it to him saying they saw him at Comic Con?
Maybe I'm reaching, but I'm bored checking and re-check sites for hints or updates....
Okay I was looking at the pix of the wristbands of Damon and Jorge and I noticed that Damon's band was the "4ho". D is the 4th letter of the alphabet. When the "ohge" was Jorge's and when you speak it, it could sould like Oh-he or Ho-hey.
I know it's bad....
what if rblake is a code...
rblake numericaly is 18 2 12 1 11 5
a combination of letters and numebrs could give us a fragment
Can't wait to see your stuff, ryandrumz.
Hot enough for you? Woodland Hills was 119 on Saturday!!
we all know how she loves making her name important and all...
Rachel did say there all over the web so she might give us a few but we will just have to kepp searching on related sites for any clues. Also how long is this goin to take i mean we have 5 and thees 70 and were only gettin like two a day soooooo.....
i like the idea of the clues giving away the position of the fragment in the clip show. these don't neccesarily need to be right by each other... maybe there will be no 1-20 but then 23 is where it starts and then the enxt numebr we'll find won't neccesarily be 24 it could be like 27 etc... but there won't be any clips between 23 and 27 but they still go together because they are the number that comes next... understand what i mean?
Went to the shut down hanso site and and found nothing on either site...
I'm still holding to the fact that we have not started act 3. Act 3 will start once we complete this video.
I dunno tapdawg ... there was a definate shift between acts 1 and 2 and this does seem to be a new shift .... but anything is possible. TPTB like to keep us guessing don't they?
i think that ACT 3 will include the information we receive from this video. And then we'll have to spread the information, also i still think rachel needs to be captured and we need to save her for the final act. If we don't have any more personal contact within the ARG then it's just not cool. I don't even want to call Comic-Con a personal contact for the ARG because we couldn't talk to rachel or ask her questions...
Well, any personal contact is going to be extremely limited ... just based on the fact that they could only be in so many places at once ... So if there is going to be more personal appearances, it'll be interesting to see how they do them...
well it be nice if we had to go to places to get the clues... similar to how thosein australia went somewhere to get a copy of the gary troup book from lost ninja.
your mother, glad you checked.
yeah, you're right tapdawg. I'm not sure I like this method of being spoon fed the glyphs. Some sort of activity would be a nice change.
lostinfrogurt - glad to see the return of the dancing panda. :)
your mother, yup, it's back. Maybe sublymonal will have something.
i would have enjoyed them actually telling me to take a picture of their wrist bracelets... bah ... time to check abc for those photos again.
Well, at least we're having to work for those wristband clues (to some degree) as opposed to those on rb's blog and
well not really... speaker and rachel have given us all the fragments so far. We've just been doing "busy" work inbetween their posts.
Anywho lunch breaks over... gotta go back and work... see you guys later!
hence the "to some degree" ... have a good day tapdawg.
and rrgyxs = 111
I agree with tapdawg: we are still in ACT 2. I think this video will reveal something really big and then Rachel will be captured. Anyway, TPTB could give us a little more info regarding where we should look for the glyphs... If they are not on the official sites, where the heck are they?
I love how all this is a work in progress. TPTB have never done this before. We've never done this before. We're learning what we like. They're learning what we *don't* like and what doesn't work for them. We've probably surprised them with the things we've noticed that they didn't intend for us to (like the Rachel function back at the beginning). They got us with the Sri Lanka mentioned in the hacked voice mail. What else have the planted that no one's put together yet? Do they now expect us to peacefully wait for glyphs? What happens if we don't?
Seriously. 70 glyphs to find and we've had to be given all five of the ones anyone knows about so far. I'd like some more interaction. Never thought I'd long for the Act I days. :)
Yeah, this is getting a little boring... Just think about it: two glyphs a day, that's 35 days of "glyph waiting"!
I figure, or at least I hope, TPTB figured out we'd be bored with waiting for glyphs. Their experience with us so far should have predicted that. So I wonder what they're going to do? Next up (or soon up) is the next DJ Dan podcast.
Maven-119 for woodland was a record high. Very Hot Saturday. After Comic-Con, I just stayed in the house, tried to keep cool...
Having to wait for glyphs. An inconvenient truth.
The Powers that be patrick. The controllers of the game.
Courtesy of Twinkle...Helpful Handbook!
patrick: Only five codes have been found. You can check them here:
(Assuming "published" means "found by us")
Ive been away for a catch up:
We are waiting for them to direct us to the fragments. We are not out on the web activley searching for them?
correct abby, any and all leads have been exhausted. Jack: "All roads lead here!"
i also think this is act 2. i think the video will kick off act 3.
it will be like the rachel blake season finale.
Yeah, I'm starting to think this isn't Act 3 yet either but the lead up into it. It doesn't seem like *them* to slow the game down now.
When Rachel mentioned her trusted few, and glyphs finding their way to them, I wasn't sure what that meant. Now I see that it means people like the Lost panel, and speaker....BUT what if they collected our e-mails on not just for us to save/keep track of sequences, but to e-mail a trusted few with clues or glyphs. Thus far, NOT ONE glyph has been found in a web site, randomly placed...they are all shown to us. I think TPTB have made it a point to show that they know who we are with the shout outs to specific players on Rachel's blog, and on ROT...what's not to say they won't personally engage us through e-mail, to foster sharing/community, and not have us all looking wildly all over the Internet. Main looking just finding...once we're pointed in the right direction.
patrick-a few leader people posted here today...they just happened to log the clips first...nothing special!:)
Wow, Admin! I love what you did to the doc. I made a couple minor changes to the version I posted on Lostpedia. I was wrong about what the #/# meant in the Recorded Sequences List. And as the site changes and becomes more user friendly, hopefully somebody can keep the documentation.
P.S. The game could be slow today too becaues TPTB are kindly letting others who didn't have internet access over the weekend catch up.
patrick: Maybe 1st place?
sorry, keep *up* the documentation
This suspense is killing me!!!! I wish there was something to do to find the glyphs.
this can also be an opportunity for tptb to take a break. they're just hiding stuff for us to find, so they dont have to worry about updating blogs, or making new videos, etc.
its like theyre going on vacation, and giving us an activity to keep us busy.
not that i mind, of course.
I'm just glad that all of the glyphs will be be on the internet. I was afraid the ACT three would consist of find glyphs by:
- Visiting your local Verizon store
- Test driving a Jeep Compass
- Buying a 2-liter bottle of sprite
- etc...
I just wish they would give us a little bit of guidance of where we should start looking...hopefully it won't be 70 handouts from the speaker.
I agree, we could be searching for glphys for years if they dont point us in some direction....
twinkle, like me. I was at a cottage.
I propose that we split the duties, if the glyphs are all at once, thrown into the web. Like So and so gets 1-5, Next guy get 6-11, so on. It would be much easier than looking in a frenzy. But this all of course, depends on the notion that Blake will through the hints out on random TLE-related websites by the tens.
Or better yet, we appoint groups of people to moniter a website.
Just read a few comments...and I've got an opinion...
Slow? They've never (to my knowledge) posted new clues over the weekend. Saturday was HUGE! And now we have a new website and 4 new video clips and it's only Monday! This IS Act III and it is going to be awesome. We each have our own space on and we can work together and share information like never before. I anticipate that we are going to find glyphs all over the world and the videos are going to tell us more than we ever imagined. Mr Beardy is new cool is that?!
This is just my opinion but I wanted to be a voice saying that I think this ARG is just as AWESOME as ever. I'm just bummed I have to go out of town for 5 days!!! (Noblelawyer, I'll be back in N.O.)
Admin, read my post above, I think you could organize that.
man, that dancing panda weirds me out.
frogurt-I posted earlier...don't know when but you can CTRL+F it...if we use the ARG monitor no one has to monitor sites except Rachel's blog and ROT, as it automatically tracks updates on ALL other in-game sites:)
i agree w/ admin, i think this is the perfect opportunity to make this game more real-world. rache could tell us she put a glyph at yankee stadium for example and we'll need someone in new york to find it. i hope that's the direction this turns!
Why are we assuming that all glyphs will be on the web? What websites? Sublymonal, LYCGY, RoT??? I'm not sure they are going to be released that way? Can you catch me up...I haven't been able to lurk today.
I am convinced that is how it will go down. I've talke to people who have played other ARGs and that is how they ended. Examples...go to a certain payphone at a certain time and answer when it rings and use a certain password. Go to a certain restaurant and ask to see the manager and say a certain phrase and they will give you a clue. Etc. Old fashioned Scavenger Hunt style...but GLOBAL!
No, I'm saying IF they are released like that or in large groups we could organize our search forces to monitor sites like RDB, BBS, ROT etc. What is LYCGY?
Ange - RSS will tell us when, but does it tell us where? I don't really 'get' RSS so. Anyways, it would be interesting and it could get people to get to know each other more.
Am I invisible today?
We can't assume that Admin...PLUS only two of the glyphs we have now were on web sites. All others were technically on bracelets worn by the Lost panel-in the REAL WORLD. I agree admin, they could be anywhere...Rachel's e-mail mentions that the clips are on the web NOT necessarily the glyphs. I am still hoping for some e-mails to players.
Yep Frogurt, The ARG monitor tells us where...and supplies a clickable link too.
admin, if it goes down that way, I'm your boy in Toronto!
TPTB, might be able to take the time to check on frappr or people's profiles to know where to put clues if they decide to the real-world angle.
I don't think we have to just go out into the world or the world-wide-web haphazardly looking everywhere. TPTB will still guide us in the same ways they have all along. We can monitor websites 24/7 but history tells us that we have really only caught clues before we were given a hint about 15% of the time (and when we did, they didn't really make sense - like the first Rachel vid on Monster).
kvon-hanso adoptions is not in game.
patrick it is here:
Link to ARG Monitor
and you're not being stupid!!!;)
admin, i thought i remembered this game being described the way you're talking about when it all started. people around the world would find things and post em for everyone to share. i REALLY hope it goes that way. i also think the fact that only 2 were on the web, and those were spoonfed should give us some idea of what direction this is heading.
Could someone who is signed in on the Fuselage write to DDK and ask him what was on his wristband? Not that he'd answer but it couldn't hurt.
gee David, you were quick to ditch the 48 day theory ;-) If this is act 3 then finding the fragment codes and putting the video cannot be all of it... the information might be earth shattering but it's going to be hinted at with the fragments well before hand... like spoilers ;-) So, if this is part of Act 3, I hope the finale is action packed.
I have to agree that real orld clues will require us to lean on each other a lot more, as was hinted by Rachel. I know there would be continuity issues with something being printed in Bad twin, but maybe it could be added to (stamped, a sticker or something) one shipment or something, with a link to the website... maybe glyphs will pop up on adds during Lost... anything else would really require direction, which could happen, it's just not looking that way yet.
patrick: yup, the cubbies can't even call this a rebuilding year. they are just plain crap. what does that make the pirates and the royals?
i've got a feeling tptb will be putting these in major population centers.
you're not invisible! :)
I see you.
You're right. Video Fragments = Hidden all over the WEB (and by that I think the implication may be that the 5 we already have are hosted all over at random places that don't really matter but they're collected by us at Glyphs/Fragment Codes = Could be anywhere.
I'm not sure they're monitoring frappr (maybe they are since Speaker posted one a few weeks ago). They will probably just do things in major cities.
kvonhard-G4 has coverage of the Lost panel (not sur e how much though) tonight at 7:00pm est...if you get that channel...I personally am hoping for something then!
Thanks Dave:)
Hello all, if the TPTB wants that we look for the glyphs I don't know and I am truly disapointed with this.
But I was researching a little bit and found this
I think this must be a thing to look into.
admin, frappr would be a good place to find where there are only a couple of people in one city so that we would have to rely on those people.
Reposting from the clue #78 thread this morning, in case people were sleeping:
Sorry to distract everyone from the talk of glyphs and codes, but I want to return for a moment to actually discussing what the clues we have might mean.
If you think back to the "where is alvar" hack that we saw when we clicked "October 28, 2003" under alvar's picture(Clue #27 at TLEC), you'll recall that if you were patient enough to let the hack play out, you got some morse code with a flashing dot.
I now think that the morse code at the end was a message to Persephone/Rachel from GidgetGirl/Darla, perhaps delivered by IronMan/Fixer/ITGuy. The hack then becomes a sort of conversation, thus:
Rachel: Where is Alvar Hanso?
Darla: Safe -- G.
"G" for Gidget, of course.
So Darla either knows where he is, or at the very least knows for sure that he is somewhere safe, and more importantly, that there is some danger that he needs to be safe from. TWM, perhaps?
OK, I now return you to your regularly scheduled glyph comments.
Ange, never before have I wanted G4 so bad. I just wanted it for Happy Tree Friends and Friends but now, the Lost Panel?! What else lies in this treasure trove of excellency?!
Yeah, I know...48 day theory is out the window for me! Oh well, you win some, you lose some. I was just happy that Rachel showed up at Comic Con. I think Act 3 will be action packed. The action on Saturday at Comic Con was exhillerating even though I wasn't there. Talking to Belly and Tapdawg on the phone, getting emails, watching Speaker's blog...that was fast paced and really fun. What if every 5th glyph or so was a wild-goose chase like that?! The possibilities are endless.
Not the mention that the video(s) on is(are) going to mess with our heads...we probably won't understand what it's all about until we get the last few fragments. I bet the fragments get longer and longer as we go. We'll be working the whole time to put the pieces together. Right now, I don't think anyone has a clue where they go in the order.
engineer, that's really interesting! Way to look back!
engineer27, thanks for reposting that. Interesting theory and very possible. I decided that they were trying to say "save me" which has been a comment thread throughout this game. And didn't Rachel act like she didn't know GidgetGirl when first went live?
patrick, why don't you think this is Act 3?
admin, I said before, you can ctrl+F it, that I think the very last fragment will be the longest and explain everything like the beard guy and why TWM is there.
forgive me. I haven't read the entire thread. busy, busy day. I agree with you.
administrator: Right. Rachel didn't "get" the message for the same reason we didn't -- no idea who "G" is. But Darla/Gidget knew who Persephone/Rachel was the whole time.
She waited to get more involved to avoid "exposure" -- for good reason, as it turned out.
Just want to get this out in the open - I started posting in the message board. Then I moved on to frappr and now I'm finally I'm in the comments. I tuly enjoy how I am an active part of the proceedings and how everyone here has been so nice.
but with70 fragments that could very well carry us throughout the rest of the game. I think this is act 3.
Why does it say that 10 fragments have been released? Maybe the leader board people have each been given one extra and since they all have six they are all (1) first.
Did anyone check what I've post?
Just catching up. Yeah, I agree the fragments on the web, but the glyphs can be anywhere. Hopefully, it will be physical hunting around the world where we have to rely on each. I think we did a pretty good job of it at ComicCon. That was just a test for us. LOL
IMHO: Think Mr. Beardy is Alvar Hanso himself. TWM said he did have a DVD of Alvar talking about the Valenzetti Equation. I think this is that DVD.
I did santos, it's interesting but I don't thinik it's ingame
I also think this is ACT 3. Each Act is involving one particular site: Act I: THF; ACT II: Rachel's Blog and ACT III: Hansoexposed.
kvonhard: I don't think that the clips is coming from anywhere from the web, it is just a game language, like the THF hacked site. We know that is impossible to hack on demand a flash website. So is just ilustrative.
LostinFrogurt: Not the site or the guy but the theory about I ching and feng shui. The glyphs has to be meaninful in real world, I don't think they invented all glyphs.
I gotta go.
HI EVERYONE! Do we still only have 5 codes?
how do you know how many codes are actually released? it said that there were 10 at Matt the Pale's HansoExposed Video Fragment Code List...
People, What is G4? is it a show or a channel or what?
Damn, I dont have G4.
I'm back. Went biking.
Do any of you think that they planned ahead of time and put a glyph in that orientaion video??
Hey...Geogodess...interesting name...?
G4 had a whole bunch of one missed anything!
that G4 Lost coverage was pretty lame
LOL sunbruise, I did just go back and look at that again, but I'm pretty sure all the unique frames were captured sme time ago and I don't remember anything looking remotely like a glyph, they were all photography images (except for the "logo" at the start and the end credits of course). There was the change to the text that flashes up on, but haven't checked yet whether it is working now
you can type alot in Sublymonal....Helgus Antonius....glyph...werner...
Lol, type lost. There aware of it. now says 10 fragments are out there. where or where could they be? i mean, they should be easy to find, seeing as how rachel has limited their locations fo any and every website known to man, lol
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