Clue #80 - Fragment Codes "fvh7n", "88ch", "1EY8AZCZNA2", & "VDADOS7YREO"
First, was updated by Speaker with a "Catch-Up for Noobs" post. In his post there were several mock pictures of Speaker but the 3rd from the bottom was a negative image of him (white face, black glasses). Clicking that image gave us our next glyph/fragment code, "fvh7n". The video was Mr. Beardy saying "Thank you and namaste."
Next, Lost Ninja posted with the title "Got Glyphs" revealing 3 more glyphs/fragment codes. Code "88ch" gives us a video of Mr. Beardy saying, "Commissioned under the highest secrecy through the U.N. Security Council..." Code "1EY8AZCZNA2" gives us a video of Mr. Beardy saying, "The DeGroots, the few high-ranking members of my organization." Finally, code "VDADOS7YRE0" gives us a video of Mittlwerk saying, "I just want to tell all of you that I trust you to do what is best."
Thanks to John, Uncaged, Jessi, Matt the Pale, Sean, baseballfrk89, Joel, and Stephen for being the first to email us about these codes.
*As always, check out Matt the Pale's summary of all the found fragment codes at...Matt the Pale's HansoExposed Video Fragment Code List
Hey guys, sorry this post was kinda late. We must have all been out at one time tonight. Have fun!
I'm off to New Orleans again. :)
no problem, everyone gets a little behind sometimes
top 10!
I couldn't decipher anything from the pictures, but it's hard to take pics of something that glows in the dark... but my puzzles get here tomorrow, so I'm excited about that
from what it looked like, the back of tapdawg's puzzle was the glow in the dark map seen in "?", in the swan hatch, but i could be wrong
the only thing i could make out was the "I am here" in the middle but tapdawg mentioned something about fatalities(!?) not sure about that part
probably, but I love puzzles, so it'll be fun either way
(on another note, I should have stopped lurking and started posting a long time ago, instead of just tonight)
does anyone know where you can get those lost puzzles outside of comic con? or do we have to wait for them to come out? is where I got my 2... you can even preorder the ones that haven't come out yet.
thanks love pirate- arrr!
alrighty about the puzzle:
you can get it at amazon, barnes and nobles, and some toy website... i cant rememebr what its called.
as for the back. it has a code on it i can't decpiher.
it's several letter C's and then a bunch of numbers.... I posted the numbers before but noone took much care about it.
tapdog: by the way, excellent coverage of the comic con. I live kinda near San Diego and I wish I could have gone.
TOP 20!!!!
man I hate it when people post this top # stuff!!!
no problem love pirate. You should attend next year. They have alot of cool stuff and barely any comic books.... hahha and its comic-con hahahha
yeah, thank you so much tapdawg, you did an awesome job, and after watching attack of the show's coverage of Lost at comic con, you look even better, they should have hired you to be a reporter
Tapdawg...I took note, wrote them down question was this...since it is a map just like the one on the blast door, what if those numbers are coodinates on a map...Like C12/26 (whatever) would put you in a square on a map?
Okay, am I reaching?
hahaha... well i am going to college right now and I'm studying communications.
i think you are reaching... maybe i should change the numebrs into letters?
I tried that too...let me know what you get.
what do you do when it is a 28? I was sure there are only 26 letters. HA HA
well here's my one problem. i didn't glue the puzzle before i left the hotel. as i wlaked to my car i tripped and half the puzzle borke apart. thankfully i don't think much of the code was lost. lemme see if i can still read it.
any chance there was a glyph on the back of the puzzle? That would probably be a bit of a stretch, but it would be cool.
C2/5 C24/8 C28/9 C16/20 C16/23 C10/1+1 C20/1+1 C3/2 C8/2+5 C3/2+2 C1/13 C9/2
this is what one of the codes said... and i believe two or three of these were underlined whereas the rest weren't... i wonder if i can find the ones underlined.
no glyph...sorry love pirate
c8/2+5 was underlined for sure.
i've got a digital camera... i dont know how to do that chase... and also the puzzle broke kinda.
tapdawg - have you only completed one of the puzzles, cause if so i'm guessing you'd need to compare the glow in the dark messages from the other ones to make sense of the "coordinates"
could the c's have something to do with cycle activity???
The snapshot I saw of the front of the puzzle seems to show that it is diagramming the interactions between all the characters. Maybe the "C" in all the codes is for Character, and the codes are pointing out the imprtant connections for you.
i hope not... because then thye won't make sense until december when the 4th puzzle comes out.
i hope not as well, but that's the kinda vibe i got from the card collections that you had on your blog, - collect them all and get special info about the show
this is what the box says *spoiler warning: secrets are revealed! Do not assemble this puzzle unless you want exclusive new insight into Tv's most puzzling Drama Series *spoiler warning*
Well, goodnight all. I really need some sleep. I leave with this bit of info. I sent myself a video sequence from, but my mail server bounced it (claiming "unacceptable content"). The bounce-back message I got was the following:
Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
Remote host said: 554 5.7.1 Message rejected because of unacceptable content.
We knew that and hansoexposed were housed on the same server. Turns out they are using the same qmail as well!
so apparently there's a Lost board game coming out too?! wow, they're really milking this show, plus i think there's a video game in the works as well
I was hoping for a little help...I hear the moans...on the last thread Maven had mentioned a pattern to the codes. I had the same idea and had worked it out, but it didn't fit with a couple. I can not find the post Maven left because there are 500+...anyone remember the pattern Maven found?
thisguy - the lost game will be out mid to late august. I was able to check it out at the con... looks cool enough... but prolly will only be super cool to the dwights.
heather- the pattern is with the borders of the glyphs... the ones with beardy had one type of border and the mw ones had a different border.
HEY GUYS it seems we are getting the fragments in somewhat types of grouping.
1st group= Mr. Beardy orientation type video
2nd group= mittlewerks orientation being secretly taped (sri lanka?)
i hope the lost video game is a bit better than the attempt to make 24 into a game
ok, this may have been brought up in other comments, but does anyone else think that rachel is definately alvar's daughter or granddaughter after the comic-con appearance? when she said "he is real and I am living proof of that?" she definately has a connection even if it isn't a blood connection.
do you guys think the mw frags are a rachel video? like one she taped herself?
christine, I agree completely. perhaps rachel will have filmed mittlewerk and have discovered the orientation-type film, and will somehow tie them both together
thisguy- someone actually asked that about the game. and they said it'll be at least two times bettwe then the 24 game.
love pirate- when she began that portion of her speech i honestly thought she was about to say "Alvar Hanso is real and I know because my name is Rachel Hanso" but alas she said Rachel Blake not Hanso...
tapdawg- yeah I thought that was coming too when I watched the video... I bet it was awesome, the video alone gives me goosebumps, but maybe I'm strange like that
I think we're still in Act 2, and that once we put all the frags together the monster video will lead into Act 3, this will be rachel's last vid and then we'll get something bigger for act 3
well, I wonder if these videos are having to do with what Rachel said at comic con. she said she has proof that the DHARMA initiative and what Mittlewerk is doing in Sri Lanka is real. She is probably showing different videos to prove each thing she said was real to prove it like she said. She also mentioned that Alvar Hanso is real, hopefully meaning that we get get a video of him also!
well I thoght I read a pattern about the numbers turned into letters and then add them up to get the order they go in...
i wonder if we'll go back to the 40'whatever day rule. it is seeming unlikely cause in only a couple days we already have around 10 clips out of 70
yeah that was costa theory... but he added wrong and the theory was dropped.
oh, gotcha, i guess i missed that
imagine if this video shows up on the island... now that would be awesome!
alright guys, i'm going to head to bed now... hopefully we'll find the new clue or get more tomorrow. Night!
goodnight tapdawg
i get the feeling that the orientation video portion of mr. beardy talking will likely turn up on the show at some point, just to tie the experience into the show and give the info we learn to the fans who aren't as into the lost experience
oops, didn't mean to give miscredit. I knew I had read it though.
I thought RB said something about the code is the clue. Is there anything to dicypher in guys are all so much smarter than I am I just can't figure it out!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks for all the info - tapdawg
I could see the video showing up on the island in season 3, and that could be the connection. Maybe we'll learn background and what's going on with this video, and hanso, and the vik institute and all that, and it'll be summed up in this video, but for people who don't follow TLE then it'll stand alone on the show. but I think it will be way more than that.
just kinda thinking outloud.
heather- you're just as smart as I am, I can't make heads or tails of decyphering it
well, I think I am off to bed for now. I just thought this part of the game I would be able to be more interactive with...OCT 4 I CAN NOT WAIT!
goodnight heather
gn heather and your brain
has anyone else found that screws up a lot? Everytime I save my sequence and click the link that pops up, it says i've found 0 fragments
I get several problems with hansoexposed... fragments will vanish sometimes if I slightly misplace them... I've had it say I've found 0 fragments too, just like you said... I also was unable to view the orientation video for a while, it was just static... I think they're still working the bugs out of the system
yeah, due to the glitchiness on hansoexposed, i've just written down all the codes cause i've had clips turn into "undefined" clips for no reason, it's pretty frustrating
yeah, I think they rushed putting the site together and will be debugging it for a while.
I wonder if, since it was said that the codes would be delivered to a select few, if some random person who is signed up might get an email with a glyph and we'd have to rely on them to give it to the rest of us? I think that would be kind of cool (if it was me getting the inside info, that is)
hmmm, interesting ideas johnny, i'm gonna have to go back and watch those clips even closer!
p.s. congrats on the first post
love pirate- that would be sweet! unfortunately i'm pretty sure "a select few" means people like Speaker, and the Lost Ninja, aka administrators
jonnysuede- mittlewerk does seem to be moving strange (just watched it again). he does seem to have a limp, from all the videos he's in... I don't know if it has anything to do with the LEP or if it's just a character trait, but I picked up on it too and it could be important later
(my first post was also tonight)
it makes me kinda sad to think all these fragments are just posted blatantly, without searching for them, i miss rumaging through RoT and DJ dan websites
thisguy- you're probably right, but we can always hope
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yeah, it seems like they're in a hurry to get all the fragments out, and that they don't want to take up time rummaging through the other websites, though that was more satisfying, but I'm going to enjoy piecing this vid together
jonnysuede- I think they producers of lost and TLE are having to walk a fine line between people who like hunting for clues and people (more like myself) who are in it for the story. I think they've done an ok job. I'm pleased with the story, and while the clues seem to be rather basic at times, I'm not sure I personally would want them too complicated. But I think they could certainly use a bit more effort to uncover.
Anhoo, i'm going to go finish reading The Third Policeman, thanks for all the great ideas everyone,
hopefully we get some more exciting action tomorrow!
trevorgladez- I think they will move this part along rather quickly, because I think many people feel/will feel the same way you do. I don't think one video could be so important that they would take up many weeks of us trying to put it together.
I think we are going to finally learn the full story of what mittlewerk has been up to and what the overarching plot is that the antagonists have been hatching. I think act 2 will end with this video in the next two weeks, and rachel may or may not go missing, but after this video we will have the info we need, and act three will involve us trying to stop whatever's going on. I think act 1 was all the background and intro stuff, act 2 has been about discovering what is going on in the plot of the story, and act three will be us doing something about it. that's my hope at least
chelsea- that was my first thought too. I hope it is, that would be an awesome connection. If not, it certainly looks like it.
b!x- I agree, I think it's the same video, or one where she combined the two. I don't think they're two separate things.
yeah, I don't buy the beardy=hanso. Looking at the hanso pic and at beardy, the facial structure looks very different, I bet you're right jonnysuede, I bet it's Dharma.
hanso is definately no Dave Thomas.
jonnysuede- I think he was talking about the Valenzetti Eq. which was commissioned by the UN, he'll probably tie it in to what Dharma is doing
We don't know too much, only that Mittlewerk is up to something really big and evil there, and that it has to do with the SPIDER PROTOCOL and the Helgus Antonius (with the quarantine sections). One thought is that the ship is possibly being used to transport people to THE island from Sri Lanka (maybe the others?) and that that connects to Dharma and their research with the valenzetti eq. and the spider protocol is maybe the overall name for the plan for getting these people to the island.
yeah, the whole timeline thing is messing with my head. and on that note, it's bedtime. keep up the great discussions and thanks.
that is not hanso, they would not give us a pic of him right off the bat. we are going to have to wait for that i am certain.
Who found the 10th glyph/fragment?
It was entered 7.19 am GMT.
Please share.
Yeah, who entered the 10th code and what is it?!!
The statistics file shows the 10th glyph being entered at 7.19 am GMT. And the leader board shows a [2] next to JustWillow. Someone's not sharing codes?!??!!?!
All the 10 fragments are now published.
Just Willow My Space
I'm not sure what "[2]" means...
If justwillow is in 2nd place why is shown on top of the leader board :-D?
justwillow: Maybe we are right about the xml stats page. We are not even sure "published" means "entered by a player"
justwillow: Thanks for explaining that [2] thing to us! ;-D
justwillow: Oh, and sorry for the misunderstanding!
So, something happened to 10th code. It was published somewhere.
I go to bed for like 8 hours and then the number of glyphs are doubled! According to that theory..carry the 2...
I am going to sleep for 36 hours tomorrow, lets see how many we get!
Where'd you find that, Blink?
Just thinking about the order...we dont have a lot of info yet, but seeing how Mr. Beardy is on a few of the black and white video scenes....
I was thinking Intro - Mr. B talking - Black and white sections with (Alvar?) talking, - Back to Mr B then on to Mittelwerk?
Of course it is way too early, but it might be a good idea to think of ways to make good first guesses to cut down time.
I am pretty sure that the voices are different, one has a bit of an accent to it...
I don't know..Ill leave now.
Just my thoughts.
Can everyone get to their vids on HE....mine's not loading past the leaderboard screen?
I hope we don't have to deal with fake glyhps now..
Works now....when it loads the fragments recovered it puts a space between the 88ch and the 1ey one?
Next time they update the fragments released....we should try this "new" one....i can't see them letting EW post a fake one....doesn't accomplish much.... what can we gather from the clips so far....Mittlewerk is briefing a new "island" crew, and a new Dharma video....but the Dharma video is not shot from the same camera the mittlewerk clips are.....
btw...i'm starting to think the word verifications on here are glyph codes....i could be delirious tho....
on my login screen it says i've found ten when i only have 9...
There's nothing on
fragment released="1153589062" published="1153592833"/>
fragment released="1153589094" published="1153592918"/>
fragment released="1153589124" published="1153611195"/>
fragment released="1153589184" published="1153717717"/>
fragment released="1153589217" published="1153788396"/>
fragment released="1153589247" published="1153786917"/>
fragment released="1153589292" published="1153786623"/>
fragment released="1153734123" published="1153734286"/>
fragment released="1153734210" published="1153811970"/>
fragment released="1153761962" published="1153786809"/>
weezknight, I don't think the times are GMT... it was about 10:30 am here when I got mine (I think the one I got was the 6th one released)... I'm in Australia and I think I'm 10 hours in front of GMT which would make it approx 12:30am on the 25th when I found mine GMT... these times seem to be somewhere in the US to my thinking. It's just gone 10:30pm here, these times seem to be 14 hours behind me... so where is it 8:30am? US eastern states?
East Coast in the house...!
Clue #81 is thread already!
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