Clue #81 - Entertainment Weekly Scoop & Fragment Codes "3GTVI0M11" & "IG3X"
The code from the article is "3GTVI0M11." Which is of the bearded guy explaining the DHARMA Initiative. Check out Clue #50 to see what it stands for if you are new or have forgotten. Also, make sure you use the number "0" and not the letter "O" when entering this new code.
Another code turned up on the Official UK Podcast. It is "IG3X." The video for this code contains a screen reading "©1975 THE HANSO FOUNDATION."
Thanks to Midnight Ace for the heads up. Thanks to Sweetscrapper for being the first to email us that the code now works and the many folks in the chat room that also gave the heads up. Thanks to DJ Hayes and Dan for emailing us the next fragment code.
*See Clues 77-80 for more info on glyphs, fragment codes, and Or check out Matt the Pale's summary of all the found fragment codes at...Matt the Pale's HansoExposed Video Fragment Code List
The real justwillow?
hey willow, long time no see ;)
Wow, here for a clue cool. Has anyone shared that 10th part yet?
Btw, the new DJ Dan remix podcast is up
Enjoy :)
(sorry for the blatant plug, hopefully no one will mind).
good morning!
hmm where is the glyph we were suppose to find? This is harder than finding Alvar ;)
Why won't this glyph code work? Do we need to decode it further, if so that is just way too much!!
Midnight Ace, we typically only "thank" the folks that email us. EMAIL is an important value to us. But thanks to BLANK too! :)
Fenris, feel free to pimp your stuff here. You know I LOVE IT!
Goodbye to New Orleans
This was posted on the other comments section:
"jonahadkins disse...
on my login screen it says i've found ten when i only have 9... "
So, is that leader board information reliable?
I don't know how much stock I am putting in the accuracy of right now. I had 9 clips saved in sequence last night. This morning only 8 were in my "storage" area, none in the sequence area, two were completely red, and two were the same clip. Now I have to figure out which ones I am missing (that I had last night).
Hey, is it possible that the glyph on the ew website does not contain the actual code on it? Maybe we do have to work for it after all? Really long shot, but I am bored and trying not to study.
ange - I have had more problems with the player not showing my sequence in the right order, with some files missing. The main site pops up with "undefined" for some videos now and then and I have to retype in the code.
weez-my point being, with a Glyph from EW that does not work currently, a random 10th clip being found but no one claiming it, and all of the probelms that some are having, it seems maybe a technical error, rather than an accurate count on the leaderboard. I'm hoping anyways. I really hope there isn't someone out there who found a glyph and didn't know they were supposed to share it!
CTRL+F Lostnuts:)
fenris, nice work again :-)
Matt-The EW article has a clickable link to That along with the glyph makes me think it's legit, but either not working properly, or we are looking at it wrong. Under the glyph pic it says, "Would Prince himself be able to figure this glyph out?" Referring to the singer Prince, maybe as a joke,but maybe we have to figure this one out.
Why Prince?
lost-Prince used a glyph as his name for a know that symbol. The whole "The Artist Formerly Known as Prince" and all that because no one could pronounce it.
G'morning all... I initially had the 'losing clips' problem on the HE site. I started hitting the 'save' function Sunday, and since then, have not lost any clips (basically after I type in the new code found, I hit save then put it in my sequence and hit save)... dunno if it will help, but just saying since I started doing that, I haven't had problems...
ange: yeah, you're right, that "love symbol" or whatever they called it
according to the stats, all of the 10 released codes have been published, so that matches the leader list... I take it to mean someone has found/decoded the 10th code. So someone has it, I think. Share the love man!
ange and lost: the symbol was a combination of the male o-> and female o+ symbols, at least that's how it was explained long ago when he first became o+>
Maybe the EW article code only worked once, on it's first entry...and now we have to wait for this catseye to share. Maybe they are going to force us to work together now.
That's a good point ange. Maybe the user who entered it first is not even aware of that.
Good point, ange!
Aui: Based on your observation, I just tried a cyrillic letter, a greek small theta, and a latin letter that appear like a 0 with a slash in it, but alas... no dice.
Anyone try an ASCII representation of Princes symbol? heh heh.
just emailed doc in the comment section about the glyph if you guys can please do the same maybe we can get a response to see if the glyph is real or not
I emailed this morning as well. I am sure he is getting flooded with them. Hopefully he will answer soon.
With any luck we will see more about Rachel as well.
Not Just Willow. She already told about the 2 she found first.
little: it does that with however many you currently HAVE. example: if YOU have 5, it will show, "5 of 5", etc.
however, i mentioned a similar theory yesterday on rachel's blog, i believe.
that they can "string us along" for pretty much as long as they want, now. simply state that the "codes" are "somewhere on the internet" and voila, we're scurrying around looking for clues that aren't even there yet.
this buys them time to "place" them in our "paths" at THEIR convenience. just their way of "controlling" the pace of the "game" without really looking like they are.
just a thought.
did you know theres a mittelwerk video? doesnt really say much. However i dont ever remember seeing a video on there.
ange: actually, thinking about it, not sure why a code would work only once... do you think they are waiting for it to be posted on a board and then they will unlock it again? Don't see how logistically this could work... a simpler control mechanism to force us to share is to withhold new codes from being released until all presently released are found. They will more likely just share them via Speaker/Ninja if we get stuck.
The EW glyph is working now.
The EW code works for me now. The clip shows what Dharma stands for and McBeardy says "it also stands for the one true way."
so we are already 1/7 of the way there. we will probably get more glyphs today also.
rick - they play when you switch to the View zoom level in the order you have them & they play when you click on them individually in the Inspect zoom level.
the 10th code worked for me just now. Try it again folks!
I now see 11 glyphs released. Did catseye find one that isn't the EW glyph or did he/she just get lucky and it worked earlier?
also emailed djdans see if it leads to another glpyh
Cindy: I copied and pasted from MTP site and it worked just fine for me.
The statistics have updated, and all 11 released have been published so someone (this Catseye, maybe?) has the missing piece already.
I hope it is just a matter of not realizing that we don't know it yet, rather than purposely being greedy.
Anyone know who got the credit for the EW code?
It is already there, but it is just an opinion, but a good one and a great place to start!
Also the main page is updated with the new clue information.
rick: it depends on the context of what beardy is saying... he could mean "the DeGroots [are] the few high ranking members of my organization" or he could mean "the DeGroots, [along with] the few high ranking members of my organization" or something else.
Whatever beardy is saying, I'm sure at some point (likely one of the last clips we find) he will identify himself for the film... that's why we know Marvin Candle and Wickmund's names, they identified themselves at the beginning of their respective orientation videos... I would assume this would follow a similar format. IMO I admit.
lostmyshape - MTP's already got one sequence up. I don't know if he's updated it yet with the latest clip.
Beardy is alvar hanso!! sorry if its been posted don't have time. I got school now so my TLEC time is now limited.......
lizrd-good point! The leader board is still the same even after the EW code started working.
BTW, I saw Marvin Candle on Dark Angel reruns the other night. Maybe he's doing some acting on the side?
if Alvar is McBeardy, I think that means Mittlewerk is McCreepy.
This is going to be a frustrating part of this arg, dealing with
The new code is working for me, and then I hit save. When I leave the site and go back in, the new code is not showing up. Also if I rearange my sequence, and hit save sequence, then leave and come back, it is back as it was before.
AndI will personaly write a cheese check to Mayor McCheese!
Good one, sweets. :)
I agree that we'll get an introduction at the beginning of the Dharma film eventually - probably as one of the last clips.
The only two clips that might go together so far are the one where he ends with Namaste and the copyright slide for the Dharma Initiative. The music starts playing in the Namaste clip, so it must segue right into the end slide.
Admin: Tell me that this glyphs mean something, that is worth to look about their significance or meaning. Because is a waste of time since one don't know where to look and sundely one of them appear in some place. Tell me that we don't have to sit and wait for one more.
Has anyone identified Beardy's accent yet? Is it Danish? Would make sense, I think.
I agree, that presently Beardy could very well be Hanso... but it could just as easily be another character. If it is Hanso, likely the clip of him introducing himself will be the last one to be released (to make it a big *AHA*). Then again, TPTB could forever keep Hanso as a shadow figure (ala Norm's wife on Cheers)... you know we hear a lot about him but never see him. Not saying I would put money on that idea, just saying it's possible.
Matt - I see on your list that you have the copyright slide first in your sequence, where I have it last in mine. Don't the films usually start with an intro slide (i.e. The Swan, station 3 of 5 or whatever) and then end with the copyright? Or am I mixing that up.
No criticism, just a question. Your site is a great resource!
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Man these things come out fast, at this rate we will be done by the end of the month....
Oh my goodness, I dreamed about fragments last night. This game is getting to me.
Matt the Pale: quick question... just noticed on your page it says:
Total Released: 12/70
Is this a typo? I only show 11 released...
Sigh... got get to work so will check back later.
at the rate these are coming out, will the videos be complete and that's the end of act II. maybe act III is what happens in response to the revelations of the videos.
Good Morning to all....
Checking in, man a glyph already, and it's from EW. That's so cool. GO DOC, give us MORE...
Matt: nevermind... I logged into HE again and it updated to 12.
so doc's in game i guess. is he the first real person (other than actors playing roles) to go in game?
mark treitel: I think everyone here already is pretty much living up to your sharing pledge.
I pretty much said the same thing earlier though, that TPTB will likely just use Ninja, Speaker, or some other insider to clue us in on something we missed (ie. the wristbands people missed).
tptb have completely surprised me with the format for act ii, can't wait to see what act iii consists of. i'm really hoping for real-world scavneger hunt type tasks.
Doc's definetly in-game. He gave us our 10th glyph...
Rachael contacted him and told him to put it out for us...
what paper(s) did the anti gary troup ad from thf run? that would be another good place for glyphs.
locked on lost - I whole heartedly agrew with your theory here...there is no way that this part of the game could be going this fast and be able to last until Season I agree that this is the climax of act 2 and will have a major event happening at the conclusion of this Rachel being captured/killed etc...or even Alvar stepping out of the this point who knows but TPTB!
does anyone have the link to the arg monitor? I think DJ Dan has updated, but I can't be sure.
Good morning everyone!
I can't get over how TPTB have really surprised us with this part of the game. Just think...on Saturday we were speculating that it would be weeks and weeks before we got all the clips and there's already 12 of the 70 released!
I'm wondering if once the whole thing is put together, THF is going to retaliate in a BIG way. Maybe that's Act III.
Thrasher, I'm with you! Is there another opportunity for RB to appear in public once we've put together the video? Perhaps she'll come out of hiding, thinking it's safe since the truth is known, and that's when HER secret becomes the issue.
I saw an anti Gary Troup ad in the NY Post.
Seeing how fast these are coming up, I'm starting to agree with tapdawg, et. al. about this being the finale for Act II. If they keep releasing them at this rate, we'll be done with the video by mid August!
Dixxee - Here is an ARG monitor they tend to not be as quick as being here live in person, but the can help.
L.A. Times also ran the Troup ad.
Morning, all. Keep those glyphs coming! Anybody heard of catseye before?
fasten: good point, all this glyph stuff has put rachel's real identity on the back burner, but i'm sure it won't stay there. perhaps one of the videos will show her with her father?
Patrick: Thank you. I saw something I hadn't seen in the last few days and wanted to confirm. I also needed to save that to my favorites.. Thanks!
dixee -
and no not so far
Thanks to Mattthepale for posting a possible order of the fragments. It's going to get more and more complicated!
If you want to find all the codes so far go toTLEC's home page and go to clue 79 and click on he link to Matt the Pales list of the video fragment codes.
What would be really cool is if Rachel added some fansites to her "trusted fews". Like TLEC or the portuguese Lost blog :-D
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FYSB - This is certainly the end of Act 2! It is the climax to a ho-hum build up with long gaps in info. now things are comnig at us everyday...and will take us into the 45 th day of Act 2 when something big will happen. As far as RB making another appearance, not sure really. It would be cool if she was on a daytime talk show or late night or something...perhaps Jimmy Kimmel. THF is going to react in a big way to us getting the peices together and that is when Act 3 will begin, IMHO! But it would be cool to have it be Avlar coming out of hiding and aiding his daughter/grand daughter...
Gary Troup ad was in the Boston Globe too.
PATRICK-Justwillow posted earlier today about her status on the leaderboard...check it out. I don't think it's wise to flood her inbox with mail.:)
Here's something I've been wondering about....if Rachel is the daughter/granddaughter/parthenogenic offspring of Alvar Hanso, why doesn't she have more money?
Also, it seems like Rachel's relationship to "him" was a secret to her until relatively recently, although her mom knew, Fixer knew and Gidget Girl seemed to know.
Why would everyone else know but Rachel?
a little off-topic. anyone else read's july 22 update on lost? looks like we can forget the nanites=monster theory! also the producers state our translation (well, lostpedia's really) of the hieroglyphs was close but not exact.
Maybe Catseye is in-game
patrick, yup i was working on a research blog post regarding using of em fields to control nanites. no need for that now!
chompy: Exactly.
So are there 2 glyphs that noone has found? Or one that noone has found and 1 that Catseye is keeping from the rest of us?
because catseye was never on the list until yesterday, and now they are, but all the other codes had already been found. Catseye has it, and has not shared it yet - they may not even use these blogs... but he/she DOES have it.
Shouldn't we be getting a DJ dan podcast soon? It's been 2 weeks right?
narrim: why would rachel give glyphs to "hanso employees"?
Anyone know the significance of the Rm11alvaro thing that comes up when you call up the glyph from the Speakers picture. It didn't work as a code, but was interesting to say the least.
the schwizz, I understand that the Rm11 stands for Reader Mail Week 11, and the rest is the name of the person submitting the picture.
Last in-game site to update was Speakers Blog 07-24-2006 17:07 ...Ninja's blog too, but I don't know the timestamp for that. It seems the CatseyeGate glyph is on a site we haven't thought of...much like EW. I checked E!, TV Guide, and Amazon...but didn't find anything.
I personally like nrrm's theory, that Catseye is in-game, or a test of some sort.
I know this isn't our mysterious catseye, but the coincidences are too funny not to share.
Thanks Tresbien. Tomorrow will be a big day for codes i think.
I have cheked myspace and flickr already and nothing! That site have a lot of catseye, but no glyphs.
I just found that it is possible to view other players sequences!
If you go to
and look at the bottom part with the "sequence names", for example
sequence name="Lostmania" id="a3ed17f4ca9783dcb8ada295e4e920fc"/,
take the long code after id= without the "" and append to URL
and you get that person's sequence ([continue]>[view]). Looks like the last 10 saved sequences are shown.
With a bit of luck we could be catching someone who has unlocked glyph 10 (the one that catseye was first to enter).
here's my thoughts.... speaker and ninja realized we knew that terry and the other person were fake people that emailed them clues... they've wisened up and now entered the clue from "catseye" and will be posting that catseye sent them a glyph a little later.... that way we think catseye is real when they are not.
pedrotea said...
I don't know if it is just me, but I cannot get into
Dedjezter in the message board had this problem is the thread:
Hanso Exposed Help Thread
Maybe it'll help with your e-mail problem.
oodles-you can also view others sequences when you save and click on the link that pops up above the word save. You are directed to a recently saved list, and by clicking on a person's name you can see their sequence.:)
patrick...could you give me a quick how-to on posting a url as a hyperlink?
Someone else noticed this already: The Other Girl mentions a new email from Wally when you sign up for the RoT newsletter, but it seems to be the same message... is she just really behind? or do you think she jumped the gun and there is a new message coming?
knowing the othergirl, i'd say shes just behind.
she'll probably post her glyph clues in september lol... just kidding.
dunno pedalin-Yesterday I heard talk in chat about a Wally mail telling us to look in typeface...but I NEVER SAW the mail or heard about it anywhere else.
patrick....thanks for trying...maybe type out the words for the symbols you're using?
awesome! thanks!
first attempt. if it doesn't work, i'll stop.
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To make a link clickable:
< A HREF=""> < / A >
remove the spaces before you post it, had to do it that way to get it to show up here.
does it have to have the http part?
hahahaha rachel blakely
how funny is that?
fasten: It's left bracket then a href="put in link address" then right bracket then what you want hightlighted and underlined followed by left bracket slash small a right bracket.
Okay - I've looked around and and nothing seemed out of order....
I'm really getting frustrated!
INCREDIBLE!! A NEW FRAGMENT HERE!! I found it in the player...
makin none of those are new...
patrick: Thanks for that link on statistics. What does sequence named mean? Are those users that emailed a sequence?
leaderboard is just list of those who were first to enter a fragment code. JustWillow is the only one that was the first to enter two of the fragments so she is in the lead. I doubt I will ever be the first to entere a code as I am too busy to look and so am dependent on you beautiful people - out there in dark. ;)
So how exactly are point accrewed?
Welcome back, Belly. Can't wait to hear your details of ComicCon! Have fun catching up. (I'm going to have THREE WEEKS of catch up when I get back.) :(
anyone check for glyphs?
one thing I don't get. RB says she can't release it all together or all at once or HANSO will kill her.
That doesn't make sense. Because now they have even more motivation to kill her before she releases all the fragments. What would be safer and make more sense would be to release all the fragments at once, but each one in a different location.
Then by the time they are all found you are safely hidden away somewhere.
We are now faced with the possibility that RB will be killed/captured before she releases all the fragments and so we will never get allthe pieces
cool ideas belly however some of what you say may throw people off the show that didnt play the lost game.
Thanks Liika - I was thinking with was the number of segments that were in there correct space.
Is there a way to get codes from someone elses sequence?
Rachel Blakely on imdb she's an Aussie actress... no wonder Rachel Blake sounded so familiar to me!
how was that code found?
This video has 11 fragments.
linklane... i actually think twm will go before and after the video...
everyone keep a cats eye out for catseye...
i gotta head to work.... hopefully we'll get more info soon.
what's the new fragment???
Where did Didva tell all this?
Could the TWM video clips that are seen through the opening horizontally come first ... then the dharma video ... then the TWM clips that are seen through the opening vertically?
It seems like fvh7n and ig3x for sure go in sequence. It also seems like someone is secretly taping a screening of this orientation video from that box.
anyone have a link to the uk podcast?
Hey dizzy it is a gooood question!!
sounds good yourmother.
ange - agreed. play them when together and they move together seamlessly
UK podcasts you want Maternity Leave
fvh7n followed by ig3x followed by vdados7yre0.
im not sure but i think after Vdado theres missing clip (obviously) which leads to 748i to 4ho
your thoughts?
11th code is IG3X.....
Still haven't found the official Channel 4 Lost podcast. Looked all over Channel 4 site.
Anyone got a direct link?
heres the order i think so far check it out let me know what you think
and welcome back to those that have returned
Freshly made oven hot Post is now available....
@mortcinder: I did check Lavenda's link but there seem to be only whole Lost episodes there. Is it Ep 15 then? Jee, that'd be a massive download.
best sentence in rachel's new post:
Are Rachel Blake and Persephone really the same person?
Yep. Not that I really think my word will stop you arguing about it.
new comments section if anyone is still here.
ohge and ig3x go together in the first ohge then ig3x.
Those r the only two im 110% sure on so far tho ora-29306 i think the last two fragments should be switched
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