Clue #103 - DJ Dan Audio, a Message from Ironman, and Fragment Code "4R19Y0UXB6Y"
Click HERE for audio (or click HERE for a mirror) of Friday night's podcast. You might recognize some of the callers! Warning: It will take a long time to download.
Malek's Message to Rachel
As a result of the podcast, we have an interesting message from "Malek" or as we like to call him, "Ironman". The message was given to us in a sequence of numbers when he called into DJ Dan's show and spoke directly to Rachel Blake. He said "240 249 68 61 37 118 75 233 231 150 36 184 157 51 144 180 253 50 173 30 222 192 13 82 1". If you look up these page numbers in Bad Twin and take the first letter of each word of these pages you get, "I know where he is, I can set it up."
Fragment Code 4R19Y0UXB6Y
DJ Dan also taped this glyph to the front door of the Radio Harvest building where he streamed his podcast. EDIT: We now have recieved word that UnseenPresence was actually the person who found and photographed the glyph first. Apparently, jengod drove up while UnseenPresence was taking pics. Wadampar was also there with the front of the pack. The fragment code is "4R19Y0UXB6Y" but we haven't gotten it to work yet at
Thanks to Alison, Fenris, Catherine, Fabio, UnseenPresence, Esther, and Pzy for being the first to email us this info!
Thanks admin for the new post
top 5?
admin, you were awesome last night.
save joop. teehee.
Times from the podcast that TLEC regulars called in:
PZY (Peter)-18 min 30 sec
TapDawg (Andrew)- 37 min
David (Admin)- 1 hr. 5 min
Fenris- 1 hr 24 min
LHorse(from his shoe phone)they call him Chuck-1 hr 38 min
anyone recorded DJ Dan I went asleep before the end of it
Did they answer any of the e-mailed questions? From the looks of the comments, last night was mostly loopy fun stuff except for a couple gold nuggets?
I'm glad those that stayed up had fun with it though.
try here doc...
it takes a little while to download, but the quality is good
i have to say, dan, tonya and johnny were much funnier after a good night's sleep.
I was the first caller for DJ Dan It was cool I was Christopher from New York !!! I wished I planned my question though
Twinkle-I think they only read two or three e-mails. They mostly took calls, and at the ed ran out of time and just answered and shutdown real quick.
thanks fastyourseltbelt
Ange: Morning! Yeah, they "ran out of time" ;-) Guess we have more questions for the MB!
Twinkle there were a few nuggets inbetween a lot of goofy stuff. It was funny though. Johnny was definitely the highlight! Lot of people got "shutdown!" (almost everybody) He only answered about 2 or 3 emails and a few questions seriously. We got clues to a glyph release that will be on Monday, and the numerical code that was broken earlier by Fenris and ....forget his name.
So how was the podcast? Me, being the non-caffeinated 12 year-old that I am, couldn't hear it.
DJ Dan Podcast 2006 August 11 th
128 kbps (100 Megabytes) (torrent) (Usenet)
32 kbps (25 Megabytes) here is the Broadcast well the first part I'll give you the second part i a few
there's one out that doesn't work yet (4R19Y0UXB6Y) and there's gonna be one monday in times square, most likely on the ABC ticker/tv screen thing.
scoutpost: Thanks for the quick review. who was Johnny from the podcast?
pandora: That was similar to what I wanted to know too.
thanks chris!
hunter - 36 was found yesterday (tribalwars), the missing one is stil #29. DAMN YOU #29!
hunter-we're still missing 36 released only 35 published - #29:)
So what do you think of Fixer calling in to give Rachel a message? He gave his name as Malik and read the code that Fenris figured out. "I know where he is. I can set it up."
Was Fixer Malik telling Rachel he would bring her and Alvar together?
It seems like "he=Alvar", but I suppose he=TMW could also work.
Padora-according to Matt The Pale's page we are missing #29. :) I dunno... he uses the xml stats to figure out which have been published.
The hansoexposed xml feed says that 29 has not yet been entered:
I thought it was in the magazine that was supposed to come out this week (according to Speaker) and didn't. But now has that magazine been checked?
lostinfrogurt: OT - My four year old just caught site of your panda and now he wants me to keep the screen so he can see it! I told him that I'm telling the panda bear something right now. Too funny! be clear, we HAVE 36 codes, yes...but 4R19Y0UXB6Y does not work yet so that will be 37 when they activate it. #29 is still missing and when you log in to it should be 35/36...right? When 4R19Y0UXB6Y is activated that will become 37.
sorry site=sight. I'm going to go blue fixing all my typos. As a rule, I'm sorry. I do have an education past the 5th grade. My excuse is that aforementioned 4 year old who keeps distracting, I mean, requesting my attention. :-D
One question: who is Marvin that signed the glyph? Is if of any importance?
am i the only one intrigued that fixer is going to set up a meeting for rachel?
marvin is some guy from AZ (and not new mexico ironically enough) that faxed the glyph over to dj dan because it was on a crop circle or something...
fasten... I'm going to assume that the numbers on my puzzle also correlate with this too... I'll try to see if I get any words out of the badtwin/ puzzle number connection
tapdawg: thanks for the info.
cool idea tapdawg. maybe it will help us figure out where.
congrats on getting on the dj dan show by the way.
Marvin the Martian. Bugs Bunny, right?
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Congrats, Congested!
Is there anybody that doesn't follow TLEC? Go us!
Interesting ideas, custmx1 and tapdawg. here is the second part of the broadcast
Yeah, I remember, Congested. You were, uh, congested. Congrats!
2 hour DJ Dan on YouTube...yes possible...with podcast split into 30 min or less lengths (I think 30 min is Youtube length limit)
10 mins is maximimum and stay tooned for the results of my puzzling puzzle
so did anyone else study the Jeep ad that code "tribalwars" came from closely ? (see it on Matt the Pale's site--be warned, it's a large file!)
TRIBAL WARS is written on the curb to the right of the jeep, but on the curb to the left it says "Rachel Blake". I thought maybe this was similar to the "nanite" code, which we had to enter on to see the actual glyph that accompanied it.
So... I tried going to LYCGY (clicking on the link in the 250 degrees area on the compass) and entering Rachel Blake as the login and tribalwars as the password (as well as every variation I could think of as far as spaces vs. no spaces and caps vs. all lowercase), but no luck. Anyone have any ideas on where else this could be used??
Jpike001 your missing some fragments in the video well i know In the beginning of the orientatation you see Alvar Hanso AKA Mr.Beardy is looking through a window. wasn't Alvar Hanso in the Swan Orientation looking through a window this is wierd maybe they are the same person hey would anyone like to see my Hanso Exposed video
Got emails from Maven this morning. She says: Tresbien: You're doing a great job! Yeah, he's Alvar!
Having a great time. In Belgrade, Serbia today. Give everyone a big HI from me. Thanks for all your updates.
She said in the following one that TeamLena must be in heaven! She doesn't have much time at internet cafes but is checking in briefly when she can.
the big chunk of code that I know for sure on my jigsaw puzzle is
C2/5 C24/8 C28/9 C16/20 C16/23 C10/1+1 C20/1+1 C3/2 C8/2+5 C3/2+2 C1/13 C9/2
When I looked at it there are several ways I could try to decipher it wil BAD Twin... I've done as many as I could think of and below are the results from each:
Taking the first letter off of each page that had a letter C right next to it:
Taking the first letter off of each page that has a number listed (using the first number if its a 1+1):
Taking the second letter off of each page that has a number listed (using the first number if its a 1+1):
Taking the combination of the two other off the page that has a number listed:
Using the C # as the page reference and the second number as the letter on the page (adding up addition numbers):
Using the C # as the page reference and the second number as the letter on the page (using the first number on additions):
I forgot to do the second number in a sequence i guess... but i dont think it matters
Using the C # as the page reference and the second number as the letter on the page (using both numbers on additions):
Taking the C# as page reference and then the second number as the word on the page (using the first number of addition):
bag form was he a were good the parlor was parlor you east
Taking the C# as page reference and then the second number as the word on the page (using the second number of addition):
bag form was he a were game domestic parlor artisan artisan you east
Taking the C# as page reference and then the second number as the word on the page (using both numbers of addition):
bag form was he a were good game the domestic parlor was artisan parlor parlor you east
Taking the C# as page reference and then the second number as the word on the page (using both numbers combined of the addition):
bag form was he a game domestic parlor as artisan you east
Can someone look at these and make sure there all just jibberish.... thanks!
How long was the broadcast last night. I had to go...screaming baby!
Apparently, Fenris translated it as: "I know where he is. I can set it up." The explanation is on ITE somewhere, but I'm too sleepy to find it again. LOL
2 hours long abby
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tresbien... my code is from the puzzle the lost puzzles that are for sale... and we have no idea what my code means....
Wow I am impressed! 2 Hrs!
Yeah, it was a chat room team effort really. But as it was only me that had the book, so I did the actual translating.
How many chapters are there in the book? I have to think the "C" is there for a reason--perhaps it stands for Chapter...?
Twinkle - Marvin was from Bugs bunny. He's one of my favorite characters, he had the Dilythium P48 space modulatorrrrr (I think that was it).
Abby - Yeah it was 2 hrs, and actually DJDan was really getting into his stride by the end. He sounded kinda neverous at the start but I think they were all really enjoying it. Which is always good to hear.
there are 38... so it might actually work... what variations hould i try though?
i guess I'll do it like this:
the second number can be the Xth letter on the page
the second number can be the Xth word on the page
and then do all the variations
Torrent of the podcast is up on mininova
Can't remember who put it up I'm afraid. I think it was Pzy, but could be wrong.
Not really sure... the numbers with x+y must mean something, I doubt you just add them together... Maybe it's normally the first letter of the word represented by the number after the slash... those with a +y are actually a different letter (+1 would be 2nd letter, etc.) Or maybe it's by word, so it's the 1st word of C(chatper#)/(page in that chapter) but a +y would be the next word on that page... ugh, so many combinations... anyone else have the book and want to help try out some different interpretations?
NiteSea said...
so did anyone else study the Jeep ad ...but on the curb to the left it says "Rachel Blake".
These caps from Lady in red dress sublymonal video also has text in bottom left corner...unsure of exact letters, could it also be rblake?
I can't really make anything out there... rblake was the previous username on LYCGY, tho. I guess I'll try that out
hm, no, that doesn't work either
C2/5 C24/8 C28/9 C16/20 C16/23 C10/1+1 C20/1+1 C3/2 C8/2+5 C3/2+2 C1/13 C9/2
the second number is the Xth letter on the page (adding 1+1 etc. to make their product)
the second number is the Xth letter on the page (using the first number in an addition sequence)
the second number is the Xth letter on the page (using the second number in an addition sequence)
the second number is the Xth letter on the page (keeping both numbers from an addition but not adding together)
the second number can be the Xth word on the page (adding 1+1 etc. to make their product)
Back Paul And 9 A Morning Fellow Game His A You The
the second number can be the Xth word on the page (using the first number in an addition sequence)
Back Paul And 9 A Next The Game Detective Game You The
the second number can be the Xth word on the page (using the second number in an addition sequence)
Back Paul And 9 A Next The Game Held Game You The
the second number can be the Xth word on the page (keeping both numbers from an addition but not adding together)
Back Paul And 9 A Next-Next The-The Game Detective-Held Game-Game You The
this one seems a little more interesting... especially the talk about the "Detective Game" ... what are you're guy's thoughts?
It still doesn't seem to be going anywhere... did you try my suggestion about C[chapter #]/[page in chapter], first word on each page unless there's a +y, then count that many words from the 1st?
I'll try you suggestion now
tapdawg- I think you're on to something....I'll go get my book and look too.
I'm back looking at the jeep ad again... does anyone else see latters in the sky over the building fartherst to the left?... looks backwards tho--maybe just bleedthru from the opposite side of the page. Anyone have the actual ad and can verify this?
oops, latters=letters
nice try nitesea... but not enough pages on a few of the chapters.
"NiteSea said...
I'm back looking at the jeep ad again... does anyone else see latters in the sky over the building fartherst to the left?."
Yes, here is a crop of the pic with the letters
looks like a code to me... doesn't it?
im pretty sure its __HCV
possibly NOHCV
but that doesn't work
i think it's NO_H_V
with the first blank possibly being an R and the second one possibly being a C
where is this ad located? is it in like people mag or something? I wwant a better quality picture of it.
darn, maybe we have the wrong book, though there are so many literary references in Lost I'm not sure I want to start down that road...
I'm pretty sure those letters in the sky are reverse from the page behind... in fact, it looks like it says Verizon wireless (has anyone checked THAT ad for a code??)
I'm 99% sure this rachel blake/tribalwars will be something on LYCGY but just isn't there yet. In the text at the bottom of the ad, the LYCGY website is given faintly
yes I think you're right about wtk, I must've been thinking of something else
nitesea the small letters are reveresed from the page after it... but those bigger letters are definetely on that page
It was in the 8/11 issue of People
hey people for those who want to hear the DJ Dan Broadcast come to my blog Destination Lost
One Last Time for DJ Dan Podcast Link, then I am off to eat and see the sun actually shine :)
small, resized from 128 to 32 kbps, with no apparent loss of quality. 25 megs total 8 parts, roughly 13.5 min per part
my broadcast is only spit into two parts
OK, I'm really bouncing around today folks... Now I'm over at playing with this DVR thing people were talking about yesterday... (comments 2 posts before this one) I do see the "code: whatthe?" people referred to in one of the videos. I think I see another in one, but can't make out what it says. The other two videos don't have one as far as I see... has anyone else played around with these?
Mornig! Man! I LOVE DSL! I forgot just how FAST it is!! WHOOHOO~~
Now I dont have to cringe when I read that something is a large download...hehehehe
That was WILD last night~! David, CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! LOVED hearing you on there!!
That's the ad I'm referring to. You enter "DVR" in sublymonal and get 3 TVs. the one on the left has 4 videos that you can rewind, fastFW and pause--I think each has a code of some sort in it...
well the "whatthe?" code entered on sublymonal wasn't very exciting. Got a video where you have to push a button to explode the word "LYMON" in slow-mo. nothing after that, but if you wait long enough it starts flashing those "codes" in green as it normally does when you first go to sublymonal
all right, sublymonal is making me cross-eyed--gotta take a break! Catch ya later!
the ones I found were in videos 1 3 and 4. I could only read the one in #1 (whatthe?). The others I couldn't get a good look at no matter how many times I tried rewinding and pausing!
#1 is at 17 secs - bottom center in white writing
#3 is at 11 secs - in the yellow cheshire cat on top of the guy's stomach in black writing
#4 is at 27 sec - in the lemon hit by the basball bat (or maybe a golf club?) in white writing
Couldn't find the #2 code for the life of me
hmm okay it is verizon.... but i think it's tyhere on purpose....
oops, #4 is in a lime, not a lemon
hey tapdawg...where on your puzzle do those codes appear? i didn't see them in the pictures on your website. (but i did enjoy the new comic con photos, hadn't seen those before)
Fasten If you think of the shape of a square, The picture from the hatch map is on the top right corner of the puzzle
there are two lines of coding as well on the back of the puzzle:
One is a vertical line that runs down the left side of the square shape of the puzzle
The other, the one I gave you coding for, is directly in the middle of the puzzle and is horizontally placed.
The pictures I took couldn't get the coding on them because it was soo small... had to write it out one at a time.
dante, sublymonal is in game.
oh gotcha, sorry for the confusion.
that makes sense too... good idea
Ok who wants to be my sweet hero and aid me in some help? Trying to get caught up now with DSL, and not sure if I am doing this right!!
thanks tapdawg.
102 i think
lockebox said:
Speaker's got an ad in this week's Entertainment Weekly, page 102. No glyphs, least, I don't think there are. Basically, he lays out the truth about THF and sets up TLE for those who haven't gotten in on it yet. He points them to
There are also advertisements for the Jeep Compass on page 61 (much like in PEOPLE - but no glyph I can find) and sublymonal on page 103. Again, can't find a glyph, but perhaps you guys can have better luck.
sorry, didn't realize whatthe? and others were old sublymonal codes. I haven't been hardcore into TLE from the beginning, having gotten into Lost late and not being caught up on Season 2 episodes until mid-May. Thus most of my knowledge of the first two acts is general, in what I've picked up from the podcasts and catching up on some of it firsthand during the downtime of Act 3.
Still, I checked Lostpedia for "DVR" (this latest sublymonal code), and a search didn't yield anything, nor did searching the sublymonal entry page. So that at least appears to be new, derived from this latest magazine ad, though it appears it's just a new way of getting to old information.
Again, apologies for the false alarm...
I'll ask again.... anyone have the preshow recorded.... ie the cult people singing AWEEEEEIOUIIUOUIII
nitesea... so the codes on the dvr movies are old codes?
yes, apparently so
tapdawg, nope, I dont have it, sorry, I would like to hear it also
malick are you him? edit: that code does not work
malick that cde doesnt work
does anyone else think this malick is fake?
yes, i figure he is, but took a screen cap of that "glyph" just in case...
OK, who's got a copy of Bad Twin out there?
the code he posted is not for the book... makes no sense
the first part of the code (if for the book) would be:
i stopped doing it because it made no sense
can anyone try to decode those numbers with like a convertor of some sort?
i'll do it in a min just downloading something atm
is the code if from the book.
Ok back, was just getting windows live...
the code says
Enpury Pnhtug. UR hcqngrf pbzcebzvfrq, Hcqngr ng Serfu Nve
i'll try the last letter of each page he mentioned to see if that gives us anything give me 5 mins
well that gives us a whole lotta nuthin!
just doing the first few of it...i can tell its also jibberish...
the first letters if taking the last letter from the pages is : ytkraeen
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guess our gut instict on malick was right...
malick isnt even how you spell his name lol
Enpury Pnhtug. UR hcqngrf pbzcebzvfrq, Hcqngr ng Serfu Nve
ROT13 = Rachel Caught. HE updates compromised, Update at Fresh Air
wait what? how did you get that piscel?
you got the ASCII translated to that and then unscrambled it?
Sorry to interject here without catching up but I only have a second...this is just plain fun...
Got to
Click Directors
Click Michael Downing
Click Featured Spots
Click the one in the middle (LMU, Static Cling)
See anyone familiar?
ASCII then Rot13
i found a pair of girls underwear on the floor by his bed...
fresh and times is what gets me... they don't rhyme
The Malick thing looks fake. But let's remember that code just in case.
if you say fresh air then times square you hear it
So maybe Rachel Blake has gone missing for so long because she is stuck to a ship hull, via "static" cling? LOL
Lindelof and Cuse....a long time ago mentioned NPR (Fresh Air) in one of their podcasts...I am still bettin' NPR has some tie in with TLE before it is over
so where can i find an ASCII convertor?
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LOL at the Harvest film vid. Nice spot!
Fresh Air = Times Square? Well would you Adam and Eve it? Lol.
Just had to say that.
what does 98 108 111 103 translate into guys... i dont know what program i need to use
98 108 111 103
translates to blog in ASCII
check her blog maybe?
omg here we go!
tapdawg said...
omg here we go!
so do we think this is for real?
post on his blog translates to
So what, are we supposed to email him?
m a l i c k - e m e r g e n c y @ h o t m a i uk
I don't buy that malick for a second, but anyone actually email him on yet?
I'm not expecting much but just emailed him
This is tapdawg, one of the faithful followers of Rachel Blake. I got your messages, what's the trouble? Anything I can do to help out? Let me know!
um so where can i find an ASCII converter... cause doing that manually took ages...
thank you!
wow, that was pretty quick for manual tranlation, actually, tapdawg! Here's a online converter someone posted earlier:
the one I posted is pretty neat, simultaneously does text, binary, ascii(dec), hex ans base63 translations
no email from him yet... i hope it's the right address
not sure what base63 is (??).. i meant base64!
russell of ITE said:
Just got something back from Malick. All he said was "Fresh Air update, more soon".
I asked if there was a way I could help, and I knew what his message was last night.
the fragment codes?
not really buying it either... but keeping an eye on just in case...
Apparently he's on MSN now.
fenris, do you mean malick?
btw... I found a personal site for jamie silberhartz... but i don't want to share it ... but i can't view the site myself
err i mean i want to share the information, but don't want amillion people bugging her... and no i'm not talking about myspace. David, what should i do?
What's up guys, checking in here and there...
This Malick stuff is crazy. We'll see what happens...Laters
still no email from malik...
by the way I emailed the guy at replicaprops about the glyph on his site and i haven't got a response from him either...
Yeah meant Malick. Russell Faraday was chatting to him and reporting what he said. This guy seems SOoooooo fake.
ehh well at least he's making today interesting
I know, but i figured maybe he didn't realize the bottom half wasnt on there... or he wanted someone to ask him about it... either way i got his email address and emailed him to see if he'll let me know anything.
this image
which is in a small form on this portion of the site:
malick never emailed me back :^(
since you seem to still keep an eye on flickr:
[I missed out on the whole DJ
Dan thing, only catching up]
Through trevtrevtrevor > > his Google cached site > I found Dave Kellam
On the day Trevor put up the Nanite glyph (8 Aug), Kellam's latest picture was termed 'Yin and Yang'. On 9 Aug Kellam put up two pics of an old map of New York/Manhattan. I thought, oh shoot, this does not make sense...
NOW it does!
Who is Dave Kellam?
Not sure if any of you are fans of the Stargate franchise... thought it was funny tho that the Atlantis episode last nite centered on nanites :D
is "fresh air" supposed to be a person?
why am i untrusted... that's upsetting...
but why then would the sublymonal site show that nanite glyph and point us to flickr?
what type of code is that?
so he can't trust mimes...
malick = not in game
i have no idea what i should do hereand there
Malick is not in-game!
i got it!
hehehe thanks for that little fun brain game!
Juxtapose Lindelof and Cuse against DJ Dans production company. What do ya get?
Malick 170 201 128 204 128 141 249
Or how about this one Malick, you won't get this:
2 - 16 2 6 - 21 24 16 19 5
i dont think i can figure that one out...
im still untrusted
talking to him online on messenger (btw my name is
he said that the truth will be revealed soon... to those that are trusted
That last code can be figured out, but requires consideration in context.
It's not a great comment though, just insulting "Malick".
Shame about the lack of Jeep Juice (can we market that? Lol)
its for windows messenger
So apparently I can not be trusted because i think this is all a game... can you believe that? I know this is all real.. the hanso foundation is an evil corporation. Thye silence those that seek the truth.. I am willing to get sileneced if that means more people will know the truth... poor malick just doesn't udnerstand that.
matt, I feel bad for you, i was able to get through... im sorry
i think windows messenger can work on the mac actually.
Matt your not planning one of those events where you capture someone and get let them loose in a forest out in the middle of nowhere and hunt him down like a wild animal are you?
Give 'em HELL Matt...Power to the Bloggers!! :)
You going to shed any light on what your planning on doing matt?
anymore info from malick, those that are trusted?
matt anyway we can chat elsewhere, somewhere safe?
Alright, but I'll just let you know.. i have some sway in certain ways and if you need some help with something, let me know.
I'm going to bed. Finally. After most of two days.
See you all on the morrow.
Btw, someone get that code. :)
malik just sent me a video... im downloading it as i speak.
okay its a sound file that is 2 mins long... and sounds scary... has backwards talking on it!
and then he said to me :
ereht tuo ti teg
he sent me ereht tuo ti teg
again... what does it mean?
he wants me to get it out there gusy... I'll psot it where i can
Has anyone else tried the Burger King Stacker??? I tried the one with FOUR beef patties. I swear it's the most delicious way to get a heart attack...
downlaod it and help me figure out what it is!
it's not him speaking on it.
hey did any one ever find out what the word was on the sublymonal dvr it was on a lime that a samurai was about to cut with his kitana/??
or do we think it is chocolates and just hasn't been released???
I reversed the clip, I can hear someone talking, I still can't make it out!
sounds like DJ Dan to be honest.
hmm malik says the sound clip must be decyphered.... help me out guys!
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