We've gotten word from a few people who say that the candybars were intended to be given away as part of a gift bag at the event today in New York, however plans changed due to issues with the
website and no one attending the event received a candy bar in their gift bag.
Lostpedia, however has an image of one of the candybars posted.
New York has another event scheduled for tomorrow night. Go to
http://www.apollocandy.com for more details!
Top 10! Woot!
well that livened it up, belly! ;-)
I'm such a dork.. F5-ing here at work. Took me a moment, Belly!
Just in time to go home for the night... woo hoo
Hey Jake we miss you in chat!! Stop by more often!
top 20!
didnt you guys know that the chocolate in the apollo bars gets the nice tingy flavor and coloring from joop's poop?
top 20?
Wow! Thanks for that warning Christine#2! And to think, I was only worried about nanobots.
Whassup Everyone?
So any word from the first Apollo drop?
The candy has LSD in it!!! I can't wait!!!! LOL
Tough Crowd....
Dang it, Belly! I'm such a Desmond, I just kept pushing the ol' F5, wondering why there was no delightful banter. I suppose I could pay more attention, but where's the fun in that.
t minus 25 minutes to the first apollo victim, um, winner.
I was hoping for some advance reporting.
Rachel should make an apperance...only because she's been M.I.A. since Comic Con...
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belly0fdesire: hey, belly..er...Mr. Desire...what's the haps!
Belly - That is why I made such a stink about them droping the Philly date...but I am oh so happy it is back!!!
"wickedm: nothing yet... we NEED to hear from someone there... I still have Marcus' phone number that he posted and then took down... should I call and ask if he's there? Or is that crossing the line?"
i can only imagine the Seinfeld - esque conversation that comes from that....
I'm thinking its on the candy.
I'm thinking they have guys wearing T-shirts with the glyph on it and when you find them, they give you the t-shirt.
strayrooster said... anyone think rachel blake will make an appearance at any of the events?
I doubt it, since on 8/24 there is an event in Seattle AND in NY.
Unless the Hanso Foundation has developed teleportation, or cloned Rachel.
On second thought... that would be pretty cool if Rachel Blake has an Identical Twin.... Bad Twin! yikes!
I've got confirmation that the whereisalvar.com url is on the candy bars.
I just can't tell you how I know or that person might get fired.
Where's the NY people?
I'm thinking they have guys wearing T-shirts with the glyph on it and when you find them, they give you the t-shirt.
That's a crazy idea... who'd ever do a thing like that?
t-shirts and glyphs... hasn't that been done before? ;-)
Hmmm, perhaps it wouldn't be prudent to have shirtless men standing around the ESPN Zone on a Wednesday night ...
What will where is alvar be about....?
what's ESPN anyway (sorry, I'm in Europe and have no idea zone/event you guys are talking about, except that the candy bar give-away piggy-backs on it)
shirtless men? ok, if it's like the topless carwash I won't be fazed about missing out. But if it's not...
jonahadkins said...
What will where is alvar be about....?
I'm guessing an online game... if you make a wrong move, it plays the DJ Dan "shutdown" sound at you.
Hey there young wallace!!! I am just stoppin in to say hi to everyone and saw ya!
SO HI!!!
vexingmodstwo said...
I've got confirmation that the whereisalvar.com url is on the candy bars.
I just can't tell you how I know or that person might get fired.
Where's the NY people?
OOOHH THATS NEAT VEX! (well NOT the possible fired part but um yah.)
i put the "SHUTDOWN" sound on my bosses computer so, it said that win he got an email.....
oodles, ESPN is a channel here in the states (if you have it in Europe, please ignore this cultural stupidity on my part) that stands for Entertainment and Sports Programming Network. It's basically the sports channel over here. They're having something at a restaurant in NYC tonight and that's where the first candy bars will be given out.
Pandora: At the Gap from 11-4???????
HAHA belly! Acually, it was www.letyourboomerangHELPyou.com but that isnt REAL either! Joe wishes we HAD the moola to buy all domains to make the parody even more funny, sadly no. Its just a funny haha!
Vex are you serious?? That's ALL thats on them???
Pandora - It's across from the GAP at the Fairfax Community Room. It's supposed to happen along with the Blood Drive.
Hey everyone, this is my first post here after a few weeks lurking. Just wondering if anyone else is going to the London Forbidden Planet store tomorrow. I'm heading over around lunch time to get my healthy dose of nanite goodness.
jonahadkins said...
i put the "SHUTDOWN" sound on my bosses computer so, it said that win he got an email.....
Anybody here going to the DC event?
pandora, the ESPN event is being held at the Park Avenue Country Club ... that's a restaurant.
Belly: I am SUPPOSE to be working on the parody RIGHT NOW...but taking a break! Dont know how David and them do it! Podcast are HARD to organize! WOW!
i got a 3hr drive there...a friend and will try for 1 ish...
My lack of paying attention has me asking this question but:
Is there a login for that whereisalvar site? Sorry if thats OLD news.
Pandora - The Gap and the Community Room are on the 2nd level. If you are standing with your back to Hechts/Macys then you head down the left wing of the mall. That's the side that has Coldwater Creek, Domaine and Lord & Taylor. If that helps anyone. I may see ya there.
Thanks PAN!!
I might be able to sneak over there during lunch...
Thanks. Perhaps it can be got on cable TV here but we don't have that anyway.
OH and Hi lavenda and pandora~!
Yes, belly, I am gonna have it done soon. Yes, please DO post it when its done! I would be honored~!
re whereisalvar.com
I don't think we are supposed to get in quite yet, just like he.com, until it's officially launched. Can't be long.
Were not gonna have to give blood @ the DC thing are we...??
Pandora, I think you can register on the main page of ESPN.com...
Is it me, or does the kid on the left side of the Apollocandy.com site look like a young Dr. Vincent "Wally" Bole from ROT.com?
Here is the link to the ESPN Fantasy Football draft
ty and wish me luck that this podcast doesnt become the death of me! LOL
Ok, I cant stall anymore...back to workkkkk WWAAAHHHH!!!! Podcast dont record themselves!
Oh yah, and for the record...MTP HAS A WICKED SENCE OF HUMOR!
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wow, didn't really like my white space. guess i'll delete.
NY'ers. I thought that someone said something about a G Love and Special Sauce concert... kinda, first come first served or something. Was sponsored by ABC...
Any news of this?
okay i was just called by howard... nothing yet on the outside of the building. He said he RSVPed for the inside and will be going inside right now. He wants me to update himif we earn anythinga and he'll do vice versa too.
funny....young wallace....funny
Hey guys, I'm here in NY, I'm just a few blocks away from ESPN zone and a short subway ride to the Park Avenue Country Club. I'm thinking about heading over to one or both. Does anyone have more details on the event tonight, Is the drop at one or both locations? It may just be me but it seems a little crazy to have the fantasy footbal community collide with a bunch of lost fanatics in the real world.
Thoughts? I'll totally go check this out if there's actually something going on, anyone have any ideas?
What are the odds that TPTB are going to forget to turn the site back on...?
hmm well it says go to the ESPN zone in NY at Park avenue country club
olerica-That concert is TOMORROW at the Central Park give-away per an e-mail from Speaker. I pasted it earlier in another comments, but will again...lemme get it from my inbox:)
i called the park avenue country club... she couldnt tell me if any events were occuring there today because shes not allowed to fgive that info out over the phone.. we might want to have someone at the ESPN zone and one person at the Park Avenue Country Club.... just to be safe.
okay im heading abckto school... hopefully we'll figure this out soon.
NIN_BrokenHalo5 said...
They had the site up ealier today without a password. We found some interesting things... which is why they put the password back up.
Young Wallace said...
wow, didn't really like my white space. guess i'll delete.
Did I miss something there? LOL
Belly: just came back to ask you, did you say you sent me an email? Cuz I dont think I got it.
I can swing by espn zone, give me 20 min, I'll get back to you
i called the park avenue country club... she couldnt tell me if any events were occuring there
Could we call the NYC ESPN resturant to see if they have any info?
I can't call from work but the number (if its the ESPN Zone in Time Square) is (212) 921-3776... if someone thinks its a good idea to call.
E-mail from Speaker recd. 8/22:
I'm getting information that this is the concert:
"August, 24 2006 at Central Park Summer Stage w. G Love & Special Sauce
Central Park Summer Stage, New York, NY 10001
Cost: FREE!
FREE CONCERT!! G LOVE & SPECIAL SAUCE TO PERFORM AT CENTRAL PARK What: Jeep Compass UnCharted Music Kick-off Concert Who: G. Love & Special Sauce and pre-show performances by Creede Williams and A.M. Where: Central Park Summer Stage When: Thursday, August 24, 2006 / Music starts at 6:30 p.m. Cost: Free first come, first admitted seating is limited"
And it's supposedly still happening.
IRRC, it will probably be at either the start or the finish line as part of an ABC booth.
Lena: made a joke by creating an ASCII glyph, but it deleted all my whitespace like a good little HTML interpreter. so it just got garbled. so I deleted the post. cest la vie.
right kids, been fun today. I'm going home for a little datenight with the wife. probably won't be on til tomorrow, but Admin should be back tonight. Think I'll order some popcorn and an Apollo bar and the movies...
OH thats funny wallace! Sorry I missd that one! :)
Good luck all the NY and UK peeps out candy hunting!! DJLENA is cheering for ya! LOL
Lena: I'll get back to you, I promise. Things are just busy right now. Is there a deadline? I'm really honored to be included.
RE: Finding Mittlework on that actor database site:
What do we search for? Guys with ponytails?
Belly: Is mentioning we know HE is playing by Ian Williams worth mentioning on the front?
young wallace: Go you! I was so happy when my husband instituted date night!
Where are all of our NY ConspiraSpies?
At some point i'm going to have to go home and mow the lawn... :(
Welcome bookgirl,
DI9FFTR751 has been there for a long time.
see http://lostpedia.com/wiki/DI_9FFTR731
I hear ya, Dennis.
I'm going to be heading out on my hour and 15 minute drive home here in a few minutes.
I expect lots of chocolate-y news when I get back on line later this evening. :o)
Just got back from espn zone in times square, it's closed for a private event, nothing to indicate anything about appollo, topdawg, any word from howard?
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I bet some intern somewhere at ABC is getting fired right now
Welcome bookgirl!
crystalskull and myself might be going to the one on the 29th... if the next few giveaways show themselves to be more thought out than this current one. LOL!
Im gonna try ot make the Santa Monica date on the 16th. I work on call, so it's kinda hard to say for sure.
they WHAT?!
What about calling the number on the press release? Did anyone try that yet?
What a effing letdown! I was thinking about going there after work tonight, but I'm not wasting my time.
Oh you have got to be kidding me! They gave the candybars AWAY in gift bags?!?!?!
I wonder if Howard or someone at the event can ask for a peek into someone's gift bag?
Maybe you were right -- the entire phase was ruined, and the whole thing has been called off ;)
Thanks for all the research korijane. I forgot to include that in my indignant post. You saved a lot of us some time hitting f5 tonight.
kj, I assume you didn't see anybody floating around with a gift bag, bummer, this whole thing is kind of a poop show
commiting Sepuku now...
Victor Meldrew would say:
I don't beliiieeeeeve it!
Seriously guys, what a let-down.
if TPTB have screwed the pooch AGAIN, I might flip out. There's definitely no way I'm driving to Santa Monica if this kind of stuff is gonna happen. If you count gas $, that's a $20 trip for no un-edible nano chocolate. Boo-urns.
I guess all we can hope for is that amongst those who got a giftbag there is someone who follows lost and finds US...
I agree Belly it is dissapointing for all the people who had to rearrange their day.
matt the pale...did Howard get a bag??
Wow. what a total let down. Thanks to everyone who went to the event and for keeping us posted!
It is a bummer.
Oh the other hand, think of all the NY people who are unaware that they are infected with Hanso nanites broadcasting their very thoughts to the MAN. ;-)
Ok, the best chance I can see if they're honestly just giving out the bars in gift bags to whoever's there is that there's only going to be as many "golden tickets" or whetever we're assuming were getting with them as there are EVENTS. That way, if EVERY bar at this even has the same code/prize/whatever, the chances are good that at least ONE person who got one will be curious enough to try to enter the code at WIA.com - ARGer or not.
That, or I;m still trying to give TPTB WAY too much credit for planning this out properly.
FYSB, you still around? Is there any event we need to register for at the Granada??
Is anyone here a Sopranos fan? I say somebody take a VIP out like Chrissy took out Lauren Bacall for her gift bag!!!!
C'mon New Yorkers, live up to your tough guy reputation! ;>)
Hey, your mother! I'm here. So far no event. I've got a call into the Granada and if I don't hear back I'll swing by. I'll also check with channel 8 here as I've seen other events being connected to the local ABC affiliate.
Awesome work FYSB. Let me know if I can help out at all. Hopefully his will all be a lot better planned out come Sept. 6.
What a total bomb. I'll not be driving from Knoxville to Memphis for such a bush-league letdown as that. Hope TPTB get this straight before the next date. It seems that some clear, concise, COMMUNICATION, with the event coords is in order PTBs!
Hey, your mother, if you get a chance, tapdawg put my email addy up on his blog. Drop me a note and we can coordinate. (same for the rest of you Dallas folk interested in a group meetup)
Big D better be more coordinated than this (could it have been worse) or TPTB will see the wrath of FYSB.
mwah hah hah
nik, it would be medieval...
For anyone planning on going to the Santa Monica giveaways, the website says the movie on the pier (where the giveaway is supposed to be) if free but TICKETS ARE REQUIRED, available at all Santa Monica visitors centers.
Id head over there and make sure ive got my name on every ticket, list and reservation i could find.
Yeah, with the bullhorn!!! Great idea! :-) And if they did this on purpose, this game is dead to me. TPTB need to go back to the K.I.S.S principle if they can't plan something this "complicated" properly so that it actually works!
LOL. "I don't care if you're homeless and haven't eaten in 3 days. I found this dumpster first and the chocolate is MINE."
octavian said:
once the fantasy football guys throw them in the trashcan
Oh they'll eat them! And dump the wrappers. Someone stalk them! ;-)
That way we we'll have the information and not the nanites. Then THF can listen to who's the best quarterback while we plot their destruction without then having a clue! Control the Fantasy Football players by all means. The conspiraspies stay free! (And don't forget to wear your aluminum foil hats, just in case!) LOL
well, if it's true about the 500 bars, why is WIA still password protected?
oodles - that's why i dont think any of this is just cleverly planned or on purpose. The simple fact that the site isn't live yet but theyre already giving out candy bars leads me to believe they've got no clue what they're doing.
...unless the username and password is what's on the wrappers...
re Jeep Compass Tour - see
Ssssstupid tricksey PTBs, they losted our precioussssssssssss! Hisssssssss!
lost&confused - good thought, but there's a HUGE difference between football players and FANTASY football players. My little brother plays fantasy football, and he's NOBODY's genetic target.
JUST came on here to peek at the chocolate hunt and found this:
MissMegs said...
LOL. "I don't care if you're homeless and haven't eaten in 3 days. I found this dumpster first and the chocolate is MINE."
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that was a joke btw.
gfd613- I wrote to Speaker about that specific thing with Summerstage (nothing on their site after 8/17), and he sent me the info about the Jeep sponsored concert (posted above), and said that it would be on the SummerStage site today. I would say it is a go.
rufio - tapdawg's got a whole list and signup thing going for all the events on his blog. There's a bunch of people going to the Santa Monica ones
lostoverlost.blogspot.com or something like that (i cant remember)
haha, thanks Lena
i hope tptb will pay for my plane tickets to the santa monica event.
rufio: http://lostoverlost.blogspot.com
It's the 3rd post down.
jeez! this event just went to hell didnt it.
it's true. Howard called me, told me he spoke with the man that was putting together the gift bags for those in attendance and sadly, they never received their chocolates. Luckily, NYC has the next distribution tomorrow... I hope they get two candies or more because of the tardiness from today.
thats the direct site for it
This sucks. Just thought I'd state the obvious.
its like it was managed as a task on the apprentice.
what a letdown. hope nobody's actually buying bullhorns or fighting bums for candy wrappers.
i have a headache now. Night everyone. BOO-urns to TPTB.
hahaha nice paw.
ROFLMAO... I know this whole schmozzle is a let down... but I'm glad there are people here keeping the humour up :-D
My head will explode if we receive an email from Rachel tomorrow apologizing for the fiasco as an interception from THF, "but hey folks, I put the message on my website for you instead, haha." Puh!
"...managed as a task on the apprentice." That's perfect! :-)
Matt the Pale I just wanted to say "Thanks" for your web pages. I especially like the avi fragments. One question though. Can you reveal what software you use to convert the frags fron FLV to AVI, and keep the AVI's so SMALL in size? I can convert, but the AVI's wind up being MUCH bigger then the original FLV. Thanks Again!
Anybody wonder if we're in the 4th act now? The 3rd act was from Comic Con until the DJ Dan broadcast. The 4th was the glyph hunt plus all the newer interaction?
I'm so disappointed. (sigh) This is not fun. Except that you guys are very funny. Thank you for that.
Re-thinking going to DC Apollo bar distribution.
the worst part about this is that there is no one to complain to!
i need to fire off an angry email and i have no one to send it to. ;^)
That's what I thought Matt :)
But please keep up the fantastic work, I LIKE IT!
Twinkle said... Anybody wonder if we're in the 4th act now?
I don't think we will be in act 4 until thre Sri Lanka video thing is over. It can't come fast enough.
Lena - I think the trouble your going to have with the podcast is making things more silly then TPTB have made this ARG. It's like when people try to do George W Bush parodies and they just don't end up as funny as Dubya himself.
alrighty im in my frist class for the semester... nature of computing.... this should be fun ;P
i talked with speaker... he wants you to email him if you went to the NYC distribution today. So once again if you went to the distribution today then email speaker at speaker815@gmail.com
Just wondered because it seemed the glyph hunt changed when we started getting information from DJ Dan, ROT, Rachel, Mel0Drama, etc.... And we've still got Act 5 to go.
Can't wait until we have the whole video either! Of course a part of me still wonders if we'll get the whole video. It'd be more exciting if THF shut down he.com (after we got all the pertinet parts but maybe not every single word). And then we'd have to do something to save RB's butt.
you matt, i secretly think everyone is against you. shhh i've said too much!
gfd, it was never realeased... i think it was one of speakers or other girls or ninja's glyphs... but they either lost the information or were never given the info. Either way it was forgotten about but finally given to doc jensen to do as he pleased.
EW was given the glyph but didn't give it to doc Jensen until last week at the end of the week.
i lean more towards this second one then the first.
IMHO it would be extremely stupid on their part if the bars really weren't distributed at the last minute, due to the website not being ready. Especially on the very first give-away! How many times have we had glyphs/fragcodes, and had to wait 3, 4, 5 days for them to be accepted on the HE site? No biggie, we're cool with that.
Good night Mrs. Calabash [and Apollo bars!] wherever you are! :-(
WOW. Am I psychic or what? LOL I came on again to check progress OR LACK OF...to find a message for me! LOL
YES fenris, its gonna be VERY VERY hard to be MORE ridiculus than this chocoNOT hunt~
"capcom said. Good night Mrs. Calabash"
Jimmy Durante was famous for a number of other beloved catch-phrases besides the "Mrs. Calabash" routine, including:
"It's a castastrophe!"
"I'm mortified!"
"Surrounded by assassins!"
"Everybody wants ta get inta da act!
Lots of Death quotes there by Durante :) Didja also know that Dante probably was christen DURANTE? Dante had a lot to say about death and Hades
I still think the Losties are on the Isle of the Zombies LOL
Looks like someone got a bar...anyone know the origin of the photo at the bottom?
HOLY **** dt7!! I never saw those!
yeah i do... i can't say anything about it though
elpaw uploaded the pic apparently...
Attention DALLAS:
Celadon from ITE posted this on ITE and his blog. I'm trying to get more info. I'm a little bummed you have to WIN tickets to this. Especially after the fiasco tonight.
OK, many of you posted that there will be Apollo candybar distribution at the Granada Theatre, in Dallas, on September 6th.
Well, I have received word today that will probably give you some insight into when and why...
WFAA, Channel 8, presents:
ABC's Red Carpet Fall Sneak Preview
September 6th from 7:30 to 10pm
Granada Theatre
3524 Greenville Ave.
Dallas, TX 75206
Now, here is the IMPORTANT part: you have to WIN tickets to get into the event.
I will be posting the link to win tickets in the next couple of days.
Thought about whereisalvar.com.
Mittlework would never have put that on the bars. So is that how Apollo Candy and Hacket conned/double crossed him?
the timestamp for the apollo bar image being uploaded is today at 23:17... what time zone is Lostpedia "in"?
this seems like a re-occuring theme... to get into the events in santa monica you also need tickets beofrehand.... this sucks.
I feel like Michael Corleone ... every time I try to pull myself away from the computer, they pull me back in! RE: Lostpedia...did "someone" throw us a bone after the "catastrophe", how did this 'Pedia person get three? Sigh.
BTW, interesting info TBM, thanks.
i can't tell you who, but someone works for one of the locations for tomorrow and got some of the bars today.
I can't believe we have to win tickets! It's one thing to sign up or purchase tickets since TLE people are then guaranteed, but to win them? What are our odds????
They certainly seem to be doing all they can to discourage us from coming to the giveaways.
And how fair is it that some events you can just show up at? Or walk into a comic store and say Alvar Hanso?
Cmon, TPTB, there are only 30,000 of us scattered all over the world. I PROMISE you won't be too overwhelmed.
it seems like more people out of game will get the bars and eat them and throw away the clues then actually log in and give us the clues/codes
The image is from 'aWishResigned' at The Fuselage.
Tapdog, thanks for letting us know. Somehow I will sleep better tonight knowing that some kind soul has appeased and vindicated us for now. We deserved it. ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Twinkle said... Mittlework would never have putwhereisalvar.com on the bars. So is that related to how Apollo Candy and Hacket conned/double crossed him?
Old observation?
sure, its fine with me... but david didn't really want it there for some reason... you might want to check with him first. but it might be easier to do the direct link
I agree with you, tapdawg. They'll be a glyph in one of the wrappers and someone who has no idea about the game will just throw it away!
well he also said when it got clsoer to the evenets he might post about it on the main page.... but i'd still check with him
I gotta say I am not surprised by yet another screw up by TPTB, disappointed yes, but not surprised!
Is it me or does that chocolate bar look kind of nasty tasting? Maybe it is the picture but it looks like crap!
maybe thats what it's made out of thrasher... poop!
Howard: You are worthy of the title Conspiraspy of the Month! How adventurous!
Howard-your post was great! ALMOST as good as not getting a bar in person:).
class is over be back in my room shortly!
Gawd! I hope all this doesn't mean I have to give blood on Friday to get a candy bar, cause I can't....I'm gonna get to Tysons before 11 to see what I can find....
Howard that story is awesome! Way to take a lemon and turn it into, well, not a chocolate bar, but you know...it's great that you had fun with it.
Howard, thanks for the excellent account of the events of tonight and for your company as well. Although we did not get the goodies, it was a lot of fun, especially the part when we got the "all access" badges and managed to impress people with our TLE talk!
I wrote to Speaker as suggested by Tapdawg and he replied, telling me that there will be another event tomorrow - in his own words:
"There's one tomorrow at this G-Love concert in central park."
I wrote back asking for more specific information (such as time and duration of the concert and when they planned to give away the bars) and I will let you know if he writes back.
"August, 24 2006 at Central Park Summer Stage w. G Love & Special Sauce
Central Park Summer Stage, New York, NY 10001
Cost: FREE!
FREE CONCERT!! G LOVE & SPECIAL SAUCE TO PERFORM AT CENTRAL PARK What: Jeep Compass UnCharted Music Kick-off Concert Who: G. Love & Special Sauce and pre-show performances by Creede Williams and A.M. Where: Central Park Summer Stage When: Thursday, August 24, 2006 / Music starts at 6:30 p.m. Cost: Free first come, first admitted seating is limited"
Also: For Central Park http://www.summerstage.org/
Cheer up folks! You can console yourselves with reruns of, oh crap, it's stinkin' George Lopez again.
Thanks, Ange, I will be there and I hope to meet more of you there.
I must say that I have been to other CP Summer Stage concerts and I suggest that people get there early, as they *really* do not let people in when capacity is reached.
Way to go Howard!
About the concert tomorrow check http://myspace.com/jeep
i sense some sort of damage control from the powers that blow tommorow
kylelane: from BodyMore Tysons Corner is a 40 min hop on 495 right?
well, today has been a bust for a bunch of people in the states... but I am hoping that things pan out a bit better in Sydney. Yes... it is Thursday... which to me means Sydney Glyph Day! I have been working on a little theory and have posted it on my blogger account http://lavendah1.blogspot.com/
My other wild theory for the day is that the Apollo bars failed to turn up in NY as MtP pulled some ninja moves on the truck and is now redirecting the bars Down Under :-P
kylelane:...at least the woodrow wilson is done!
I don't think there is really anyone to complain to. Maybe ABC in general or something. I can't even remember what ARG companies they got in to work on this.
Totally random question, but I can't help but wonder ... what company is manufacturing these Apollo chocolate bars? Do we think they taste like Hershey bars? Or maybe a Nestle bar? I could go for some Cadbury's right now ...
We could email DJ Dan I suppose. Or respond to rachel@rachelblake.com.
Leighsa over at ITE just posted this and for some reason it struck me as really poignantly hilarious...
In all honesty, if the end of the world was really coming, we would be so s.o.l.
True words.
Would you eat a candy bar that is known to be "tainted"
Would ABC open themselves up to a law suit resulting in someone eating an Apollo Bar and feining the death rattles?
I betcha the "Apollo Bars" will be like those rubber dog chewies, no etible and clearly marked "NOT for Human Consumption"
to my knowledge no ARG companies were invovled... there was a thread on The Fuslage... let me go find it
Anthony...that came off Speaker's blog. It was a joke. Sorry, it's not real. (check out Speaker's photoshoppe posts)
Punchy Sue...no idea about either. We know TPTBlow monitor the boards (as evidenced by the comment made in the bootleg DJ Dan rehearsal) but I hate to clog up Speaker or Ninja on something like this. I agree with you...DJ Dan seems like the best option, perhaps phrasing it in Hanso Fiasco language to keep it in game.
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