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Got a clue? Let's work together! We'll compile all LEGITIMATE clues here. Please BE SPECIFIC IN YOUR EMAIL'S SUBJECT LINE. This will help us sort & prioritize. We are committed to keeping this thorough and yet SIMPLE and always aimed at the truth.
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Behind the Art
I (David) just realized something really stupid that I did a long time ago. When I started this blog, I used what I believed to be the "official" TLE logo as a part of our banner and our podcast graphic. I was ignorant of the fact that was a fan site and didn't even think about asking permission for or giving credit for the art. I just came to my senses and did some research. I wanted to finally give credit to "DocArzt" and for the artwork. I also wanted to let everyone know that they are graciously allowing us to continue using it on our site. Thanks a ton guys!
About TheLostExperienceClues
Click HERE to read the initial press release describing "The Lost Experience". This blog is devoted exclusively to "The Lost Experience". IF YOU'RE NEW TO THE GAME, our advice is to start at the bottom with Clue #1 and work your way up. You see, a few of us Lost fans have banded together hoping to keep track of all the clues, but we know that we can't do it alone. This game will require a global forum in order to discern the truth. Hopefully this site can be a common rendezvous point where all Lost fans can find what they're looking for (and also contribute information) when it comes to the latest intel about ABCs unprecedented interactive challenge (without getting lost in the clutter of the message boards). We are counting on you, the faithful Lost fans around the world, to keep us up to date with the latest clues via email. Happy clue hunting!
top tem
ten i mean.
so...FIND CODE FOR US is close...? HOW?
Okay, so the pics are the slow track and the anagrams are the fast track and FIND CODE FOR US is sooo close....
And I wish he sent the picturse to people that are here, I know maven is away, Crossfade is in school, and Wizardry has not been heard from in a few weeks....meh
We will get there!
Did anyone crack the first anagram? Crafted Gnome?
How about "US FRIEND OF DOC"? We've been getting some Lost insight from "Doc" Jensen at Entertainment Weekly... [just spitting into the wind here, hoping someone else's brain sparks and runs with it]
... if this is "close" perhaps it should read a FIND US FOR CODE...
Also there was the clue about "Fast Track"... In the Duffsgarage site there is a picture of the bar... with two checkered flags hanging up. Maybe someone needs to go there. Hey... I like my theory. ;o)
So if David e-mailed the top ten...where are your e-mails Sean, NobleLawyer?? There are only 4 pictures accounted for...Belly, Thrasher, TapDawg, and Twinkle.
stacey - LOL, I thought the same thing.... but I searched for Doc Jensen and found nothing new.
Find Us For Code makes sense to me because of the t-shirt, but I give up, David. Where are you? :)
Thanks, chixylix!
And thanks to TLEC for making the Glyph Hunt fun again. Since Comic-Con, I had completely fallen out of the game and taken simply to viewing other people's compilations of the Sri Lanka video. This is the first time I've even tried to play in 3 weeks.
Oh, and it's a complete time suck at work. And since I'm PST I still have 1 1/2 left to my work day...
Okay, I'm at a loss and it's time to go home. Put those heads together while I'm gone!
Hey admin. Has anyone told you how cool you are lately? (no pun intended) This is great!
Lossa - good to know I'm not the only one hoping Doc would save the day. :^)
All these sharp minds and we don't have it yet...tricky one, Admin. A great way to make us feel like we can actually *do* something to find a glyph, rather than waiting for someone in Sydney to walk past the right wharf post again...thank you!
MANY MANY THANKS for the new thread!!
David first emailed me with:
Find US for the code.
Then told me to get the first anagram.
I even went looking in the watermark website LOL I guess in a sence, looking for "US". LOL
and remember that he also pointed out the convo I had with young wallace on clue 97.
Duff's. Oregon.
...Should I go?
Here is the Top Ten commenters fromt eh last thread!
1 maven 1078
2 Thrasher76 1073 Received Email
3 belly0fdesire 971 Received Email
4 wizardry_eas 815
5 sean 647
6 noblelawyer 567
7 LHorse007 532
8 oxillini 528
9 Crossfade 515
10 tapdawg 494 Received Email
Twinkle also received an email, so I do not think that he only emailed people in the top ten...
I'm with Beth - "find us for code" sounds good, and the duffs garage stuff goes with the convo Lena had with young wallace AND it's pacific time zone, so the "fast track only still open to a select few" thing fits.
That, or I just subconciously REALLY want it to be in a rockabilly bar. Haha
hey guys, I'm back. I haven't had a chance to read thru the comments I missed, but I got another email from admin:
Just posted hints in the comments.
your guesses for the code were where you were closest.
Also got the final bottles pic, but Blogger is being dumb and not letting me upload it right now... will keep trying tho!
Admin said in the previous thread that the fast track was still open for a few. If the anagram is find us for clue...then maybe we do have to find him in Dallas for the clue. Anyone in the big D area? or maybe young wallace? Lena maybe if you meet up with him you will get the clue.
instead of "US" refering to the group, what if it stands for U.S.? kind of changes the context doesn't it?
find source of d (?)
Lena- in your convo, you were talking about meeting up with young wallace? Could this be what he means? Otherwise we have to go the "slow track" and get the pics together.
OK, I got it! Here's the last pic of the v8 bottles
I don't want to waste anybody's time. Don't go anywhere unless you are SURE that you will find something. There are ways to be sure and, together, I'm sure you guys can figure it out.
I've gotta go now. I'll be in and out throughout the evening.
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Administrator said "The fast way is still open...but only to a few. "
If we go with "find us for code", maybe admin means that he can give the code if someone goes to them - i.e. at the Randomshirts office.
Someone on the last thread asked for all the pictures not on flikr where Thrasher put them. So I stole them from you, Thrash. Hope that's ok. :-)
I've got a runthrough of where we are at this point and the pictures on the jokes blog
Lostpedian- that's what I think, I think someone has to find David or young wallace to get the next code.
DARN, that doesnt make it sound like our Duff's idea is right.
Nitesea - you could email it to me and I will put it on flickr....
Man, What are those other pics of, people check you e-mails.
I've been on all day, but can't check my hotmail acct. Maybe a pic will be there when I get home...
I borrowed pedalin dad's summary from the last thread. Thanks, pedalin.
Lena: I need you.
What did you talk about?
Is Duffs Correct?
9 hereandthere-dallas tx
12 david penuel-dallas tx
111 melissa dallas tx
194 v8 fusion
196 dennis
Could this be of help?
noiq - "find U.S." on the frappr map? (cant get to it at work)
Hey why don't you a** clowns stop pretending to be in-game!
Its dishonest and wrong.
If you want to create a little game to keep people from getting bored, fine.
But don't ruin The Lost Experience for the rest of us by leading us on wild goose chases. Seriously, you people suck.
twinkle got one b/c of her hansoexposed walkthrough.
What about their personal blogs? Ok my son is begging to play on the computer (actually pushing me out of the chair), so I can't follow along as close for a while. darn Keep up the good work guys!
Deception is no different than lying.
Josh, chill out. This is the most exciting thing since was put out.
Nate, I dont even KNOW WHERE Duff is?? LOL I live in Seaside Oregon right next to Cannon Beach.
Twinkle - How Dare you!!! Just kidding, I am not that possesive...Once I have time I am going to upload some of the pics I have saved from act 1 and what not, but I have not had the time...
Get this troll outta here...J/K
i heart josh holloway.
We may suck but this is legit bro. You'll see when you plug in the code to your hansoexposed account. :)
I'm not perfect but I really try to be an honest person. Please forgive me for anything I've done in the past to make you mistrust me or TLEC.
Okay guys,
I gotta jet.
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Josh we don't really care if this is in game or not...we're having fun playing the game. Like Ryan's the most excitement and fun thing we've had to do in a long time.
long live the admin experience
What About "FIND CODE FOR U.S." ? or still Find Us for Code
Josh, go to ITE where other meanies dwell LOL...
I agree with noiq, and a feel that all here trust david!
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ok, ignore moody mcinsult. we need to focus - Ive got that feeling like its right in front of us and were gonna feel dumb when we figure it out.
sorry, im coming in and out. but did you want me to post something?
in my email, david sent me an attachment with a picture of someone's feet.
if i dont get back to you right away, its cause im doing a thousand different things right now.
I am sure that once we see the 1.5 seconds of video this glyph code is good for, we'll feel all the effort was worth it.
I live in Dallas and can drive ... but no clue where to go!
belly, want to tell me where to go in Dallas?
Sean...please post what your mail said and a link to the pic.
HEY SOMEONE TRY 912111194196 for a code...
Sean!!!! YOu need to put that up somewhere or forward to me so I can put it up on flickr!!
Nope Lena...not working:)
Lena that code doesn't work
Come on Sean!!! Let's see it, WOO HOO
Rank Name Count
Grand Total 34633
1 maven 1078
2 Thrasher76 1073
3 belly0fdesire 971
4 wizardry_eas 815
5 sean 647
6 noblelawyer 567
7 LHorse007 532
8 oxillini 528
9 Crossfade 515
10 tapdawg 494
Sean, congrats on making the top 10. I've attached a little token of gratitude.
This could be 29. It probably took David a little bit to try and hide this in such a cool way...
im still trying to figure out a way to upload the pic
Hey all, have to run. But i'm in Dallas if someone thinks we need to find David. The email for my blogger account doesn't work, so I'll check back here later.
Guys, we're up against a blogger scheduled 45 minute outage. Don't know what that affects. Message from blogger.
This has been reschedule to tomorrow (8/10) at 4pm.
You can just e-mail it as an attatchment to Thrash or Belly...
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hey, it's back early! I'm counting this as a "first" even though it's more of a 600th. Of course, no one else is going to try back again for another 20 minutes, so it's a lonely first indeed.
Took the down time to listen to the podcast finally. Hey, thanks for the shoutout!
Admin for Power That Be
It's Back!!!!!
yaya, it's back in time for me to get off work, lol. See you guys in 20!
Thrasher's got Sean's image
Back in Action Baby...
So as of now we have half the "top 10" images. V8 Fusion, LL Cool J, and half of some guy. Are there others we know of?
I hope Maven doesn't have the top part of Sean's pic...
Fragment still not found. I've got a recap of where we've come so far on the jokes blog.
Blogger's not letting me add the last couple images for those who can't use flkr. Thanks, Thrasher, for so generously sharing. You're my "sensay."
Curous, hereandthere, are you new to EBlogger?
Alrighty gang, today has been fun! I will be on real quick later tonight or tomorrow morning, then I am off for the weekend...going to the mountains!
Peace & Namaste!
Awwwww yeah! I'm back! What's the word? Truthiness?
NOOOOOOOOOOOO, Thrasher we need your smart brain here, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Cool thrasher!! You and Melissa have a BLAST! You will be missed :(
I will be ALL OVER the place after tomorrow night (DSL returns!! YAH!!)
finally back on! Anyone have contact with Maven who can tell her to check in as soon as she gets a chance? She will LOVE this. Otherwise...we have to wait 2 1/2 more weeks for hers. Did anyone check Davids and Young Wallace's personal blogs? Dang I wish I still lived in the DFW area!
nice "catch up" post... my pic is here if you'd like to add it
David didn't have anything new on his blog
hmm, maybe I should have tried to mainting my posting position, then I would have got an email!
Admin- just wanted to let you know- this is the coolest glyph release & hunt! Thanks, well done! Someone already said it, but TPTB should take a lesson from what you've done to make this game more fun.
I can email maven, but I THINK David knows shes on vacation so dont know if he sent her a pic or not. Well either way, you are right, she will LOVE this!
I'm emailing TLE updates to Maven while she's away and has limited internet access. I sent her an email asking her to forward her piece of the pic to me or someone else so it can be posted. Not sure how often she's able to check mail, however.
From comments on previous post:
Administrator said...
You're waiting on noblelawyer, sean, oxillini, and MAVEN. Then it should be cake. Maven's may be tricky but she has been checking in periodically.
im glad everyone got my pic. ive been out all day, and had no idea this was happening. when david sent to me, i was thinking "why would he send me this?" it seemed wierd to me.
anyway, i have to go. i plan on seeing the world trade center movie tonight. until tomorrow.
Hey all,
Is this a frag?
M 4937-HMA
If not, my apolagies!! LOL
I tried getting some screencaps of his shirt earlier, but it's never close enough to the camera to really make it out and zooming in just makes it illegible
I know for a fact that belly0fdesire has my cell phone number. When I gave it to him for Comic Con I told him to never give it to anyone else. However, he can call me and give me yours. I can call William and give him your number too. We are willing to call 1 person each who would be willing to meet us at our convenience at a location of our choosing. We each have a "Glyphs Can Be Fun" tshirt that we'd be more than happy to give away to someone in person.
We have to be very careful though...THF could be watching!
DARN, that doesnt make it sound like our Duff's idea is right.
Well, it was a fun idea. :o) Still looks like an awesome place to hang out. LOL!
COOL, is there anyone around Seaside OR david????????
no dice, lena
i wish
(on your proposed code, that is)
NiteSea said...
nice "catch up" post... my pic is here if you'd like to add it
Thanks! I have your and Sean's pictures but blogger won't upload it. I'll try more later.
Awesome idea, Admin! I wish I could get to you.
yes I did belly! :)
This is a team effort AND its a race. Depend on each other, work together...
Who will win? The CONFIDED FOR US people or the TIGHTEST PROPHET CUE people?
if we are waiting for three parts of the picture, how come only 6 have been posted? Where is that 10th piece?
Did I miss it?
beth - if it turns out Wallace has a shirt with a glyph, were taking credit for it anyways (even if he doesnt turn out to be at the bar.) LOL
team confided for us!
Well, my cell phone is 305 395 6794
Can someone here make sure this phone number gets to David?!?
Get in your cars and GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
lol - i support the noiq cause
seriously, those need to be made available to the public when this code hunt is over...
Well, I'm not in Dallas, I'm not even in the US... I live in Colombia (South America), but I thought it was wirth the try...
I've been following TLE around a month ago, and TLEC is the blog I always refer to when I can't find a glyph on my own... like this case, or when some one sees a poster over Sydney.
Meh... I thought David might think of calling me, and then I could convince him.
David. One of the pictures cannot be recieved. Maven has gone to Europe for 3 weeks.. any chance of sending hers somewhere else? say myway? lol
I want a "THE ADMIN EXPERIENCE" t-shirt with
David and William for Powers That Be
THATS where I know your name hereandthere!! from ITE! OHHHHH!!!! LOL
BELLY....DAVID...dont leave me hangin!!!!! Do I have a chance in H. E. double hocky sticks?????????
Also it would be easier to get the shirt because bellyofdesire has his phone number
lol, jake. Youre right, but you reminded me of my little brother.
scully over at ITE is in Dallas... keep an eye out for her email, Belly!
Well we're working on who lives near Dallas Jake....
I have been away and just want to make sure that there havae only been 32 fragments discovered
I do have a picture.
don't know how ot post it?
photobucket or email it as an attachment to someone
Thrasher is could always put it on noble:)
sorry I'm still playing catchu up from three comments ago.....gimme a minute and i'll figure it out..
nobellawyer or e-mail me with it at and i'll upload it for you and give it To Thrasher who is blogging all of the pictures
Thrasher's flkr site only has 6 pics. Doesn't that mean we're missing 4? Or did I miss something?
nobelawyer e-mail me at and i'll get it up in 2 mins for you
twinkle - there are only supposed to be 4 total pics, but a couple of those 4 were cut up so that there were 10 peices of pictures to split between the top 10. some of the peices have been put together already on the flkr
correct twinkle we'remissing 4, belly0fdesire hasnt logged on, nor has LHorse, maven is in romania for 3 weeks
go noblewlawyer....YeeHaw
and waiting for nobellawyers
o never mind me then im talking jibber jabber :p
DFizz i can remember the link but they are poorly laid out and i am working on a website to host them all now...
because the top 10 posters were sent pics i think
Thrasher's flicker:
Got it's on the way:)
:o Nobel you e-mailed Ange instead of me im insulted
has there been any word on Admin meeting someone in Dallas? I am concerned ofr his safety... Hanso could be anywhere...
I've got them on the jokes blog except blogger won't let me upload NiteSea and Sean's yet.
They're under the recap. Just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed any others. Can't wait for noblelawyer's!
o.k. sent to ange and dark sheep
its gna be posted on tht guys shirt isnt it onnobels pic i bet we need to wai for his middle section
Noble's picture (it is tiny tiny):
Noble’s Piece
jpike it already is on youtube <-- nobels thing
?? who is that?
picsel I sent it to you too! I can only do one at a time....I'm a bit slow - I'm on painkillers and am sanding photos to people, and I don't even know what it is about! I am acting now and asking questions later....but I am flattered that everyone is so excited to see me :)
haha, noble's pic reminds me of Newman from seinfeld. Is he in a cap and gown?
I think whoever he is, he's the top to our feet, what's he doing with his arm?
we have an idea of LLJV8F so far by using initials but this is only an idea
looks to me like he is in a bodybuilder pose
Skippy402 said...
I think whoever he is, he's the top to our feet, what's he doing with his arm?
The Chicken Dance?
lol i know nobel i was jokin cus she got it first
Yes I was #6 and so got a pic, but had no idea what it was or what it was about -actually I still don't. will we get a frag when it is all put together?
btw, for those who were asking; we know there's 10 peices cause admin said:
"There are 4 pics total but some are broken up into pieces so I could email the whole top 10. You shouldn't have to have all the pieces to get this code...just a basic understanding of the 4 pics."
we thinks his shirt may be a "Class of such and uch a year" to give us the code
picsel - where are you getting the "f"? feet? I have a feeling that's just part of a larger picture and the feet aren't the important part.
Dang what I wouldn't give to be in Dallas visiting relatives right now! Well at least I have a sense of personal satisfaction over the fact that I actually got something right- and that is that we were supposed to actually find David and/or young Wallace for the glyph. Oh well- now back to working on the pictures since I am on the "tightest prophet cue" team. LOL This is fun.
"There are 4 pics total but some are broken up into pieces so I could email the whole top 10. You shouldn't have to have all the pieces to get this code...just a basic understanding of the 4 pics."
I think there were two people not in the top 10 who got them tho... I was one. Not sure if they sent out duplicate pics or there are more than 10.
dfizz - admin's first comment in the previous post was:
"Comments Grand Total 34633
1 maven 1078
2 Thrasher76 1073
3 belly0fdesire 971
4 wizardry_eas 815
5 sean 647
6 noblelawyer 567
7 LHorse007 532
8 oxillini 528
9 Crossfade 515
10 tapdawg 494
Congrats! I believe the top 10 deserve some sort of a prize!"
It looks like he's doing, "I'm a little teapot".
Here is what we have so far since Thrasher and Belly are not around...I put them all in one picture.
So far
admin, if you're lurking... scully over at ITE is in Dallas, she's tried emailing belly for your info but hasn't gotten a response. We told her to email you at the TLEC gmail account so she can meet you and get the clue!
that's not the guy is it? lol...
HA its "B" now that's funny
belly, I think B IS the top of that image
so there's one more pic out there we haven't seen anything of, right?
belly, did you get scully's email?
o.k. ange and piscel - I forwarded you the original e-mail to me. I don't think it will help make the picture any bigger but just in case.
well I hope his midsection was maven's pic and we don't have to sweat on that now...
for those who know Neighbours... is it just me or that looks like Harold Bishop?
maven is in europe for three weeks
o.k. so was I right in that only 32 glpys have been found (going by TLEC front page and MTP's page) and that we are looking for glyphs 33 and 34 and that somehow putting these images together, or the letters that these images stand for will give us a fragment clue (if not a glyph)
hey - where'd team confide in us go? anyone driving around dallas looking for tshirts yet?
where'd team confide in us go?
I'm still here but alas no where near either Oregon or Dallas...
haha, me either
am i on track even a little?
dfizz...we don't really know for sure, but here is the top ten:
damnit I didn't think I missed anything being away 6 days but now I feel totally LOST
I'm here in Dallas and waiting to hear from David.....
I've passed my number along..
Just waiting.....
(btw - my email may say that it's from Melanie)
Scully said...
(btw - my email may say that it's from Melanie)
wait, you mean you're real name's not scully? ;-)
do we have more than 32 fragments?
noiq - that would work. is the code hidden in one of her tattoos????
it looks to me like Belly got us around at lewast two of the top 10 by finding the full picture. Didn't we decide earlier today that there would exentually be 4 pictures? That would mean we are missing one now.
I see ya'll are all excited that I come on because you want my pic, but as soon as I give it you have nothing to do with me. I should have refused to give it utnil ya'll answered my question :(
okay i made as a site for blogging this thing to make it a lil easier...
nitesea - of course scully is my real name. i just use melanie to throw people off.
and in case you don't believe me - please remember that lawyers *never* lie.....
thank you dfizz :D
greenfalcon - it says "loading" and then does a percentage... ntohing there that I can see
I think some other people saw that too and it was determined it's just saying "loading x%"
well I had one of the v8 pics and I'm not in the top ten... unless they sent out a duplicate of someone else's
mikey, that link you gave... I've ended up listening to Vivaldi's Four Seasons!!! But I think you may be on to something :)
oops, i meant dfizz. sorry :(
greenfalcon- you already figured it out, but here is a screen grab of the apollo site:)
all blogging of this hunt is being posted by moi at
well admin was emailing me that i was getting close to figuring out the clues from the comments I was posting. So as a reward he sent that to me. But it was way after he sent the others, and I have a feeling it's a duplicate of someone else's who just hasn't checked their email yet
I've got NiteSea and Sean's up but I can't load NobleLawyer's. That's three of four pictures. We're still missing one.
I think at the time, admin was trying to send things mostly to people he knew were online at the time and would get it quickly, and he chose most of them from the top 10
Well of the top 10: Wizardry hasn't posted in a while, Lhorse hasn't either, but he's in the chat room a lot- has anyone tried to contact him there? oxillini- don't know where he is today. Crossfade has school and is usually on in the evenings I think...or maybe the mornings can't remember. And we all know Maven is in Europe for the next few weeks.
So we have 3 full pictures, is that right? and we have no clues to what the 4th pic is so far?
Thanks, picsel. I haven't documented the whole thing and I can't even get the pictures up! Don't know why Blogger does that. I've had the problem before.
we think we have v8fllcjb / v8llcjbee but in need of another picture
scoutpost-LHorse posted a couple up...he didn't get a mail:)
dfizz said...
gotcha. if we're missing one picture (divided into 3 parts), then why would administrator say we have enough to figure out the code. or was he referring to the FIND US FOR CODE method?
Actually, he said: "I have to go for awhile... everything you need to succeed is out of my hands. The race is on!"
I think he meant he'd given out all the clues, not necessarily that we'd gotten all of them. Some of them are still sitting in unchecked inboxes :-(
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