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Clue #144 - Rachel Blake's Finale

We've got Rachel Blake's final video up in YouTube and we've cut out all the Orientation & Mittlewerk parts that most of us have already seen a hundred times. This video was originally posted on abc.com and we were instructed to go there by Rachel Blake at the end of DJ Dan's live broadcast (see Clue #143). Enjoy...and stick around for our final podcast summing up the Lost Experience. :)


Blogger Unknown said...

What is being whispered when Rachel and Alvar are talking, right after he says he's the one who gave Mittelverk everything he needed to do his dastardly deeds. I have listened about 6 times now...and it seems to me that he's saying..."Shhh...they're trying to...they're trying to..." the whole time that the camera goes haywire during their conversation.

Anyone else got any ideas?

9/25/2006 12:57:00 AM  
Blogger JoAnn said...

Admin (David) thanks for staying up late and working on posting the podcast!

9/25/2006 01:02:00 AM  
Blogger The Penuels said...

Hope everyone saw that we post audio of the podcast under Clue #142.

Or you can CLICK HERE. We chopped out all the songs so its a bit shorter.

I'm off to bed...goodnight everybody!

9/25/2006 01:04:00 AM  
Blogger The Penuels said...

You're welcome joann. Thanks for saying "thanks"

9/25/2006 01:05:00 AM  
Blogger Scoutpost said...

Good night Admin! Thanks for EVERYTHING! Top 20 for maybe the last time!

9/25/2006 01:07:00 AM  
Blogger Joseph Finchum said...

The Podcast had funny parts and more Announcer Johney screwups and one-liners. Rachel sounded as if next door, and LHorse007 ruled the airwaves for the night. He was [u][b]Not ShutDown.[/b][/u]

All and all it was a sorry ending to the game. Like firworks... it was a rush of fire and goodness (Phase 1) an explosion of color and light (Phase 2) and then it faded and fell to the ground as burning embers of nothingness.

I did however like the connections made and friends aquired, while playing and haveing a great time on-line and at real world events.
This has been an EXPERIENCE and a pleasure to do it all with all of us involved. I have learned new things and better ways to solve the puzzles of everyday life. I am sad it has come to an end but look forward to seeing you all agin when the show starts up on the 4th, and firing up the blog and boards once again.

Heres to The LOST Community blog, message board, and chatroom. You've all been great.
In 10 days the fun begins again. :D
"See ya in another life Brotha"


9/25/2006 01:23:00 AM  
Blogger MissMegs said...

well, it's been fun. On to TLC!

9/25/2006 02:30:00 AM  
Blogger A F said...

Well, I mean, they left it open ended... Maybe they are going to pick it up later? TLE2: The Hunt for Mittlewerk (bum, bum, BUM!)

I'm feeling like it was a bit of an anti-climax, to be honest. Oh well, it certainly filled the time between seasons.

9/25/2006 02:36:00 AM  
Blogger Becky said...

I agree, little anti-climactic. It will be interesting to see what happens this season.

Not too long to find out! I'll be going to the sneak-preview at Sunset on the Beach on Saturday!! Woohoo!!

Sorry...had to brag just a little...

9/25/2006 02:54:00 AM  
Blogger picsel said...

what about all this URL at the beginning or somehthing explain people ive only been off for 20 mins

9/25/2006 02:56:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

Hi Guys,

Just listened to DJ Dan on my way to work (Um so that's why I was late in). Jonny's comments were brilliant as ever. Nice call DJ Lena and I liked Rachel's comment about Matt the Pale!.

Well it's not quite over yet, don't forget the final TLEC Podcast. I've already got my audio clip into David.

I guess TLC here we come.

9/25/2006 03:33:00 AM  
Blogger lovepirate said...

I just gotta say thanks to everyone who made this so enjoyable. Even if we saw the ending coming, that's alright. TLE was about telling a story, the same as the show Lost is. Sure, there are mysteries and debates and all that, but in the end it's about a story. TLE was a great story, with great moments, both well told and well thought out. Every story has its holes, but I think we all enjoyed it nevertheless. Thanks again.

9/25/2006 03:48:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

So are we going to have TLE part 2 - The Return of Mittleverk? I think it's a possibility, all be it a very slim possibility but I'm sure TPTB will leave their options open.

9/25/2006 04:00:00 AM  
Blogger Lost in Portugal said...

Guys, any chance of getting a transcript of this last video?

9/25/2006 05:14:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

Hi, The only real inportant stuff was the last five minutes. Rachel comes on Air but doesn't tell us anything we didn't already know (although she does mention Matt the Pale and say he should get out more!). She does indicate though that she is not really sure about who are the good guys anymore . We get a call from a guy called James who has an illegal monitoring staion listening into government broadcasts. He patches in encrypted radio chatter that he has picked up which is comming form a raid on the Hanso Foundation. We hear what we think is Mittleverk being gunned down but it is a imposter. A taped message then comes on, Mittleverk says his work is too valuble and he is elsewhere and he advises the police/special forces or whoever they are to get out of the building, we hear "Oh my God is wired" and then an explosion. DJ Dan advises us to go to ABC.COm and that's it.

There seemed to be a real problems with the phone lines but this might have been people hanging up as a protest. DJ Lena managed to get on and tell Dan that he was speaking Bull and wagging the dog - SHUTDOWN...

That's about it - most of it was more amusing that essential.

9/25/2006 05:37:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

Hi Guys,

No you didn't miss much Javi, oops I mean DJ Dan did enjoy slagging of Damon, Carlton and himself though!

9/25/2006 05:51:00 AM  
Blogger Ange said...

Final thoughts from my sleep deprived brain: "Um, okay? Also, that's IT?" This community has been great though...see you all in another life. Or at least the other blog:).

9/25/2006 06:05:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

This is the latest post from the Speaker:

"The battle's done,
And we kind of won,
So we sound our victory cheer."

Okay - so the tape's been shown to the authorities AND the world. We ALL know where Alvar is and we ALL know that TWM escaped.


NOW what?

Will Alvar be freed? Or has the Hanso Foundation just moved him to a more secret location?

What happened to TWM?

What's happened to the Hanso Foundation itself? Is it still running or did the authorities SHUT IT DOWN?

WILL Rachel go into witness protection?

Like Arsenio Hall, all these things make me go, "Hmmmmm..."

I think I need to think more.

Good night and until tomorrow.

Sounds like TPTB are leaving it open for a sequal

9/25/2006 06:12:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

Hi Shrodes:

The address for the Lost Community is:


9/25/2006 06:14:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

Hi Raphael - No Caffine needed, Im just bored at work ;)

Lucybob - hiya, yes that it, the TLE is officially over :(

However not long to Season 3 :)

9/25/2006 06:29:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

But what did you expect from Lost. For every answer we get we get 10 more questions ;)

Anyway they need to leave some stuff for the the TLE part 2, not to mention Series 3, 4 and 5 of Lost.

9/25/2006 06:38:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

Speakers comments certainly suggest the possibility of TLE part 2 but I imagine TPTB will evaluate what this one achieved and then make a decision.

9/25/2006 06:53:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

Hi Emma

I agree, I'll play it again - much to the dismay of my wife. I was staying with friends this weekend and unbenown to me she had made a bet with them as to how long it would be before I mentioned Lost!

9/25/2006 06:54:00 AM  
Blogger CattyGirl said...

Oh well. *yawn* I wish I would have just went to bed and came here for everything in the morning. Admin - you have made this my one stop for all things TLE. Thanks.

9/25/2006 07:21:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

raphael said...
lol Dark Angel,
How long did you last?

About an hour and a half I think, I think my wife was betting on under 10 minutes. :)

9/25/2006 08:04:00 AM  
Blogger FYSB said...

Good morning everyone. Cant't believe I actually made it to work on time this morning.

Last night was fun, the panic over the feed not withstanding.

I'm a bit disappointed that our big finish was in the vein of "Luke I am your father" since we all knew that already. EVERYBODY knew it....GidgetGirl knew it, Malik knew it. I'm not sure we really found out anything...why was Alvar not a part of Rachel's life? why did he leave her mother? Why the mental health initiative? How/why did Rachel's mom die?

I didn't expect everything to be tied up in a nice little package, but I would have liked at least a moment of "Oh wow. Didn't see that coming".

I do hope that all the loose ends means there will be a sequel. Revenge of the ponytail?

9/25/2006 08:25:00 AM  
Blogger FYSB said...

Thanks lhorse, I must have missed that in the wee hours. Awesome call in by the way!

9/25/2006 08:31:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

what program do i use to open the "missing organs" zip file????

9/25/2006 08:32:00 AM  
Blogger Capcom said...

I'll say it here on the new thread, instead of on the podcast thread, that I would like to thank EVERYONE (especially the Admins) for helping those of us who are not internet-savvy to limp through that ordeal last night and be able to experience it (with y'all) live. The chat (my first!) was a blast, and everyone was hilarious! Thanks also to everyone who is re-capping some things, since the connection was so bad. I pretty much missed the whole "ham radio, blowup adventure", all I heard was "kkkkkkkkkkkk....ponytail!....kkkkkkkkkkkkk". :-(

Yes, FYSB, I agree.....one fact about her father is not a big reveal. I wanted to know who her mother was, why the mental org was designed for her, etc. Why not talk about both parents? Rachel didn't wonder how they got together? Riiiiiight. Surely, (if they spoke at the normal speed of most humans) they could have fit that in. Ah well.

Here's to (not) DJ Dan, for shuttin' down the fans! :-( And a huge cheers to all Tee-Lekkers!

9/25/2006 08:41:00 AM  
Blogger CattyGirl said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9/25/2006 08:42:00 AM  
Blogger CattyGirl said...

Maybe Alvar left them in order to save them. He believed he was saving the world... or humanity I guess.

9/25/2006 08:44:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

have a problem. can only click on the link and choose "open". but i don't have winzip. so, what now?

9/25/2006 08:48:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

people: we still have much to figure out.

and mittelwerk is STILL on the loose.

and kilpatrick has well......he's had his organs "harvested".

the "game" is STILL ON!

9/25/2006 08:49:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


9/25/2006 08:52:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

could someone just email me what's there???

9/25/2006 08:53:00 AM  
Blogger Totengraber said...

chucklez3, try right click, unzip.

9/25/2006 08:54:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

geek alert:

darth vader and anakin are the same person. just FYI to all those who wondered.

also, 1646 HH is the license plate to the van. may come in handy later. damn.......forgot to check for the state or whatever.

9/25/2006 08:55:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

totengraber: can't. it says, "only authorized.....blah, blah. your ip address has been logged".

9/25/2006 08:56:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

michigan. michigan plates

9/25/2006 08:58:00 AM  
Blogger Dt7 said...


Transcript: http://lostpedia.com/wiki/Norway_Video

9/25/2006 09:09:00 AM  
Blogger Totengraber said...

I don't know. Works on OSX and Windoze XPee. Maybe someone else can help.

Or you can download Winzip: www.winzip.com

Dig Y'all Latter

9/25/2006 09:10:00 AM  
Blogger Capcom said...

IMNSHO, Rachel's acting was not only terribly bad last night, but she was acting strangly aloof and rather stuck-up, during her conversation with Dan. As if she was doing him and the world a favor for calling in, when she had plenty of better things to do with her time, than to give him/us any information about herself or THF. I guess now that she knows she's the richest little girl in the world, she's gone all Paris Hilton. :-p

If Jamie's acting prowess is a result of the Alec Baldwin school of acting that she went to, I hope other actors stick with the Strasburg academy.

9/25/2006 09:12:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

Hi Capcom,

Yes, I agree I was slightly suprise with Rachel's comments. It didn't strike me as someone who'd discovered one of the greatest threats to civilisation/ mankind, been shot at and chased around the globe.

I still get the feeling there was going to be more to this but either the sponsors pulled out or the fan interest was not enough, I don't know. I mean that whole Apollo Candy thing was a hell of an effort just to tell us about the next DJ Dan Podcast.

9/25/2006 09:17:00 AM  
Blogger RyaNDrumZ said...

Catching up on comments...Is this it?

9/25/2006 09:21:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

Hi Ryandrumz

'fraid so....

All a bit quiet here, I guess things will go quiet until either the final TLEC podcast and/or the start of season 3, then it's over to the Lost Community :)

9/25/2006 09:24:00 AM  
Blogger FYSB said...

snort...Paris Hilton. very funny.

I'm just surprised that the writers would let it end like that, if they knew there would not be a sequel. It was live, they could have changed anything. I would think they would want to give a satisfying ending and make us go "wow". I hope ABC does more with this, otherwise, it seems they showed a lot of disdain for us by leaving every single end loose.

9/25/2006 09:24:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...


I agree, I'm just worried that there was not enough people participating in the TLE and either the writers (Javi & Jordan I guess) became disheartened with it or the Execs at ABC pulled the funding.

9/25/2006 09:29:00 AM  
Blogger Capcom said...

Right Dark Angel, it sure was. And I think that people would have gladly paid $1 a bar, to help pay for a better ending! :-) Heck, I would have sent in a dollar to ABC to help, since I couldn't get an Apollo bar.

And Rachel needs to get a refund from her acting coach. Here's what I would have told her in prep for the role, "Here's your motivation: you have been waiting for 4 months to call into this station and tell the biggest secret known to mankind! And you know that women can't keep secrets! You're like a jumpy horse bolting out of the gate (not a world-weary poor little rich girl blowing off the papparazzi). Now go gettem Rachel-baby, knock their socks off!"

Oh well, those who can't do (i.e., me), teach. :-)

9/25/2006 09:29:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

Hey Capcom,

Nothing wrong with teachers :) , my wife is a teacher as is my sister in law and my mother in law, not to mention loads of my friends.

There are far worse things you could do, you could work in Insurance like me - how pointless if that?

9/25/2006 09:35:00 AM  
Blogger FYSB said...

I wonder if a bunch of us emailed Javi or ABC if it would make a difference. Not to complain, but to say how much we enjoyed it and how much more sprite we're drinking these days and could they pretty please throw us a bone with a "where are they now?" or soemthing?

Speaker seemed to hint that there might be more someday on his blog.

9/25/2006 09:35:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

shakey - during the US's mid-season break (why do you guys have that?)

Because we're a culture of instant gratification, and we can't stand having one new episode on, followed by two weeks of reruns, then another new episode, then the next week we think there's going to be a new episode but it's another rerun....

We like our TV like we like our westward expansion: lurching in big chunks.

9/25/2006 09:38:00 AM  
Blogger The Penuels said...

I think this is it.

I know a lot of people are disappointed but I try to put myself in the writers shoes. If you just think about the story of TLE from beginning to end (without all the confusion of the actual game) it's a pretty compelling tale with a fairly good cliff-hanger. Speaker summed it up on his post this morning...Now what?

The cardinal rule of ARGs is TINAG (This Is Not A Game). If we play by that rule (like DJ Dan kept telling us last night), what are we supposed to do. Mittlewerk just blew up some military operatives that were trying to capture him and he's still on the loose. Has Alvar been terminated by TWM now that Rachel posted his confession? What has and what will become of Rachel? Did she only have the courage to post her father's confession because she knew he was secure somehow?

Moreover, how will all of this play into the drama on the island with the survivors of flight 815?

9/25/2006 09:39:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

I'd be up for that FYSB, do we have a reliable email address though.

Maybe we could do an email from the TLEC with all our names (screen and/or real)

9/25/2006 09:39:00 AM  
Blogger Capcom said...

Well, I'm just a freelance art teacher (mostly kids). My "real" occupation was techno-lab-rat. I worked for a THF offshoot. :-)

9/25/2006 09:43:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

Hi TheBookPolice,

I think Shakey was meaning why have a break at all. I am pretty sure Shakey is from the UK like me and here probably 98% of all programmes run straight through from the start of the series to the end. We also get far less (or sometimes no) commercials.

9/25/2006 09:46:00 AM  
Blogger Capcom said...

P.S. Dark Angel, insurance agents are important. They help people save up money (albeit via premiums) for rainy days or catastophies when they probably otherwise wouldn't have done so on their own. :-)

9/25/2006 09:46:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

dark angel - Ah, but haven't you also learned that we're a consumer culture? ; ) Got to reconcile both demons.

While I'm cool with the German approach (and perhaps this is a European approach) of having a 15 minute block of commericials between programs, I doubt that American advertisers feel that they would get much return on it.

9/25/2006 09:49:00 AM  
Blogger The Penuels said...

I don't know that we have a reliable address...but there's a good chance Javi (or other PsTB) might listen to our podcast finale...Send me audio...

"I'm FYSB and I just want to say..."

I'll see if I can't track down an email...one idea would be to post comments on Javi's blog but it seems that he's quit blogging...http://chaodai.livejournal.com/

9/25/2006 09:49:00 AM  
Blogger FYSB said...

It looks like the folks on the fuselage are compiling a list of questions for the writers.

Here's a general contact place for abc...

I tried to track down an email for javi, but my company is blocking my access. Ha! If they only knew about TLEC.

9/25/2006 09:54:00 AM  
Blogger Capcom said...


Last night MTP fired off a general note to ABC after the podcast. Maybe if they got email and snailmail, it would be noticed. I read somewhere that networks consider each complaint/kudos letter to equal approximately 2,000 viewers. Too bad they didn't seem to consider 2,000 X 35,000 for TLE, so maybe they don't think in those terms anymore. :-(

9/25/2006 09:56:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

Hi Capcom

Oh I know, It's partly the old communist in me and also I work in liability claims which makes you pretty cynical, especially when everyone things you're the bad guys when we're not.

TheBookPolice - I used to live in the Netherlands and the long commercial breaks used to be really anoying. I guess I was spoiled by the commercial free BBC. Saying that Lost is shown on Channel 4 over here and there were loads of complaints over the number of commercials. We generally have a lot less here both in terms of number and duration.

Saying that we seems to be heading over to the US model over here to a degree, especially with the collosal number of digital channels we have, I don't get any of the subscription movie or sport channels but I have to have at least 300 channels, most of them dire!

9/25/2006 09:58:00 AM  
Blogger DiggityDirge said...

Morning all,

Wondering if we are going to learn a little more from speakers post last evening? Even though it was cool to see Alvar again, the ending was a bit disappointing.

Hope something else goes on today, but it is probably the last hoorrah for TLE.

9/25/2006 10:02:00 AM  
Blogger Capcom said...

Dark Angel, I'm an ex-commie/lib myself. But I wish I would have read Ayn Rand loooooooong ago.

Your just doing your job. At least you're not a tax collector! :-D

9/25/2006 10:04:00 AM  
Blogger maven said...

Morning all on the morning after!

I had a feeling that more questions will be unanswered than answered last night. Typical for TPTB! Speaker is alluding to the possibility of more to come...maybe. I have to say I'm almost TLE'd out...tired of trying to figure out the why's...a little disappointed in the anticlimatic ending and just accepting it and moving on to the final TLEC Podcast,
Season 3 and The Lost Community.

Boy, last night really was fun though! I think it was a microcasm of what TLE was all about for the whole summer! We were all having a party and anticipating the podcast when all hell broke loose and the stream went dead. We all pulled together and helped each other get through the chaos that was happening...between the IRC and Yahoo chats, people were really trying to help each other out. And when the podcast came back up and started...we all helped each other out again, giving help when helped was asked. I've never seen the chats so full, and it was a blast! Thanks to all who were there for continuing to make TLE a great experience.

9/25/2006 10:05:00 AM  
Blogger FYSB said...

I just dropped a note to ABC/Lost/Information request via this link.


Kept it very positive, thanked them for a fun summer and asked if they would please give us some more answers. Who knows if it will help, but thought it was worth the effort, especially if a bunch of us write in. Anybody else want to give it a shot?

9/25/2006 10:09:00 AM  
Blogger maven said...

Okay, fysb: I just an email, too. Thanks for the link.

9/25/2006 10:16:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...


Just followed your link and left them a note

9/25/2006 10:17:00 AM  
Blogger Your Mother said...

Hey all. I have to agree that I was disappointed in the ending last night, but then I just take that as a "we are so smart" moment, since most of us had already figured out the ending. I'm hoping since they left it so ridiculously open ended that there will be another experience, because, even in its lamer moments, this game was a blast. Thanks to all of the admins that put this blog together. Thanks to the Dallas people who made the ABC event worth going to (when are we gonna have a Lost viewing party??) and thanks to everyone on this blog who put up with my dumb questions over the summer. Hope to see everyone over on TLC!

9/25/2006 10:19:00 AM  
Blogger ShoxTP said...

Thanks TLEC, thanks for giving me something to do. i gotta say this was one of the most awesomest things i 've ever been a part of. yeah sure the ending was predictable, (I called it 2 months ago) but the so called "experience" of the "Lst Experience" was the best part. personally i never went to a website looking for hacked flash files exposing the truth about a false foundation on a hour to hour basis. nor have i ever gone searching the web for a 2X3 inch square with a picture in it (Ha! glyph) ! I never thought this would end, but it has....i don't know what im going to do with my days....David, Thrash, Belly, MTP and all of those TLEC commenters....you guys (and ladies) are my heros.

Gracias, and..

sheds tear......

9/25/2006 10:22:00 AM  
Blogger Capcom said...

FYSB, thanks for the mail link. I'll send one off today. Definitely keep it positive starting with a paragraph of compliments and kudos (they are more likely to keep reading :-), and then gently suggest that we need more answers than were given during the podcast.

I feel that even though the game is about the TV show mythology that is ongoing, there is no reason that we can't have some wrap-ups to the major events in TLE. Since the game was mostly a stand-alone event, so TPTB stated, it would be very statisfying to have some closure to more of the clues, mysteries, "facts", and hints that were thrown out. I don't think that's unreasonable, but that's just me.

9/25/2006 10:22:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

Now, a lost viewing party would be cool although a 10 hour flight to Texas just to watch Lost might be a bit extreme - think I'll just torrent it ;)

9/25/2006 10:22:00 AM  
Blogger FYSB said...

Hey your mother! I hope you got my emails yesterday re: the podcast. I'm guessing that you were indeed on if you're responding today.

Who's got the big screen tv and popcorn machine for a Dallas watching party?

darkangel...both BA and American have direct flights from Gatwick and Heathrow to DFW. As we say in Texas, Cowboy Up!

9/25/2006 10:30:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

Mmn well I am only 45 minutes from Gatwick

9/25/2006 10:32:00 AM  
Blogger Your Mother said...

Yes, FYSB, I got your emails. Thanks for the help! Although, I feel like I could've missed last night. I feel like we didn't really learn anything significant. But, thankfully, this expereience was so much more than just Rachel Blake and the Hanso foundation. I gotta give TPTB major props for forcing us to come together and work this stuff out. I love our Lost community. And if that's all I get out of it, I think I'm still coming out ahead. Cheesy, I know, but I really feel like it's the people that were playing that made this game. Though ... I would've like to learn just a tad bit more. Sigh, oh well, what am I expecting from the people who do Lost??

9/25/2006 10:37:00 AM  
Blogger JoAnn said...

Good morning... yawn... just woke up and read through the comments. I agree that dj dan's show was not that great but it was fun in the Lost clues and yahoo chat rooms. The panic when we thought the Radio Harvest website was down.. hearing some familiar names calling in even if they didn't get through... Johnny's recap.... and the efforts of Admistrator to get the audio with the breaks edited out and the Rachel video posted last night before he could get to bed... that is awsome!

9/25/2006 10:41:00 AM  
Blogger Twinkle said...

Hi, everyone! Just chiming in to say the same thing as everybody else. I hope TPTB don't see TLE as a failure and instead see how we wanted more, more, more of it! And I want to reiterate that TLEC is not over because the podcast is coming!

FastenYourSeatBelts: Would you be able/like to help with a memories project? If so, can you e-mail me at twinklestarmom@yahoo.com. Thanks!

9/25/2006 10:42:00 AM  
Blogger CattyGirl said...

I wonder if the mobisodes will be the only thing happening between the first 6 episodes and the last 17 episodes. I'm thinking we will eventually get more answers, or I'm just being an optimist...

9/25/2006 10:46:00 AM  
Blogger FYSB said...

This is funny...here is my horoscope for today

If you're looking for more time -- to finish a project, to meet with a friend or to have to yourself -- you find it today.


The stars seem to know that TLE is over. My boss will be happy to see my productivity quadruple.

Emailing now twinkle.

9/25/2006 10:47:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

productivity.. what... you mean I should have been working the last four months.

9/25/2006 10:49:00 AM  
Blogger Twinkle said...

Dark Angel: LSHNEMB!!

FYSB: Thanks!

9/25/2006 10:52:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

Well Guys,

almost time for me to go home, but I'll be back here tommorow and will be here as long as there's someone else on the other end.

Looking forward to hearing you all on the final podcast and of course chatting on TLC.



9/25/2006 10:58:00 AM  
Blogger maven said...

Thanks to Admin for posting everything last night! You helped keep us calm during the storm (when the feed died!). You continue to do an awesome job and it's greatly appreciated.

9/25/2006 11:01:00 AM  
Blogger JoAnn said...

I hadn't been on the Hanso Exposed site for a while to see that Rachel had a message there to listen to the dj dan show. 42,587 have registered on the site... that seems like a huge number to me but I wonder what TPTB were thinking would be a success??

9/25/2006 11:06:00 AM  
Blogger FYSB said...

sadly, joann, the TPTB thought that to be successful, there needed to be 42,588 registered. So close.


9/25/2006 11:24:00 AM  
Blogger JoAnn said...

We have the blogspot set up by this group too... http://storiesofthelost.blogspot.com/

9/25/2006 11:25:00 AM  
Blogger Capcom said...

Right back to you too, Belly. :-)

9/25/2006 12:01:00 PM  
Blogger FYSB said...

awww, that was really sweet belly! thanks for the kind words. i'm sure you don't remember, but you were the first person who responded to me after i nervously typed my first post and encouraged me to keep at it. so i did. and you did that for a lot of others.

you guys made this place so welcoming and supportive, it made it easier to try some "comedy" without fear of getting flamed or shutdown.

i've always appreciated the positive attitude this board maintained throughout the whole process. even when we expressed our frustrations and disappointments, it didn't last long, we'd rally back and start looking for the good stuff and come up with ideas.

woohoo t-lec!

9/25/2006 12:11:00 PM  
Blogger RyaNDrumZ said...

Right on Belly...

9/25/2006 12:16:00 PM  
Blogger Twinkle said...

Thanks, Belly! I'm bad at names but I remember having some deep theory conversations with scoutpost, ange, thinbluemime, and marcus. Thanks!

Johnny says: "Expressing the gratitude!"

oxillini - (Sorry if I misspelled your name) If you get this can you e-mail me at twinklestarmom at yahoo dot com? Thanks!

9/25/2006 12:17:00 PM  
Blogger DiggityDirge said...

Well, although I secretly hope something still happens today, this has been a lot fun and the people have been the reason.

I can remember back to the day spongebob was being sent everywhere in NYC while the rest of us were watching the web cams and stalking that poor Lymon guy. Probably the funniest moment of the TLE. A bunch of TLEC'ers mugging a Lymon in Times Square. A classic not easilty forgotten!!

The people on this site have made the game and I am looking forward to the next adventure. See you all at the Lost Community. http://thelostcommunity.blogspot.com/

9/25/2006 12:19:00 PM  
Blogger Twinkle said...

P.S. I've got another theory conversation brewing in me. I need to review what we got last night but it seems that there may be more sublte answers can be inferred. I'm going to look at the unanswered questions thread and see what peices we can put together. They didn't give us as many conclusive answers as we would have liked but I think we can figure out some probably answers. I'll get back to you. It might be a while...

9/25/2006 12:21:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

belly - Yay for you! FWIW, I never took offense at the "this Kyle guy" comment. The humor I found in it after the fact was never ironic.

FYSB - Belly probably does remember. The first response I ever got to a comment was also from Belly, and as you can see, it still comes up to this day.

(i tried to post this before, but either Blogger got angry at me, or the gremlins in the work computer didn't like what i had to say)

9/25/2006 12:27:00 PM  
Blogger Dennis said...

Belly - Thank you for your kind words..

David - Thank you for starting the T.L.E.C. (not t-leck!), THE BEST TLE BLOG EVAR!!!!11!!!1.

Thrasher & Belly - Thanks for all your effort in shutting down the man, and keeping TLEC running smoothly.

Everyone - You have all made this site and TLE worth while. This entire expeience would not be complete with out everyone's help, comments, and even complaints.

TPTB - In the true Lost tradition, we are left with more questions than answers. I think we learned a lot, and I appriciate all of your effort. THANK YOU! I hope TPTB + Interns get the chance to continue this adventure in the future.

Until then, I look forward to the Grand Finale podcast and Season 3!

9/25/2006 12:28:00 PM  
Blogger oxillini said...

twinkle: just emailed you.

9/25/2006 12:32:00 PM  
Blogger oxillini said...

my shoutout goes to the much maligned interns. had it not been for your ineptitude, what would we have discussed. heck matt the pale spent a good part of his summer documenting your gaffs. cheers to the interns! good luck back at school and i hope tptb give you a passing grade on your co-op.

9/25/2006 12:37:00 PM  
Blogger Twinkle said...

Thanks, Ox! I e-mailed you back!

9/25/2006 12:49:00 PM  
Blogger Capcom said...

Too true, Ox! Cheers to the interns, and thank the Lord they weren't interning at brain surgery!

9/25/2006 12:51:00 PM  
Blogger Capcom said...

Heh heh, someone on F.U.R.B posted a picture of a six-pack of Apollo beer. Wish I'd thought of that. :-)

9/25/2006 12:57:00 PM  
Blogger FYSB said...

An Intern's Dream Interview

Job Interviewer:
Thank you for coming in today. How did you find out about the position?

Former intern:
I was posting some clues on Monster for this unpaid gig I was doing last summer and got distracted a piece of gum. So I ate it and then I made a necklace out of gum wrappers.

I wonder whatever happened to those clues?

Anyhoo, As I was admiring my gum wrapper necklace in the reflection of my computer screen, I saw all those job postings and thought, “wait just a minute! This job says must have attention to detail and organizational skills", so naturally, I applied.

Job Interviewer: Welcome aboard!

9/25/2006 01:11:00 PM  
Blogger Twinkle said...

Go Lostie Girls!

9/25/2006 01:21:00 PM  
Blogger The Penuels said...

Lot's of people have been saying that they called the ending all along. I can't believe you guys weren't surprised by this ending!!! I mean, I never ever saw it coming that Rachel's father was really...CLICK HERE FOR THE BIG REVEAL. What a shocker!

9/25/2006 01:39:00 PM  
Blogger oxillini said...

thanks belly, i'd never realized i had put you off with my d2o comments. i was just excited to jump in where i finally had some knowledge and experience! ever wonder if tptb had a thread in the story going, but then looked on here and found out they'd be crucified for inaccuracies. a couple things come to mind as far as that is concerned. i was all excited we'd see some super cool ship from paik industries. turns out they just built a couple quarantine areas on a regular old container ship. trust me, i've been on some cool ships, that one was nothing to write home about.

9/25/2006 01:44:00 PM  
Blogger oxillini said...

alvar knows when to hold 'em
knows when to fold 'em.....

9/25/2006 01:47:00 PM  
Blogger Scoutpost said...

Hey everyone! Well I see my first post this morning didn't make it- blogger acting up again? And such a shame as it was such a profound thought....well not really.

Despite all the frustrations with the ARG, I've decided to focus on the positive: phase 1 & 2, DJ Dan's first live podcast, Johnny (need I say more), and of course THIS COMMUNITY of people! It was such fun reading all the theories, joking around, competing in trivia, late nite chats. I hope to get to meet some of you someday-maybe some of the west coasters, I really would like to make it to Comic Con next year. (Or maybe if I'm ever back in the Metroplex visiting family I can hunt down some of you Dallas people.) I mean really...even though we complained a lot, what else would we have had to do to fill in the time this summer between Season 2 and 3- a whole summer of George Lopez?! When you look at it that way, this ARG was a great thing. And just in case TPTB are worried that it was a total marketing loss, it wasn't- my daughter is sick this morning and I went and bought some Sprite to help settle her stomach. So there. Anyway, looking forward to Season 3 with you guys! Thanks for the kind words Belly and Twinkle. This summer was definitely a defining experience in my life. Can't wait til the finale podcast...gotta find my microphone!

9/25/2006 01:48:00 PM  
Blogger FYSB said...

damn you ox and lhorse! get that song out of my head!

*sticks fingers in ears and sings to herself*

You picked a fine time to leave my Lucille,
with four hungry children and a crop in the field

9/25/2006 01:51:00 PM  
Blogger Scoutpost said...

Too funny David! Of course Alvar looks more like the pre-facelift KR than the current disfigured KR. Have you seen him lately?!hehe

9/25/2006 01:51:00 PM  
Blogger Scoutpost said...

I've had some bad times
Lived through some sad times
But this time the hurtin' won't heal....
you picked a fine time to leave me Lucille. :)

9/25/2006 01:52:00 PM  
Blogger Scoutpost said...

Wow what I wouldn't do for a glyph right now.

9/25/2006 01:53:00 PM  
Blogger oxillini said...

scout: yeah, what happened to him. there's plastic surgery and then there's creating a whole new face. maybe his surgeon works for thf.

9/25/2006 01:54:00 PM  
Blogger engineer27 said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9/25/2006 01:57:00 PM  
Blogger oxillini said...

lhorse: i always do the old lady version from the wedding singer in my head!

9/25/2006 02:00:00 PM  
Blogger Cam794 said...

well its been a good run ive had lots of fun im sure u have to but its time to say POO or somthing but really this summer had been AWESOME soe let down but thats wat u get wen abc does an arg so its been a good run every1.............its been a good run...but ill c u all on the new blog rite :)

P.S. I wa sthe first guy to call in on DJ Dan last nite. :)


9/25/2006 02:00:00 PM  
Blogger engineer27 said...

I'm late. I see its been done before....

9/25/2006 02:00:00 PM  
Blogger Scoutpost said...

Sorry- still catching up on comments-

DiggityDirge said...
I can remember back to the day spongebob was being sent everywhere in NYC while the rest of us were watching the web cams and stalking that poor Lymon guy. Probably the funniest moment of the TLE. A bunch of TLEC'ers mugging a Lymon in Times Square. A classic not easilty forgotten!!

Ah..now that was a moment to remember! And then when I found out Spongebob was only 14, I thought "oh my gosh, he was wandering all over Times Square by himself!" (The over protective mother coming out). Glad you were ok Spongebob.

9/25/2006 02:04:00 PM  
Blogger FYSB said...

lhorse = the devil

We built this city, we built this city on rock an' roll
Built this city, we built this city on rock an' roll

9/25/2006 02:06:00 PM  
Blogger Joseph Finchum said...

I whole heartedly agree with all that has been said (even by myself) about this community.

Whos up for a reunion, every one come along for the ride.

Who: Every damn player of this incredible game.
What: The largest BE-IN of all time.
Where: Narvick Town Hall, Narvick Norway.
When: September 24th, 2007.
Why: Why not?

J/K , but it would be cool to see the looks on the norwegians faces as all these people swarmed into there city... lol

C-ya and Namaste
See/ read you all soon

9/25/2006 02:07:00 PM  
Blogger Capcom said...

Ditto Scoutpost, I couldn't believe that either, when we found out how old he was!

9/25/2006 02:08:00 PM  
Blogger Scoutpost said...

All 42,587 of us! LOL

9/25/2006 02:09:00 PM  
Blogger FYSB said...

look at lhorse pretending he doesn't have a starship eight track in the tape deck of his gremlin. you sure recognized the lyrics fast enough....

9/25/2006 02:12:00 PM  
Blogger oxillini said...

starship built this city on rock and roll!

what's with the part in that song where the traffic reporter breaks in?

9/25/2006 02:12:00 PM  
Blogger oxillini said...

dee doo doo doo
dee doo doo doo doo
it's the final shut down.....

9/25/2006 02:13:00 PM  
Blogger Joseph Finchum said...

Yes all 42, 585 of us... I am on there three times... lol

TAaaake on me, Take on me
Taaaake me OOOonnn, Take on me
IIIIIII'll be gone
In a day ( I think)


You can dance if you want to
You can lave your friends behind
But if your friends dont dance and if they can't dance
then their no friends of mine.

Oh and you are welcome for the links to the NYC times square cameras... glad I did something that helped... besides naming RB Frachel... lol

9/25/2006 02:14:00 PM  
Blogger FYSB said...

oh, and after all the name gender confusion, is lhorse a boy or a girl? i never thought to ask, but since you know all about my secret musical tastes, i guess i should.

Forget Starship...
Journey Escape...best album ever!

9/25/2006 02:15:00 PM  
Blogger Joseph Finchum said...

LHorse AKA Bill Is A guy...

9/25/2006 02:16:00 PM  
Blogger Scoutpost said...

There's a lady whose sure all that glitters is gold and....oops sorry didn't see the no Stairway to Heaven sign!
Ok here's nostalgia for you- I remember the beginning days (maybe weeks) of the ARG where I kept refreshing the page to get the latest comments- then I learned about the magic F5 button! haha- seems like so long ago.

9/25/2006 02:16:00 PM  
Blogger FYSB said...

Bill, duh...I heard you on DJ Dan last night. That'll teach me to get lippy....karma bites me in the a$$ and teaches me a lesson.

Everybody Wang Chung tonight.

9/25/2006 02:18:00 PM  
Blogger Scoutpost said...

Bill- it's the shoe phone, get rid of the shoe phone!

9/25/2006 02:20:00 PM  
Blogger Fenris said...

Belly - Thanks a lot for your comment! I could do a long long list of the people that I think has added something to my own experience here, but I don't honestly have the time right now and that would be an epic epic post the way I write. Lol. Most of the folks here would be on it, some of the people in ITE, some from Ninjas blog (the odd times I've been there), the various personalities I've interacted with that were in game and of course the people from the IRC room where I seem to have spent most of the last month or so! The community has been great and the number one reason why I have enjoyed the lost Experience.

I'm not doing a list but I will return the favour on you Belly. I joined in here early on in Act 1 though not quite the very begining. and there was one frequent poster that was always there organising the discussion and keeping us all focused and kept the atmosphere friendly and constructive. That very much set the theme and early direction for the site that this has become and I think we'd all agree it's been a huge sucsess. Of course you then moved into an admin role and did much the same thing with a more official capacity. So a big thank you to you to setting us all on the right path with this blogger!

Oh yeah, I wasn't going to do a list but one more thing, Thanks to David/Admin for setting the site up in the first place! Given this was the first site I found I don't even know if I'd have really been part of the experience at all without this site, so thank you!

For everyone though, I've met so many interesting people. A handful I *know* I'll be keeping in touch with for a long time. But I do hope that this community does stay around in some form on the new blog and that we all stay in touch in some capacity.

I'm gonna say more on the thoughts and stuff in my short audio sample for the last podcast which I will record and send over tonight. I'll also post my thoughts on last nights/this mornings live DJ Dan and Final RB Video after I've had some food!

9/25/2006 02:26:00 PM  
Blogger Scoutpost said...

Hey Fenris- Can you give the link again to your last DJ Dan remix? YOu gave it last night in the chat room, but lost the link before I could go look.

9/25/2006 02:39:00 PM  
Blogger Joseph Finchum said...

O kay since I can't seem to let the game go. I figured I would give a new challenge to all those who are still here.

In this small sculpture/relief I have been working on there are 56 small little pieces of lost memorabilia (sp?) The first person to name all 56 pieces and send me a Private Message on The Lost Experience Clues Message Board will win... something not yet figured out... Prolly an Apollo bar or something else.

Go to it Conspiraspies... lol
find it here.

9/25/2006 02:42:00 PM  
Blogger Cam794 said...

Hey i could only listen to the first hour of the dj dan cast and the link on tlec page isnt working for me,so can SOMEWONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!

9/25/2006 02:43:00 PM  
Blogger Joseph Finchum said...


Because it isn't done yet, and it will eventually have 108.

9/25/2006 02:46:00 PM  
Blogger Cam794 said...

NEED HELP PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!

9/25/2006 02:47:00 PM  
Blogger Cam794 said...

belly!!!!! can u plz help me!!!

9/25/2006 02:48:00 PM  
Blogger Cam794 said...

i need help!!!!!!!!!!!! also chixylix: yes we guessed that mittlwerk changed his bllod bcuz he was going to africa or somthing

9/25/2006 02:53:00 PM  
Blogger Thrasher76 said...

Wow!! And doh!! I have ben completely out of touch with the internets this weekend!! I missed the finale completely!!!! Bu tI plan on playing catch up tomorrow morning! And I am looking forward to being part of the last podcast!

I can't be here long, first and last post today. Anyway, awesome job guys and thanks to all that made it what it was/is.

Don - Let me know if you received your apollo bar????

I'll be back later to fully catch up and make a post or two and give my final thoughts and shout outs!!

Peace & Namaste!

9/25/2006 02:53:00 PM  
Blogger Joseph Finchum said...


I am converting it to MP3 now. If you want I can e-mail it to you.


9/25/2006 02:53:00 PM  
Blogger Cam794 said...

DED that woukld b awesome!! thx alot!!!!! my em is clmarinaccio@verizon.net tell me wen u do

9/25/2006 02:56:00 PM  
Blogger Cam794 said...

o or belly well if bellys thing dont work send it to me ded but thx anyway :-)

9/25/2006 02:57:00 PM  
Blogger Cam794 said...

hey belly do u remember me from bfor i used to b a all day poster bu then i went on vacation and i didnt really pay attentuion 2 it fo about a month then i got back in???

9/25/2006 02:59:00 PM  
Blogger Cam794 said...

DeD i ogt every thing in the picture cept that purple thing in the top left hand corner WAT IS THAT!!!!!

9/25/2006 03:01:00 PM  
Blogger sean said...

hi everyone.
i got locked out of the comments in the middle of the podcast last night. i dont know why.

9/25/2006 03:03:00 PM  
Blogger FYSB said...

Just another note for those who want to contact ABC and encourage them to give us a bit of closure on the unanswered questions or to do a sequel on the further adventures of Rachel and Ponytail and Chocolate Crazed Joop. Here's the address:


9/25/2006 03:05:00 PM  
Blogger Cam794 said...

o hey sean thats weird i didnt get to listen to the last hour of it but belly's gonna out da audi up for me somewere else :)

9/25/2006 03:05:00 PM  
Blogger sean said...

oh. good. i want to listen to it again anyway.

9/25/2006 03:07:00 PM  
Blogger maven said...

Wow...what a lovefest and songfest today! Love it! Not much love for TPTB though! LOL

Belly: I always thought I typed feminine-ally! LOL

9/25/2006 03:07:00 PM  
Blogger Cam794 said...

um i think u have to b a member there to dl stuff cuz i dont see any "Download!" link

9/25/2006 03:14:00 PM  
Blogger Cam794 said...


9/25/2006 03:17:00 PM  
Blogger Cam794 said...

o wait nvm i got it but do u have to wait awhile???? bcuz i just click on it and a little box goes up around it at the bottom it satys downloading but if i take my mouse off the link it dissapears

9/25/2006 03:20:00 PM  
Blogger Cam794 said...

it says error occured with the plug in on this page so DeD if your still here i would appreciate it if u could senf that 2 me

9/25/2006 03:27:00 PM  
Blogger oodles said...

Evening guys, 4 a.m. was a bit too early for me and I've been out all day so I've only just caught up. Well, um, a bit anticlimatic...
Ah well. It's been fun. Thank you Admin and all ye admin helpers! TLEC is the BEST!
Lookin' forward to the last podcast!

9/25/2006 03:30:00 PM  
Blogger Joseph Finchum said...


Niether Hotmail or Gmail are letting me send it for some reason. I hope belly's thing helped you out.

9/25/2006 03:30:00 PM  
Blogger Cam794 said...

hopefully im gonna try the new link....now

9/25/2006 03:34:00 PM  
Blogger Cam794 said...

YAY THATS SO MUCH BELLY YOUR THE BEST!!! a box came up with my downloaidng progress now so im guessing itll work thx alot!!!

9/25/2006 03:36:00 PM  
Blogger sean said...

i have to go. the ending left too many loose ends.
but i will just assume that peter thompson (remember him?) was killed in the shootout.
namaste. BOOOOM!

9/25/2006 03:39:00 PM  
Blogger Cam794 said...

haha cya on the new blog sean wait r we sure PT was there???

9/25/2006 03:40:00 PM  
Blogger sean said...

i dont know. i will just assume he was so we can finally get some closure.

9/25/2006 03:41:00 PM  
Blogger Cam794 said...

well im just gonna sit back eat my candy corn and litsten 2 DJ DAN!!!

9/25/2006 03:42:00 PM  
Blogger engineer27 said...

gotta get the "Growing Pains" DVD boxed set . . .

9/25/2006 03:52:00 PM  
Blogger Twinkle said...

belly0fdesire said...
GO LOSTIE GIRLS!!! I was so ignorant for thinking everyone was a guy... there's probably more lostie girls out there than guys...

Now don't go that far! I take pride in my minority female geek status! Like to think we're a rare breed and excellent find and all. ;-)

9/25/2006 04:47:00 PM  
Blogger Cam794 said...

OMG i just finished da dj dan cast....................... um............ well im speachless um......wow that sounded like a pretty big explosion. Sooooooo is this it??? no more? i mean there has to be SOMTHING i mean so many questions left unanswered. WAt about TWM,wat will become of Rachel,well now we kno the age old quetion weve been saying from that 1 day in may wen we got that toll free number "Were is Alvar Hanso" and so we now kno that Alvar waz RB'S father. sooooooooooooo THERE HAS TO BE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9/25/2006 04:50:00 PM  
Blogger Twinkle said...

Scoutpost: Want to/Got time to work on a project? E-mail me at twinklestarmom at yahoo dot com. Thanks!

9/25/2006 04:51:00 PM  
Blogger Fenris said...

Pan - I'll miss ya too. But I expect I'll pop into the lostpedia chat room at some point so you won't have seen the last of me just yet!

Scoutpost - the new track is at http://www.darksider.co.uk/danumbers.mp3

The track is in it's very early stages (to say the least! The strings and guitar were actually recorded last night while waiting for the podcast!), that's why it's only there but I wanted to get *something* out before the Arg concluded. I am going to keep doing more, only I guess it'll be a spot of nostalgia for us rather then current parodies.

I'm also going to keep the WIM (Where is Manny) parody site up. May as well keep the spirit of the arg alive (the positive spirit that is, let's forget the lame bits).

9/25/2006 05:07:00 PM  
Blogger BarbaraJay said...

You guys are great and I plan to hang around for TLC. I used to hang out on a couple of other LOST message boards before but never found the calm, welcoming, and smart atmosphere of TLEC.

But now I have "They built this city" stuck in my head. I hate that song! Aaaagh!

9/25/2006 05:31:00 PM  
Blogger maven said...

Hey, everyone: Just wanted to let you know that I updated the Timeline one last time! It's been great fun keeping it current, and I sincerely hope it helped you guys out.

9/25/2006 05:57:00 PM  
Blogger Capcom said...

Nice sculpture Ded, and I love the Safety Dance! :-)

Mr. Fenris, you'd better come and chat on TLC when the season starts, we need your theories! Or, we just need you. :-)

9/25/2006 06:44:00 PM  
Blogger Capcom said...

Peace; yes, DJDan should NOT have mentioned TLE. Maybe that's why Rachel had such an bad attitude. Nah, she just had one, that's all. :-)

9/25/2006 06:49:00 PM  
Blogger Capcom said...

Off topic for Fenris, if you're still here: do you know how much of the movie "Hollywoodland" is fiction and fact? It's a pretty good movie. I still haven't gotten to see The Black Dahlia yet!

9/25/2006 06:59:00 PM  
Blogger Scoutpost said...

Fenris- thanks for the link- I'll check it out soon.

Twinkle- just now seeing your question- it's almost dinnertime here- let me check my schedule for tomorrow and I'll get back to you.

Off topic of TLE:
Some friends of mine just emailed me this youtube video of a guy with autism who is a savant- it is amazing to watch! Check it out if you have time.

Imagine the work those guys were doing on the VE in the basement in Vik!


9/25/2006 07:10:00 PM  
Blogger Capcom said...

Wow Fenris, that's a great mix, it sounds like a piece for performance art.

Scoutpost, that youtube of the autistic artist is simply amazing! As an artist, I feel like a total nincompoop compared to him.

9/25/2006 07:41:00 PM  
Blogger Cam794 said...

ok ok enough about fenris. Lets talk about ME on dj dan last nite. I was the first guy. YES YES that was me :) i kno all of u r very exited

9/25/2006 07:47:00 PM  
Blogger Capcom said...

Flennie, welcome. Join us at TLC after the season starts, you won't be disappointed there. :-)

9/25/2006 08:06:00 PM  
Blogger Twinkle said...

Wow! Great job on the transcript, Pandora and whoever else worked with you! As I was listening this part struck me most:

Jeff; Erm, well I wanted to know what you thought about the er Valenzetti equation. Do you think it’s real? If it is do you think we can avoid the end of the world?

Dan: You know what, I dunno if we can avoid the end of the world, ... I think it's very clear that if a single executive of the Hanso Foundation can be moved to mobilise, to destroy a third of the world’s population with a virus because of what this equation has to say, then the only place where I’ll give Thomas Werner Mittelwerk any credit is to say if he believes it then maybe we should look at it, and I think that’s the whole point of this entire thing. ... it shouldn’t just be something that a few fat cat Swedes or Danes or whatever the hell they are, are gonna hold onto, while we the rest of them wait for them to save our lives, that’s all I’m saying about that.

It seemed obvious to me, once DJ Dan/Javi said this, that this was the main passion behind TLE. Whatever marketing or show related purposes it had, this was the point that TPTB wanted to make. We all know that they are trying to explore deeply human issues within Lost. There is no VE date for the end of the world, but the end of the world is still coming unless we learn how to avoid it. We have reached nearly to the corners of the globe and our society is transforming from one of conquering to one of caretaking. How do we keep from destroying ourselves and our planet as our numbers grow and our effect on the planet grows? IMHO raising that question was the artistic purpose behind TLE.

wv: busts - no kidding. That's all I'm going to say about that.

9/25/2006 09:25:00 PM  
Blogger Twinkle said...

Has this been thoroughly talked about already?

9/25/2006 09:32:00 PM  
Blogger thinbluemime said...

twinkle, I dont think it has been discussed yet, I think most folks are just resting from a long journey :)

But your point is still valid, and it borders on the theory that Matt the Pale has proposed.
The Equation doesn't have to be valid for it to be important, seriously.
Because human opinion is more important in human endeavors then human correctness, if that makes sense.

Several of the major religions of the world (at least 3 that I know for sure) all have an end of the world senerio, and a world savior (unique to each belief system)

While not an expose on world religions here are a couple links with more info.
http://users.newblog.com/thinbluemime/?post_id=9033 <- a Wall St journal article
http://users.newblog.com/thinbluemime/?post_id=8806 <- includes mp3 I found this to be highly informative

While off topic, and highly controversial, the only way to save the world, is to have a common belief system, and as tough as it is to say, i think LOST is a part of this process, for good or bad

9/25/2006 10:19:00 PM  
Blogger Twinkle said...

TBM: Thanks for chiming in. I think within TLE the Valenzetti Equation is real and does predict the end of the world with a date. (Hey, it's a fictional experience after all.) But your point is taken that the issues the VE raises are true to life.

I find your solution, about the common belief system, to be interesting. I hope you join us at storiesofthelost to talk about that some more.

I'm in the process of writing up many more of my thoughts regarding the storyline of the ARG for the unanswered questions board. Although the ending may have left a lot to be desired, I think we got enough to neatly (if not certainly) wrap up the storyline. The key seems to be to not look too deeply into the meaning of things and to take the connections at face value. For instance, seems obvious from DJ Dan's podcast that we were meant to assume Mittlework's virus was for killing off 30% of the world's population. Keeping to the simplest connections, many dangling threads are resolved to a reasonable probability.

One thing abundantly clear though is that Javier Grillo Marxuach has no clue about the fourth wall! (and neither did I until I looked it up!)

9/25/2006 10:31:00 PM  
Blogger Twinkle said...

All right, here's my huge summary of the TLE storyline. I'd love to see your comments and revisions.

9/25/2006 10:35:00 PM  
Blogger Capcom said...

Very good question and point Twinkle.

One would have to ask, as the structure of the game's story, what is the central point and crux of the whole thing? Or what, as Hitchcock would say, is the McGuffin (sp?) of the story? What is the "thing" (that is often never even seen) around which the story revolves and what is that mythical "thing" that everyone is trying to find, understand, get, etc.? In this case, according to the Sri Lanka vid, it is the VE, as you said. Do you think that's the point of the show too? Considering that all the island situations seem to be about the DI, it would seem so at this point. Unless, as someone pointed out after the last ep of S2, that the whole point of the story is about Desmond and Penny's relationship! XO!

As far as what DJDAn said, he does't take into account the "...panic..." that Alvar mentioned in the vid. I.e., telling the whole world about the end of the world, would cause mad panic across the globe and we'd eat or kill each other long before the VE came to pass -- just watch a few doomsday Twilight Zone eps for that concept. Just look at how one person alone (TVM) is destroying the 30%, albeit in an unchecked manner thus far.

Anyway, how do we avoid destroying the planet? Migrate to other planets! :-) Moonbase Alpha here I come!

9/25/2006 10:36:00 PM  
Blogger FosterMom said...

Hi everyone. Lurker here just coming out of lurk mode to ask a simple question - does anybody know the address for the new community where we'll be able to discuss the new Lost episodes. Accidentally erased my internet history. Thanks so much! :-)

9/25/2006 10:41:00 PM  
Blogger thinbluemime said...

matt, Oh how well I know :) and we definitey DO NOT disagree. I just do not have blogs for each of the 3 religions,....yet

Rest well Matt and twinkle and All. Last night was a sleep stealer, and tonight I am really tired, so I am off to bed :)

9/25/2006 10:47:00 PM  
Blogger FosterMom said...

Nevermind...I just found it. Silly me.

9/25/2006 10:48:00 PM  
Blogger Twinkle said...

thelostcommunity.blogspot.com :-)

capcom: Yes, I think that was the passion behind the story of the ARG, making us think about whether we are going to let others solve the problems of our world for us or whether we're going to take responsibility ourselves. The point of Lost in general is much more complex though. I see the writers as exploring themes and having points that last for a season. The whole crux of the entire Lost universe remains to be seen and may not even be known yet by the writers themselves.

If I didn't throw up so easily, I'd join you on the moon!

BTW, I think the Foundation series by Isaac Asimov (right?) does a great job of showing how migrating to other planets doesn't really solve anything.

9/25/2006 10:51:00 PM  
Blogger Capcom said...



Twinkle, nice theory on the message board. I like how you say that we have unanswered Qs because TPTB didn't think of any. :-D

9/25/2006 10:51:00 PM  
Blogger Twinkle said...

Oh - and by "season" above I mean "for a time" not necessarily for a whole TV season.

9/25/2006 10:52:00 PM  
Blogger Twinkle said...

Fostermom: I love your avatar. So cute!

Capcom: Thanks!

9/25/2006 10:53:00 PM  
Blogger thinbluemime said...

matt, I was slow at the last post, and your new post contains the key question, and so I must respond:

"I do not know" seriously

Because though we each cherish our own heritage and belief systems, to impose those beliefs on another, would invalidate the very same beliefs we hold sacred.

Besides, imposing beliefs never really worked for long anyway , did it? LOL

So the question is , who decides "The One True Way"?

Good question, and one I will ponder tonight as I drift off to the Land Of Nod :)

Back Tomorrow!! :)

9/25/2006 10:54:00 PM  
Blogger Capcom said...

Ooh, I'll have to read the Asimov series, thanks for the heads-up! But Carl Sagan and Werner Von Braun would probably argue that point. :-) It does solve some problems, but not our inability to get along better with each other. Migrating to other worlds would not stop wars, anymore than migrating to other continents did. Oh well.

9/25/2006 10:57:00 PM  
Blogger Capcom said...

MTP; what is TWM's religion, his absolute trust in math/science?

9/25/2006 11:14:00 PM  
Blogger Scoutpost said...

So- MTP you don't watch the show right? Can anyone take MTP's theories and apply them to the show? How exactly do the Losties and the Others fit in with that? Sorry it's late and I have been taking cold medicine, so this deep thinking tonight (which I would like to say, is very good- TBM, MTP, capcom, and twinkle) is a little beyond my mental capabilities right now. ugh

9/26/2006 12:18:00 AM  
Blogger RyaNDrumZ said...

Man, great theories...
Fenris, I'm stoked..I get to go to work and listen to your track.
Twinkle. lookoking forward to your TLE storyline.
Nice too see people really get into all this some more. So many unanswered questions...Nite all

9/26/2006 02:08:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

Hi Guys,

Wow what a catch up - my mind is spinning (although that my just be the coffee at work). All these goodbyes sound a bit like the Waltons!

It's always a bit strange doing my first post of the day as all you guys in the US have gone to bed and the board is usually quiet, but, assuming I'm not busy at work I have a bit of time to think before posting.

The whole issue of how to save the world is very difficult because it depends on your priorities, what do you want to save, every human? every species of plant and animal? our cultures? The American Way? An action to save one will not save necessarily save the others and the obvious things may not be the best solution, being nice to people and curing disease seems very noble but war and disease have historically kept our population down.

Whatever action we take we will loose some species, even if we were to magically remove every human it may not secure the safety of every single plant and animal species, many thrive in artificial habitats that depend on human intervention, others would be lost due to the intervention of alien species inttroduced by mankind.

TVM's plan might work, but it would only delay the intevitable and it could even make things worse, scared nations with Nuclear Weapons, mass migrations of scared people?

What about the distant possibility of inhabiting new worlds? It might work to a degree but as populations grew so we would face the same problems. Sure our chance of surviving a nuclear war or meteor strike would improve if we were on multiple worlds and we might find a world which particularly suited certain species of plants or animals but had limited potential to humans!

Ultimately I don't have a clue what the solution is, I know we all have to grow up, get a grip on the real problems and ignore our petty differences. I know that we need to stop putting our own and our countries economic prowess before the wellbeing of the world's people and the environment.

We need to use our brains to develop the technology to bring everyone to the same standard, not just us in the west and all 6 Billion of us have to work together.

Oh Sh@~ , were all pretty screwed then....

Ultimately the planet will go on and so will mankind and millions of species of animals and plants.It's just in what state will mankingd be and maybe more inportantly millions of species won't make it. Not just the Tiger, Polar Bear, Chimpanzee which are almost certain to be extinct in many of our lifetimes but all those animals and plants you never evenknew existed. The small inocous ones that actually do really important jobs.

Anyway that's my 2 cents, sorry if I sound to much like Al Gore. The comments on faith our interestinf. I think blind faith of any sort is dangerous whether in Science or Religion. The problem is we spend so long focussing on the irrelevant side notes (who care if it is the blood or Christ or a representation of the blood of Christ, who cares if your hair os covered or you are facing east when you pray) that we miss the real message you know the ones like don't kill, don't be a selfish bastard lets all work together to help others.

A wise man (not me then ;)) once said that there are many paths to the top of the mountain. I have my own beliefs and faith but I'm not going to push them on anyone - hey I might be completely wrong and Christianity or Islam or Shinto might have be right all along. I'm sure they've all got relevant things to teach us and once you get through the dross you can find the important messages. Someone said - it might have been here or it might have been elsewhere that individual faith is good and organised religion bad - i don't think its as black and white as that - anyway....

If your still reading this I'm impressed so I'm going to stop waffling on sorry if I rambled off into rant mode.



9/26/2006 05:17:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

Hi Stefan,

I think that the orientation video about the Dharma Institute and the Valenzetti equation will appear in Season 3, I imagine the others will show it to Jack.

I don't think anything else will transfer across. I don't imagine that we will see Rachel, TVM or anything else I think that is all just for TLE.

9/26/2006 05:21:00 AM  
Blogger hoohoo3000 said...

the only thing i can say about this video is "DUUUH" i've known that ever since rachel mentioned #1. her mom in the alleyway audio and #2. She said "it must be in my genes"

9/26/2006 05:54:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

I guess there is question of who is Rachel's Mum. Is it just Mrs Hanso i.e. no one of any significance other than being Alvar's Wife and Rachels Mum (Or Mom to you guys in the US) or is she someone significant - Liddy Wales? Penny Widmores Mother? etc

9/26/2006 06:15:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

Cool Makomk, nice find

doesn't tell us much other than Alvar is back in charge of Hanso but I suppose it provides a (none too neat) ending.

9/26/2006 06:40:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Procter said...

Just a thought Alvar was an arms dealer in WWII so his year of birth is at the very latest 1926 but realistically it nust have been between 1900 and 1910. For someone who is between 80 and 100 years old he is in pretty good shape! Guess it's not just Joop who benefitted from the life extension project.

9/26/2006 06:45:00 AM  
Blogger Müzik Dinle said...

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7/01/2007 02:14:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Unbelievable.. This show is absolutely something from out of this world! I hope and wish all the time that I would have been able to catch every episode, but :( no luck.. That's fine though, knowing about the show is enough to know how good it is, I actually have a couple friends who are comedians so when they watch the show they love to tell me how the episodes went, and the way to tell the story of what happens in the episode, just makes me crack up even if it's a dramatic situation because of their comic persona! haha well Until Next Time!
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Take care

3/17/2009 06:22:00 PM  

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