Clue #76 - Rachel Blake Sri Lanka Post 01

Rachel's latest post sent us to The Retrievers of Truth website again. The RoT were giving a clue on AIM about Pedro Armendariz. They said to focus on his work, not his life. It was discovered that he played in a movie adaptation of "The Pearl" called "La Perla" written by John Steinbeck. This led to "Steinbeck" as the new RoT password. We were then given clues on the RoT messageboard to go to The RoT also lead us to click on a "light in the window" of on of the "tall buildings" on the "fuel passions" quick link. This takes brings up a login box. Or you could just go to and when you click "clip", it brings up a login box. The username is "rblake" and the password was given as a clue on the messageboard as well..."hoo-gonchoi". This allows you to download a fairly HUGE Quicktime movie. Enjoy!! And good luck downloading that sucker!! It's also up on YouTube.
Next stop, Comic Con!
Thanks to Nikki, Dennis, Chris, Omni Scient, Chase, Linzi, and Alex for being the first to email with various bits of info!
is the ROT password going to come from the new email or from AIM. Cause I dont have AIM
top 10??
we're in!
first time, nice
get that from ROT guys on AIM?
grim from RB's chat is talking to DSL on IM - talks about Pedro Armendariz, so thought I would post the info to look over:
IMDB on Pedro:
Pedro Gregorio Armendáriz Hastings
6' 1" (1.85 m)
Mini biography
Born in Mexican revolution times, Pedro Armendáriz was the first child of Mexican Pedro Armendáriz García-Conde and American Adele Hastings. He was raised in Churubusco, then a suburb of Mexico City, before the family traveled to Laredo, Texas. They lived there until 1921, the year Armendáriz' parents died. His uncle Francisco took charge of his education, and young Pedro went to the Polytechnic Institute of San Luis Obispo, California. There, he studied business and journalism. He graduated in 1931 and returned to Mexico City where he found work as a railroad employee, insurance salesman and tourist guide. He was discovered by director Miguel Zacarías when Armendáriz was reciting Hamlet's monologue (to be or not to be) to an American tourist in a cafeteria.
After that, Armendáriz began a brilliant career in Mexico, the United States and Europe. Together with 'Dolores del Río' and Emilio Fernández, Armendáriz made many of the greatest films in the so-called Mexican Cinema Golden Era: Flor silvestre (1943), Bugambilia (1945), María Candelaria (1944), among others. He was considered a prototype of masculinity and male beauty. His green eyes and almost perfect features made him perfectly cast in any role he made. But it was his passion, force and acting abilities, combined with his quality of a gentleman what made him an instant favorite of great directors like John Ford, international costars like María Félix, Sean Connery or Susan Hayward, and his fans in Mexico and other countries.
so somebody please confirm where Steinbeck came from. (went out to lunch - stupid me.)
Also anyone found the video yet?
Have you guys found the video yet? I need to go to the grocery store...HAHA...
Keep up the FAB work...
Just spoke to iobiSeeingYou... He says to focus on the WORK of Pedro Armendáriz, rather than his life.
Excerpted from IM chat:
[14:22] Me: hey
[14:23] iobiSeeingYou: hi
[14:23] Me: What's goin on over at Verizon these days?
[14:24] iobiSeeingYou: you know lots of stuff....
[14:24] iobiSeeingYou: still fuming at beatnik
[14:24] Me: sure, I figured
[14:24] Me: You and DSLer... are just hanging out for a bit?
[14:25] Me: You must get overwhelmed when you come online.
[14:27] iobiSeeingYou: you have no idea
[14:27] iobiSeeingYou: Have you ever heard of Pedro Armendáriz? Maybe you should.
[14:27] Me: ok, I'll look into it.
[14:29] Me: Like the actor?
[14:29] iobiSeeingYou: yeah
[14:30] Me: Si.
[14:30] iobiSeeingYou: good
[14:30] Me: Heh. Tall guy--6'1". Died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Not pretty.
[14:31] Me: Wanted to avoid dying of cancer, I guess.
[14:31] iobiSeeingYou: i'd focus on his work rather than his life
[14:31] Me: gotcha
[14:33] Me: Credited with 127 movies...This might take a while. ;)
[14:38] *** "iobiSeeingYou" signed off at Fri Jul 21 14:38:31 2006. won't load for me lol!! Damn all these people trying to get in before me lol!!
I got a shout out? Where!!!????
SweetScrapper, running off to look everywhere
sweet you are in the ROT forum=) Steinbeck is the new password
youtube anyone???
haha shameless Sprite plug (can on counter)... I'm at work though so sound is low - someone put a transcript up when you can...
Good work on the ROT PW guys!!
perdo either was in or directed movies in utah durring the time when the US was testing nuclear weapons out there. he was in a movie i think directed by howard hughes in which all the principal cast ended up contracting cancer. someone over at rachel's blog looked it up
oooh new clue. Just getting on for 1st time today. Glad I didn't miss too much so far. Good afternoon everybody.
Even the wv is promoting AOL/AIM
Pedro starred in a movie version of John Steinbeck's novel The Pearl.
Iceman-- I'm guessing...But various Verizon characters just came online in instant messenger. Told various people to look into the history of Pedro Armendáriz. A major star in his native Mexico since 1935, actor Pedro Armendariz came to the attention of North American audiences with his sensitive portrayal of a man ruined by greed in the film adaptation of John Steinbeck's "The Pearl".
i think they were leading us to the new password of RoT-Steinbeck
But, the password was easier to find by decoding the source code.
video taking forever -and I won't be able to hear it anyway because no sound at work
I'm gonna have to wait till it gets on youtube. got server error half-way through downloading it.
I found me in RoT! Cool. Now, I'm not up on every little thing. Is being a Monster a good thing or a bad thing?
Oh, and I can't get the UN & PW on RDB to work either.
wendyzski- My download just died with only a few seconds of video still not downloaded. Now I can't get back in. So, I think maybe they removed the video once somebody got it onto YouTube. Maybe?
not been 48 days yet, and have not seen video yet but suspect video so big because this is the last one to build up to whatever is oging ot happen tomorrow at ComicCon
i wonder how long TLE will go, seeing as how LOST doesn't premire until October 4th.
Also, Don Jansen at said what Rachel is about to know is essential for all Lost fans. It had better be good, since it is taking forever to load, lol
i dont see it on youtube yet.
hey all
that was fun today
and interesting
Looks like we're off on another globe-hopping trip with Rach.
I did use the dash in the pw. this is frustating.
OK, so first of all, Rachel, you shut off the tape again after GG mentioned Hanso and how..."?" he would be about this? This leads me to think that he may indeed be your father and that she was about to say that he would be proud of what you are doing? So is he good maybe? Then why are you hiding that he is your father? You need to be more honest with us.
Also, the ship has quarantined areas, so we need to figure out why. Obviously, the next move should be going to Sri Lanka? Everyone agree? Well, get going! lol!
"something tells me [hanso] would be proud of you" is what g.g. was saying when video got cut out....confirmation that rblake is hanso's daughter?
need you tube link and transcript
this is SO not working for me.
*kicks desk in frustration*
**forgets she is wearing sandals**
hanso could be a like minded person, and would be proud that someone is following in his footsteps. Teachers are proud of students, he doesn't have to be a relative to be proud of her.
So, is Rachel supposed to board a plane using a false identity of "Melanie Walker", with only an ID badge from some company as her ID? Most airlines would require a better form of identification. Yet her plane ticket has the name "Melanie Walker" on it...
tehe I am on ROT...I am such a Nerd!
If you can't get vid. or Youtube but you can get to the "clip" screen you can right click, then save as, and watch it on your computer media player...if you have a fast is BIG!
Anyone see any other video titles...I caught tht Gidget one and one that said Stu-SUMO...look like maybe surveillance of some kind?
Sorry for the clumsy post!! I am very busy today, which is good...$$$$$$ As soon as I can I will post the links et all.....thanks for being patient...
Nightmare - My girlfreind and I are going tomorrow real early. Going to try and get good seets.... We'll see...
I leave for a little and look what happens, Cool we got a video...
Yeah, Lost. I'm such a threat. I can't get into the silly video.
o.k. just saw the video on youtube. The line drawings of the vessel in the video are not for the same vessel seen in the pictures. The biggest obvious difference is the fact that the vessel in the picture had cranes on it, while the one in the photos did not. Doesn't mean I am saying that they are not the same vessel. Just that TPTB realized they made another mistake with the photos and so included line drawings of a vessel with cranes so they will have a way to discharge the vessel with then get to wherever they are going.
Yeah...Hmm The boarding pass is for July 15th. So Rachel is about a week behind in her posts, seeing as she's just now reporting that she's in Sri Lanka.
Wow, a lot of interesting info.
Does anyone want a transcript. It's long and will take a while.
Yay! I got a shout out from the ROT guys!
Good thing I've got a geeky new avatar. OK, it's not quite a dancing panda.
Still trying to get at the vid. Richer, Deeper, Broader my A**
Anyone else notice that early in the video Rachel walks by a figure on the table and it was wearing a Jeep shirt?
Someone posted that Darla had called Hugh at the very beginning and mentioned Sri Lanka. Just confirmation that there may be more stuff in old clues that may have an impact. I just didn't look that far back!
I'm so thinking that Darla/GG is still alive...the note that Hugh was going to come and pick her up? That a friend was to drop off the package? Darla not in car.
But, wait, that doesn't make sense, if friend had package, then how was package at flat...
unless, Hugh and friend were killed on their way to the flat to pick up package from Darla/GG
*stopping stream of consciousness typing now*
Thanks for the youTube link. I couldn't get in from the Verizon site.
Ok, so Sri Lanka is the current venue. Sounds very exotic.
Where's the big revelation? And what happened to Rachel's camera at the end?
Is Helgus Antonius supposed to heal the people on the island? Or to bring them back?
Oh and Rachel's blog update makes it sound like she's already out of Sri Lanka. So where is she now?
"Sri Lanka. I arrived Saturday. I was lucky to get out."
twinklestarmom, my interpretation is that she was lucky to get out of paris.
fasten, I agree. Was the car accident a cover for escape? How did everything get neatly hidden in their flat when Darla said it would be delivered? Where is the delivery person?
Yeah, she definitely sounds like she is out of SriLanka, probablay didn't feel like she could post the info. while she was still there. Had to get out safe to be in a safer location to post. The drastic measures to get the info. out will again be at ComicCon - IMHO
Anyone notice the dirty dishes and the roach that ran across the sink...gross!
So...tape titles on the bookshelf are:
STU-SUMO Tourney
Video of Gidget
Jackson Hole '91
Steve BHOC '96
Jordan's 28th B-Day
It seemd they made a point to show them, but the only thing that looks promising is the SUMO one??
Also what is this supposed to mean:
So, I'm resorting to desperate measures. It's the only way. The truth is still within our grasp...
I promise this will all become clear in the coming days.
fasten, I interpreted that way too, but then I went and looked for myself. It sounds like lots has happened to her in Sri Lanka over the last week, and she was lucky to get out of there. It could be taken either way. Personally I would have written it the way RB did if I was saying I was lucky to get out of Sri Lanka.
I saw the roach - I have a phobia about roaches.
late chris
ya, know twinklestarmom, you've got a point. i'm starting to change my mind. it does sorta sound like she's moved on from sri lanka.
back to verizon site for a second.
On the Pursue Dreams page, I clicked on a hidden link below the red banner for the broadband stories. A login box pops up, but there is no where to select "clip" as is mentioned on the front page here. Am I supposed to be using a different link?
I can't find the "clip" link anywhere.
fasten/twinkle- notice how she punctuates:
Sri Lanka. I arrived Saturday. I was lucky to get out.
It is again one of those things open to interpretation! I guess we'll know for sure if she shows up in California tomorrow, but to me it looks like she got there, and got out...but only my 2 cents:)
Looking at the pictures on her post. The Spider Protocol packet looks like there's a line of text on the second page that can almost be made out through the first one. You can ready classified but not hte small line of text.
Anybody with photoshop intersted in seeing if we can read that line of text?
Ok, what did I miss? Just Kidding!!
Just got caught up here and at work!! Nice going gang, wish I could have been in on it!!
I think we may have a little puzzle to work on... posted over at RB's boards about this, but the confidential document envelope, the one with Spider Protocol on it... there are letters that can be seen at the bottom right corner. It looks like there is something inside the envelope, and I am playing around in Photoshop with it but not really that good at it. Can someone take a look?
Also there is stuff under the envelope... something about Districts Land Use between 1981-1984. Maybe we can figure more out for that too?
it is unbelievable how much i missed. holy ****!
im litening to podcast 10.1 right now.
i left just in time for hugh mcintyre to DIE!! im frustrated,.
Thanks, jamaster. I can't believe she didn't open it up and show us what was inside the Spider Protocol document! Looks like that's what LordNune is working on too.
About ComicCon - anybody see that Sandra Bullock movie where she was at a convention and discovered her life was erased? Wouldn't it be cool to have some kind of Rachel being chased/shot at by Hanso goons through the Comic Con? She can't just unload a bunch of info *safely* at Comic Con. That's just not in the spirit of the game!
Welcome Back Sean...
Congrats for being mentioned by RoT, omni, sweetscaper, engineer and ange! Very cool!
Sadly missed all the fun this time around... darn work!
thanks ryandrumz.
Welcome Back Sean- how was Vacation?
I agree that Darla was going to say proud but she could have been saying "proud of you, because you remind would remind him of himself even though he is dead."
"proud of his student."
"proud of his daughter"
"proud of his granddaughter"
"Proud of his experiment."
I wonder if that is it for her blog? I am leaning towards no. Wouldn't it be cool if someone like Belly or Tawpdog or however else is going to Comi-Con were hand delivered her next video...or if some of us had video's delivered to our homes or in an email...that would freak me out!!!
it was great scoutpost. thanks for asking.
dont know if anyone pointed this out, but melanie walker was a character on a batman cartoon from the 90s.
Sam- I have the same question. What the heck is Manny talking about? Is there a clue or foreshadowing there? Sounds like ComicCon is going to be EXCITING. So much wish we could all be there.
Thanks pedalin, about the ROT thing! I tried to use the ROT mention when on AIM with DSLerator to get him to tell me more, but he was having none of it!
yeah me too Sam, but still not good enough to read... try inverting yours and seeing if you can make out more than me...
Billybob - It is a huge convention with loads of comic book stuff, cult favorite tv shows, new technology, etc. Lots of interviews, things to buy etc. Does that help?
Does that sound about right gang?
Here is all I got out of DSLerator on AIM - - -
[14:26] DSLerator: Have you ever heard of Pedro Armendáriz? Well maybe you should.
billybob- ComicCon is a comic convention taking place this weekend in San Diego. However, it's more than just comics- a lot of movies and TV shows do promos and premieres there. The writers of LOST have been there the past couple of years with a couple of cast members to give season previews etc. This year something big with the game is going to happen there and we are all speculating what. There are several people from this group who are going/have gone.
there are also documents behind the envelope to look at - something about Districts Land Use and 1981-1984. Maybe worth looking into more.
Thrasher- how cool would it be if one of us got a video or info or a phone call from the game. Gives me chills. Could you just see Rachel tracking down Belly and slipping him something. That would be cooler than Christmas.
Sorry, can't do transcipt now. Water heater burst and inside water damage! It never ends. Will catch up later.
Thanks, Pedalin! That was cool and totally unexpected.
I also tried to convince DSLerator that if he talked ABOUT me on the forum, he should talk TO me on IM. But it didn't get me anywhere.
Oh, Maven! That stinks!
Good luck.
I am thinking that the video was huge and good quality for a reason. What are we supposed to be seeing in that apartment..besides the Jeep doll? I saw the list above, but I still feel there's something missing.
Scoutpost - That would be way cooler than Christmas!!!
Maven - That stinks!!! Hope you get it fixed soon!
Has anyone gotten more from the images Rachel posted on her blog?
Looks like the HA ship has some quarantine areas too, I wonder what is up? Sounds like Umbrella Corp from Resident evil!!!
FYI, the badge with Rachel's picture on it has some "barcodes" at the bottom. It does NOT appear to be a real barcode. My scanner won't pick it up.
have to unpack. ill post/read more later.
Oh, nice catch horse! Maybe it was Sissy Frenchfry..... :)
Man, I leave my desk to go to one lousy meeting, and all heck breaks loose!
badger and everyone else...
still working on hidden letters, but I posted the top part of the Land Use pic and what I believe is the bottom as well. Since you do this, maybe you can verify that it is all one document... would the bottom of a Land Use document have all those color codes? If so, then it is all one document, so the bottom may give us more insight into where we are talking about. Anyway, the files are here:
Waiting for carpet people and plumber to finish! Still think Alvar would be so proud of his daughter/granddaugther!
Admin: Why did you use Spanish in the podcast? Did you have any previous knowledge that it would come into play. I know that Speaker would, hence his summary message yesterday was in Spanish... but I find it a funny coincidence given that you recorded the Podcast yesterday morning. Maybe it was fate...
I could be mistaken
Porque you frankamente quiero saber
"Because I frankly want to know"
badgerkyle... cool, glad someone knows how to read it lol! There are words that I cannot make out on the bottom part - if you can read them somehow, would they tell us what/where we are looking at?
Here are some random facts from the new video:
Labels on the video tapes:
SAM - Provincetown
Steve "BMOC" 96'
CHRIS - Jackson Hole 91'
Video of Gidget
Jordan's 28th B-DAY
STU - Sumo Tourney
(couldn't read the last one)
Rachels new badge:
HA - Healthway Alliance - Melanie Walker
Tomoroww.... comicon!
ok, will do badgerkyle... make sure to remind people of this later in case too. I am continuing work with the hidden letters first, will see what we can do with the other pics in a few.
sam, it does look like STOP or some such thing... maybe a telegram?
Pedalin, by any chance, did you go to MIT?
ok everyone... going home to hang out with the kids=) I will try and get on tomorrow. Good luck finding out more of anything lol. See you guys tomorrow!
pedalind dad. They used Spanish in the podcast, because spanish is similar to portuguese and they were giving a shoutout to the portuguese Lost blog :-D
Fate? Perhaps...
linklane - only if she had some major layover or she jumped around before going there first...can you see if it is non-stop?
Just read through comments.
1. Now 100% convinced RB will be at Comic Con.
2. About 80% convinced that she will indeed hand deliver "clues"/evidence to "one of us" (fingers crossed for someone from TLEC!). This would be a perfect way to usher in the new interactive real-world-dependent Act 3 of the game. Clues=Offline, Sharing Clues=Online.
3. Wondering if will come into play next week. What if "some of us" got Admin privileges at and were instructed to post clues we find/gather there. The first of which would be what is given at Comic Con and who its given to (Belly0fDesire would be a perfect candidate).
4. Used Spanish randomly on the podcast to reference the PORTUGESE TLE blog. Yes, I was childish in the way I used it. :)
5. WAY TO GO Ange, Omniscient, Sweetscrapper and engineer27!!! That was an awesome shout out on RoT.
6. Thankful for those of you that are still mindful to acknowledge and respond to newcomers on this blog. THANK YOU sooo much. You know who you are.
Also, she would not receive a boarding pass like that...first of all most places use e-ticketing these days...and if they gave boarding passes like that they do it at the airport...if it was a paper ticket it would just be to show she had booked the flight and then at the airport she would be given her boarding pass at check in...
Unless I am bass ackwards and this is her boarding pass from arrival, but they take those when you board...
Not impressed with this gives us nothing...
ok, so the helgus antonius=super secret paik-built ship=hospital ship? is that from the video?
one last note, @thrasher, et al...
Sri Lanka is +6GMT/UTC, Paris is +1GMT... so Sri Lanka is 5 hours ahead of Paris. The timezone on the stamp for arrival is probably in local time, which means she would have an 11 hour flight, which is completely feasible.
Also, some carriers do not have e-tickets, especially smaller carriers like the one she flew - did not research it but I am assuming it would be Sri Lankan Airlines or some such thing lol. All we have to go on is the picture in the top right corner. In any case, you can get boarding passes from a travel agency in Europe, or you used to be able to a couple of years ago. So it probably is entirely legit.
Oxillin - I don't think that is THE ship he was refering to, the Helgus was built in is what I heard anyway...
Talk to you all later...going home for the day...
Nice hunting today!!
Peace & Namaste!
So I have a rewatching RB's video, she finds the envelope, pulls out assorted docs, then it appears that the remote control to Darla's TV falls out? So RB pushes play, and the video of Darla appears. Am I nuts? Surely that remote wasn't in there...
Thanks admin:)
oxillini-yes it's from the video, but like Thrasher clarification on if it is THE super secret ship Mittlewerk talked about. The pic on Rachel's blog said built in 2001. It could be the ship but in MW conversation with the Korean Man he states:
MINSU: I think you'll be pleased to hear your ship is almost ready; with all the modifications. But I have to warn you - this kind of ship can't dock just anywhere.
MITTELWERK: We have a port. How long will it be?
MINSU: I'd say no sooner than three weeks.
I don't know anything about ship building but it does not seem that you can build a ship in three weekk...MODIFY one though...perhaps yes. I think the Helgus is the same ship, just built in 2001, but modified three weeksish ago.
Glad to see I'm not the only one, jess4ua. It doesn't make sense. Why wouldn't they just put the video in the envelope and have RB pop it in?
I was wondering if the Helgus was a previously built ship that was taking them to the secret new ship. I thought that idea was bunk after seeing the video, but if it was built in 2001 then maybe that's still a valid idea.
We know about a previous shipping company from the clue on June 20th. Now we have details about a different ship. Do you figure that the one is meant to shed light on the other?
Old Ship -
New World Sea Traders owned by Magnus Hanso
Hinted to have owned Black Rock, a slave ship which disappeared in 1881 (sailing east from Papua New Guinea when it should have been sailing west) and which ended up on Dharma island
Magnus then liguidated the company the following year 1882
New ship -
"hospital" ship with quarantine zones
One question is are the quarantine zones meant to keep infection in or out? (or neither)
Oooh, transporting a medical experiment. For some reason I only thought of him using in it dock. They have medical ships that travel from port to port providing assistance to areas that don't have hospitals.
As for the "let loose a virus on the world and stay on a quaratined ship" - kind of like a perverted Noah's Ark - I wondered about that too. I hope it's not though. That's too cliche spy movie for my tastes.
heres a crazy theory. i know its farfetched, but i might be on to somehing.
what if to avoid the valenzetti equation, THF is trying to create an entirely new species, similar to humans, but not human. TVE predicts the end of the human race. not the end of the world. there is still that loophole.
so they create a new superior species to live on after humanity goes extinct.
btw-wouldnt it be awesome if they option "The Valenzetti Equation" into a movie?
Maybe they're trying to vaccinate themselves against the end of the world LOL
Superior, altered human race. Good idea. I've been thinking about "Namaste" being chosen for a reason. "I salute the god within you."
takes months sometimes more than a year to build a vessel. Build date listed is date LAUNCHED. not when keel laid.
I think the ship is full of frankenstein like monsters, built from the missing organs of the nigerians who will be controlled by the electromagnetic rays to go beserk on the unsuspecting Sri Lankans.
Or maybe I'm WAY off.
Looking back over Mittlework's conversation with Paik. They referred to modifications to a ship. I assumed they meant they were building a new ship but maybe it is the Helgus, built in 2001 and modified just now.
oooh, I want to see fastenyourseatbelts version! Somebody do a fan movie!
Cross referencing again. Rachel post on June 23rd used the words "truth safe reckon copenhagen alvar sumo." The post was the one where she bumped into Mittlework and saw the first island pictures.
Didn't "sumo" come up again today? Does anything on Sri Lanka use "sumo?"
Sumo...good catch. Don't know what it means, but I appreciate the continuity.
haha, sprite ad. i forgot about that. oh well, so much for a clue.
I've got to check out. We might find more nuggets if we dig through old clues. I haven't gone over the Blast Door map thoroughly to see if it sheds any light on things brought up in the experience so far. Same thing goes for teh orientation videos. They could be what Mittlework was referring to in that recorded conversation in Italy.
Looking over old clues there are unsolved references to a few things. Someone to save. The image without a face (which looks like an old style photo not a new one to me). Possibly more significance to heavy water. The two ships we've been told about. There are more connections in all that...
fasten/twinkle-there was a SUMO video in the flat...Stu-SUMO tournament (there are a couple of lists of the videos on the shelf posted here somewhere).
Noble-on the picture on Racehl's blog with the plan for the Helgus it says, "Built 2001" doesn't it mean it was built in I being too literal?
Again, there is no reason to think that the Helgus is not the same ship discussed in the Korean conversation. They never said they were building a ship, they really only specifically said modifications...
MINSU: I think you'll be pleased to hear your ship is almost ready; with all the modifications.
Oh and the Save Me...yesterday someone posted that they found "save me" behind the text on where you link to the video...I didn't personally see it, but they said they decompiled the flash...ties in with the save me/hole pic too...
Sorry to keep hanging on this subject, but regarding the boarding pass: babs is right, according to the times and dates listed, the flight is only an hour long (50 minutes actually). Unless foreign airlines do it differently. Departure time is always local for that TZ and arrival time is always locas for that TZ. I've taken 3 hour flights that look like they are only 30 minutes long. 2nd, the whole passport dilemma: don't know how she would go to Sri Lanka w/o a passport that said Melanie Walker. Could there have been more things in the package that she did not show us? As far as having a boarding pass before getting to the airport, some airlines will allow you to check in online and will allow you to print a boarding pass at home.
Could she have boarded a "secret" THF plane disguised as a legit flight and not known it? One that would allow her passage into Sri Lanka w/no questions asked because maybe it is/was a trap. There are just some things not adding up which just makes for more frustration with the way RB is revealing stuff to us.
Also, regarding Hanso: could he possibly be infected with whatever requires the quarantine and vaccinations? There was that letter from the doctor who had done tests on him/ his blood. Maybe Hanso got some kind of disease that THF was tinkering with and is in some secret quarantine location.
I just searched this comment thread (ctrl f) looking for the word "sick" or "disease". Sick was only mentioned one time. I would love to start a dialogue about WHAT IS BEING QUARANTINED. To me this has an important relevance to the SHOW. It also ties into one of our first clues about Meningococcal disease.
Ah, scoutpost, you just mentioned disease! Thank you.
I think we should trust that Darla/Rachel could do whatever it took to get Rachel from Paris to Sri Lanka. If discussions of passports / flight times could get us somewhere...where would they take us? Are you wondering if Rachel's been set up? If so, for what? Wouldn't there be simpler ways for the bad guys to take care of her? Somebody help us out with an idea of what we're trying to get at...
Never been thanked before for mentioning "disease". But your welcome. hehe
Hmmmm....meningoccal disease, missing organs, vaccinations, blood transfers, extending life. Symptoms of meningoccal disease from admin's link:
Rash, pinpoint red spots (petechiae)
High fever
Severe headache
Severe malaise
Nausea and vomiting
Stiff neck
Sensitivity to light (photophobia)
Mental status changes
Mental status?
I don't think TWM has it though, since the symptoms don't include a bad limp, hyperhair growth or emitting the scent of pine.
costa, good observation. It does alwas feel like a red herring but maybe that's what they want us to think. It just feels like a common thread that has been largely ignored...especially by my theorizing about Valenzetti/Armageddon/Utopic-Society-Building etc.
Could the disease be the result of Life Extension Experiments gone bad. It works on Orangutans but not on humans and we just can't seem to get it right?
What else could the disease be...or result from?
Does anyone remember where possible causes of Mittlewerk's pine odor was listed. Someone gave a pretty believable medical explaination for a person smelling like pine.
The word "quarantined" seem to be very important here. We've seen it on the show, it was used psychologically to keep Desmond in the hatch and Kelvin using hazmat suits. We've heard talk of a vaccine that must be injected every 9 days. Now it's on the Helgus Antonious.
There's been a lot of sickness, too. Of course, Locke, Rose, Aaron. Cancer in Peter Thompson. A genetic blood disease with TWM's mother. Alvar's strange blood results and heart problem. TWM getting a transfusion, injections of "proprietary formulas".
I'm not sure where this is quite going. If the HA is a hospital ship with quarantine possibilities, what could that mean? Could it just be a cover to keep inquiring eyes away? Hiding something else?
Re the discussion of how Rachel can travel under a false name w/o a passport: Unless there was something else in the package, it is strange in this day and age that she can travel w/o one. (Maybe just an oversight, again by TPTB?)
(Had a pluming emergency today - water heater burst - so just trying to catch up now)
Maybe it's NOT a disease...maybe the quarintine is for people that have NOT been exposed to disease...I.E. they have been in a lab/sterile environment all their lives. That would take us down the Hanso babies route, but...the hatches say Quarintine too...maybe taking these unexposed folks to a secluded location to avoid exposure to common illness. Didn't smallpox kill populations when it was introduced accidentally to people unexposed...along that same idea.
plumbin-plumbing LOL
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Darla: You know, I never met the big man, Hanso, but something tells me he'd be pr-
What if she said "protecting you"?
Ange: didn't get a chance to add my congrats to your shoutout!
Check this out...INFO ABOUT PINES
Healing Association
In a horticultural context, resilience is a measurement of a plant's ability to tolerate conditions of adversity and return to a healthful state. Demonstrating resilience through challenging climatic circumstances, Pines remind us of our own ability to "weather climatic shifts" and to continue to work to secure the well-being of future generations, through difficult times. The Trees of Resilience are highly valued medicinals by the Native Americans, Chinese and European cultures, bringing qualities of clarity and peace.
thanks maven:)
shellma: Hi! I still think he was saying "proud" (of his daughter/granddaughter)...
personally...I agree with people who think "proud" but my first instinct thought she was going towards "pretty..."
Listen again. It sounds like "pr" and then an "i" or an "e" sound right before it gets cut off. Maybe "pretty grateful for what you've done." I don't know.
Ok. I couldn't stay away.
Don't forget "cure is worse than the disease"
From the link you posted Admin:
Pine Essential Oil
Essential oil of pine is classified as a "middle note"; that is, its energetic effect is neither stimulating nor sedating, but rather it works to regulate and modify out of balance conditions. (Yuen) Applications include use on acupressure points and drops in hot water to create medicinal vapors. Pine oil is effective in treating diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, and for rheumatic and neuralgic ailments.
Maybe he is using a pine oil tincture to heal an ailment...but what (blood related)?
Wow that's interesting about pines...there might be something to that.
Pine Trees...The Fourth Dimension: Time, growth, decay, renewal
* A member of the Pinus longaeva species of the western United States, is recorded as having lived 4844 years (Wheeler Park, Nevada; Rocky Mountain Tree Research, Inc.).
* Members of the Eastern Atlantic pines species have been known to live up to 1,000 years.
Maybe Mittlewerk smelled like Pine b/c the LEP has someone figured out how to tap into the secret of the Pine! Now I'm just sounding ridiculous!
**Possible spoilers season 2**
Thinking about semi-plausible explanations for Rose and Locke's healings and possibly others, it seems likely that there's some nanomedical technology going on. Using nanobots to repair tissues and DNA maybe? But once they're in you, they're in you for good?
omg! sooooooooooo much has happened! Its it pretty much confirmed that Rachel is somehow related to Hanso? Everyone was right! yippeee
Maybe you need a vaccine to keep the nanobots out? It doesn't make sense that you need contiuous vaccinations from a bacterial disease, but from nanoobot infestation...? How often does it take your blood to renew?
So we've got multiple references to disease and medicine gone awry...menigoccal outbreak (which is an inflammation of the membranes around the brain, so maybe the experiment was brain related and the outbreak was an unfortunate outcome), organ harvesting (but in a systematic and almost factory like way in establishing an inventory), blood ailments (Hanso, TWM's mom, TWM's treatment), curing of cancer (Peter's). Now a modified ship with multiple quarantine zones is headed for a populated island. Which implies that they may have reached a comfort level with their "vaccine?" that they will move it out of the lab and into a population, albeit one surrounded by water, thereby limiting the ultimate effects.
Perhaps they'll release the disease, then have the Helgus steam in to port to "treat" the victims. I'm thinking the treatment has something to do with life extension, maybe? Anyhoo, TWM et al are the heros for stopping a deadly plague and people are lining up for the injection.
oh no, dont get me started on the the pine smell thing, I got lots of funny things to say about that!
Well what if those quartentined zones are already filled...
to build on twinklestarmom's thought...if everyone was sick and THF offered a cure, what if the nanobots were hidden in the cure and you got injected with both? sort of like when my mom would dissolve baby aspirin in orange juice so I would take it.
christine#2, bring on the funny pine smell jokes. i'm still chuckling over guinea pigs as breakfast food.
christine#2, I'm still not convinced about Rachel/Hanso relation. I'm still holding onto my Degroots theory! :)
I think the Degroots were close to Alvar Hanso (since he hand picked them to head up the Dharma Initiative). Maybe he was "like father to them" or like a mentor. To Rachel, he's like "Kind Old Uncle Alvar"...maybe acted as a father figure for Rachel after her father died in the incident.
That's my theory.
Still holdin' on!
we need to find out what this "spider Protocol" is and what "terrible" thing Mittlewerk plans to do. So is it believed now that Spider is not something to do with elctromagnetism?
fasten, twinkle...
I like your thoughts. Help me tie it into Valenzetti.
Or what if the nanobots were the disease and the vaccine merely a different set of instructions?
and, where did this thing about nanobots come from, sounds star trekkie to me?
"Imagine a world where microscopic medical implants patrol our arteries, diagnosing ailments and fighting disease; where military battle-suits deflect explosions; where computer chips are no bigger than specks of dust; and where clouds of miniature space probes transmit data from the atmospheres of Mars or Titan. " Or Dharma island?
This is stuff is borderline real.
Some highlights from an herbal article on Pine:
But eat Pine they did. Old records reveal numerous English settlements where virtually all of the colonists died of scurvy (lack of vitamin C) during their first winters in the "New World." Compassionate Native Americans suggested a daily tea of Pine needles, one of Nature's richest sources of vitamin C, and saved the colonists' lives.
The Native people of North American valued no single healing/nourishing plant more highly than Pine. They used not only the sap, but also the boiled mashed inner bark, to heal the inevitable injuries of an outdoor life.
Icelanders of the fifteenth century took the sap mixed with honey to ease lung troubles.
Oriental herbalists use knots from their pines as medicine, especially praising the decoction (with Tang Gui) as a remedy for arthritis.
Admin, are we assuming that the degroots are Husband and wife? or could they be brother and sister?
If SPIDER isn't an acronym, then it may be a reference to some aspect of arachnids. It could refer to self defense mechanisms of spiders where they willingly sacrifice a limb to preserve the whole life. It could refer to survival strategies of burrowing. It could mean many things...
Fasten, Im still into the theory that Mittlewerk is a tree hugger, or loves Christmas lol
Also DJ Dan's broadcast on Juen 13th had a caller mention nanotechnology. DJ Dan made fun of him, possibly pretended not to know what he was talking about, and shut him down.
Well, what if its as simple as meaning the nanobots look like spiders?
Maybe that's why Santa's lived so long?
im going to watch the video again, and see if spider is spelled out at Spider or S.P.I.D.E.R.
yes, that is my assumption. Maybe it is too bold?
SPIDER is not S.P.I.D.E.R. on the video
ok it is speeled SPIDER protocal trial J. so are we to conclude it isnt an anagram?
well what if the Degroots are twins?
It's not S.P.I.D.E.R. in the memo either.
Sorry, Admin, it still seems to me the best storyline would be to tie in Rachel with Alvar himself. I T Guy said she had a "vested" interest in this (could she be the heir to THF?) Maybe all her coverup about her past, and pooh-poohing of the "HE wants me to help you" thing is because she might be afraid of confronting the reality that AH is related to her. It still is open for speculation as to who her mother was, though. Could be someone who worked at Widmore, could be Liddy Wales (haven't heard about her yet, assuming Liddy is a she), could be someone on the island (who mentions their daughter, Rachel, next season).
bah the waiting for tomorrow is killing me... I'm currently about half way done with this puzzle... its soo hard... I'll post an update tonight about how much is done
So then if we forget the anagram thing, then that leaves us with why would they call something Spider Protocol? What does it have in common with Spiders?
I don't think we can conclude that it isn't an anagram DEFINITIVELY. I think it's till up in the air.
I have spousal permission to go to Comic Con but it just costs too much to pay for a flight. I had a friend who lives in Cali and has some sort of connections offer me VIP passes for the LOST part and I tried to have them given to belly0fdesire. We'll see if they connect.
Ok, admin, you asked for it.
Say they figured out the Valenzetti Equation. Now they know specific world events that will have to happen to bring on the end of the world. We don't know what those events or actions are, but say for the sake of argument, civil unrest in a certain fragile area of the world sparks a war which draws in other countries (making this up, no reference to current events). Or shifting climates cause famine, which causes mass migrations, overwhelming nearby governments, diverting resources that should have been spent on other things. Something like that.
Still reading? Ok. So how do you control the precursors or outcomes? By manipulating populations to act in a certain way. For example You can fire up a propaganda machine and have people believe polio vaccines are really the aids virus. But that's iffy.
However, if you could control a population (and this is the crazy part) then you change the outcomes.
But what if by changing some of the Valenzetti variables, you can predict other outcomes. If you are a megalomaniacal person who believes that only you knows what that better tomorrow looks like, and by running the Valenzetti Equation and manipulating the variables to achieve your outcome, then you know where and when to act.
Somehow the disease/cure/nanobot/electromagnetic force will allow TWM to change the outcome of Valenzetti events.
Still can't figure out how to fit the pine smell into this scenario.
Thoughts? Perhaps I have meningoccal disease and my mental status is altered.
DHARMA was never D.H.A.R.M.A. and it turned out to be a acronym
I'm sorry, but where did we first learn about nanobots? was it in a clue, or something that a fan brought up in the comments?
Hey all, This is regarding ComiCon live action footage.I e-mailed this to and thought I'd post it here as well. I've been out so I'm about 150 comments behind, so here it goes
I am willing to record this event, but am not so technology saavy to put this out. I think there is only a handfull of us recording, and the more angles the better in-case one of us have bad seats. (you never know who will come through or not and how fast since some are staying the night till sunday, I'm not.)
I do not have a digital camcorder. I one that records on a small cassette. I do have a DVD recorder that (never done this before) I can put on a DVD disk. My computer has a DVD player and I think if I put the disk in, I can save it as a file on my compter and then e-mail it off to someone so we can all view it faster. I have never used Youtube before and not sure how to up-load it on there, but I think I can just e-mail the file to someone so they can do it(maybe I'll have front row seats!!!). I thank all of you out their for making it easy for me to play this game, but I really want to help.
If you think this will work or have any suggestions or if this is even worth the trouble, Please let me know since we are on a tight schedule. Sorry to come out like this last minute. The event is from 10:30-12:00 Saturday. I will be ready to put this out hopefully 6:00-8:00 PM pacific time that night since I am going home after the event (live 2.5 hours away)
Thanks so much, RyaNDrumZ
yes, maven sorry, not anagram, but acronym, thanks for the correction.
"change the outcome of Valenzetti events" towards what end? Glory, power, money?
I like what you're thinking. Now tie in Dharma. And Rachel.
i am almost ready to drive down to san diego right now. Let me ask my husband,..........husband " are you serious? you are too obsessed with that lost thing." lol
email any footage you can to AND
Somebody at one of those email addresses will figure out a way to post it. Better yet, organize a phone number exchange with someone you trust in the comments and call them when you're on the road and have them type up a complete summary. We can post that sooner.
If you have a camera PHONE. Take pics and email them to That'll be as close to the action as we can get while it's actually going on. Expect big things!
Christine#2: Sounds exactly what my husband said to me! LOL
me: Hunny can we plant a pine tree in the yard?
Husband : what the hell are you talking about, where?
c'mon admin, do i have to do everything? ;>)
Let me ponder a moment.
as to what end...the implementation of his vision of a "better tomorrow", perhaps one that he leads. i don't think he's in it for the money.
ryandrumz, tapdawg...have you met each other yet? Have you met Belly0fDesire or anyone else?
Another thought, I hope nobody does anything yelling out at or chasing Rachel or something. If you hear of anybody planning on doing something stupid, you guys should encourage them to re-think.
How big is the room you'll be in? Have you seen it yet? Staging? Etc.
ryandrumz: I'm very close to you (in Northridge). If you want to call me on your way home I can take down the info and post something! I'm in the 818 area code like you! Let me know.
Lostpedia says:
In DJ Dan's podcast on June 13, he fields a call of a scientist describing nanotechnology, miniature machines that can carry out tasks. The caller suggests that with a electromagnetic field, they can work together to form a storm cloud that can actually think - this clearly seems to describe the monster, although the producers have previously denied this theory.
here is a website about uses for nanobots, icluding but not limited to hair removal. Locke you have nothing to fear!
Yes, live (if they let me, not sure of the rules)
My emial address on my Blog info is wrong, that's my work address. I can't access that till monday and don't know how to change.
Can you e-mail me this program to
I will definetly e-mail admin and lhorse007 and whoever once I have it
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